
Solution architecture diagrams

Visualized architecture is a useful aid in collaboration and documentation.

C4 Model

The C4 model is a lean graphical notation technique for modelling the architecture of software systems. (Wikipedia)

Context, Container, Component & Code

Read more about C4 at c4model.com


Relevance in citizen and fusion development

Context diagram

Valuable for

Container diagram

Valuable for

Component diagram

Valuable for

Code diagram

Code diagrams are usually redundant and not recommended to include in documentation, but can still be useful as a tool in workshops.

Valuable for:


The repository includes some examples, the Plant UML extension is included in the repository codespace/devcontainer for generating image files from the .puml files

Plant UML is based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a modeling language that provides standards for software system design.

PlantUML example

@startuml Canvas App And Power BI Dashboard - Context
title Power Platform Canvas App and Power BI report connected to internal API

!define FONTAWESOME https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tupadr3/plantuml-icon-font-sprites/master/font-awesome-5

!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Container.puml
!include FONTAWESOME/users.puml

Person(User, "Users", "Users in need of functionality", $sprite="users")
System(PowerBIService, "Power BI", "Power BI dashboard")
Container(DataverseSolution, "Solution", "Power Platform", "Canvas or model driven apps, automations, chatbots")
System(InternalService, "Internal Service", "Internally hosted APIs")
System_Ext(ExternalService, "External Service", "Externally hosted APIs")
System_Boundary(OnPremService, "On-premises service"){
    Container_Ext(SAP, "SAP", "Software system", "On-prem business data and management system")

Rel(User, DataverseSolution, "Uses", "Equinor | AAD")
Rel(User, PowerBIService, "Uses", "Equinor | AAD")
Rel(DataverseSolution, InternalService, "Requests", "user_impersonation scope")
Rel(DataverseSolution, ExternalService, "Requests")
Rel(PowerBIService, InternalService, "Reads")
Rel(User, SAP, "Uses on-premises", "RBAC")
Rel(InternalService, SAP, "Reads and writes data and user roles", "RBAC")

Lay_Distance(LEGEND(), DataverseSolution, 0)

The above code will generate the following diagram: contextexample | There are a lot of more graphical alternatives to create diagrams such as Miro, FigJam and many more, but the C4 model principles and concepts is the important part.