Visualized architecture is a useful aid in collaboration and documentation.
The C4 model is a lean graphical notation technique for modelling the architecture of software systems. (Wikipedia)
Context, Container, Component & Code
Read more about C4 at
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Valuable for
Code diagrams are usually redundant and not recommended to include in documentation, but can still be useful as a tool in workshops.
Valuable for:
The repository includes some examples, the Plant UML extension is included in the repository codespace/devcontainer for generating image files from the .puml
Plant UML is based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a modeling language that provides standards for software system design.
@startuml Canvas App And Power BI Dashboard - Context
title Power Platform Canvas App and Power BI report connected to internal API
!include FONTAWESOME/users.puml
Person(User, "Users", "Users in need of functionality", $sprite="users")
System(PowerBIService, "Power BI", "Power BI dashboard")
Container(DataverseSolution, "Solution", "Power Platform", "Canvas or model driven apps, automations, chatbots")
System(InternalService, "Internal Service", "Internally hosted APIs")
System_Ext(ExternalService, "External Service", "Externally hosted APIs")
System_Boundary(OnPremService, "On-premises service"){
Container_Ext(SAP, "SAP", "Software system", "On-prem business data and management system")
Rel(User, DataverseSolution, "Uses", "Equinor | AAD")
Rel(User, PowerBIService, "Uses", "Equinor | AAD")
Rel(DataverseSolution, InternalService, "Requests", "user_impersonation scope")
Rel(DataverseSolution, ExternalService, "Requests")
Rel(PowerBIService, InternalService, "Reads")
Rel(User, SAP, "Uses on-premises", "RBAC")
Rel(InternalService, SAP, "Reads and writes data and user roles", "RBAC")
Lay_Distance(LEGEND(), DataverseSolution, 0)
The above code will generate the following diagram: | There are a lot of more graphical alternatives to create diagrams such as Miro, FigJam and many more, but the C4 model principles and concepts is the important part.