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Success Stories πŸ†

We would like to document all the cool things we do and the problems we solve in this journey. It is also a way to give back and contribute to the community. So don't shy at submitting a pull request!

Here is a template to get you started :

  • The Champion(s):
    The champion(s) corresponds to the protagonist(s) of the project. If you don't want your name published here, it's fine to only mention your team.

  • The Initial Situation:
    The initial situation is usually unsatisfying for the champion(s).

  • Pain points:
    The pain points of the initial situation are the reasons why the champion(s) has started his/her quest.

  • The Quest:
    The quest corresponds to the activities undertaken to improve or remediate the initial situation. During the quest, the champion(s) will come across a number of challenges or adventures that he/she will need to overcome.

  • Happy End:
    At the end, the champion(s) has managed to create a new stable environment that is better than the initial situation.


Try to add technical and quantifiable information to the story to better showcase the value.


Please keep in mind that the site is accessible publicly to everyone across the internet, therefore avoid sharing information that is sensitive or should not be available to the public.