"""Module for book-keeping and aggregation of ensembles"""
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .ensemble import ScratchEnsemble, VirtualEnsemble
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class EnsembleSet(object):
"""An ensemble set is any collection of ensemble objects
Ensemble objects are ScratchEnsembles or VirtualEnsembles.
There is support for initializing from a filstructure with both
iterations and batches, but the concept of iterations and batches
are not kept in an EnsembleSet, there each ensemble is uniquely
identified by the ensemble name. To keep the iteration (and batch)
concept, that must be embedded into the ensemble name.
The init method will make an ensemble set, either as empty, or from a
list of already initialized ensembles, or directly from the
filesystem, or from an ERT runpath file. Only one of these
initialization modes can be used.
name: Chosen name for the ensemble set. Can be used if aggregated at a
higher level.
ensembles: list of Ensemble objects. Can be omitted.
frompath: string or list of strings with filesystem path.
Will be globbed by default. If no realizations or iterations
are detected after globbing, the standard glob
'realization-*/iter-*/ will be used.
runpathfile: string with path to an ert runpath file which will
be used to lookup realizations and iterations.
realidxregexp: regular expression object that will be used to
determine the realization index (must be integer) from a path
component (split by /). The default fits realization-*
iterregexp: similar to realidxregexp, and result will always be
treated as a string.
batchregexp: similar ot iterregexp, for future support of an extra
level similar to iterations
autodiscovery: boolean, sent to initializing Realization objects,
instructing them on whether certain files should be
batch (dict): List of functions (load_*) that
should be run at time of initialization for each realization.
Each element is a length 1 dictionary with the function name to run as
the key and each keys value should be the function arguments as a dict.
def __init__(
self._name = name
self._ensembles = {} # Dictionary indexed by each ensemble's name.
if (ensembles and frompath) or (ensembles and runpathfile):
"EnsembleSet only supports one initialization mode,"
"from list of ensembles\n, list of paths or "
"an ert runpath file"
raise ValueError
# Check consistency in arguments.
if not name:
logger.warning("EnsembleSet name defaulted to 'ensembleset'")
name = "ensembleset"
self._name = name
if name and not isinstance(name, str):
logger.error("Name of EnsembleSet must be a string")
if frompath and not isinstance(frompath, str):
logger.error("frompath arg given to EnsembleSet must be a string")
if ensembles and not isinstance(ensembles, list):
logger.error("Ensembles supplied to EnsembleSet must be a list")
if ensembles and isinstance(ensembles, list):
if batch:
"Batch commands not procesed when loading finished ensembles"
for ensemble in ensembles:
if isinstance(ensemble, (ScratchEnsemble, VirtualEnsemble)):
self._ensembles[ensemble.name] = ensemble
logger.warning("Supplied object was not an ensemble")
if not self._ensembles:
logger.warning("No ensembles added to EnsembleSet")
if frompath:
if not self._ensembles:
logger.warning("No ensembles added to EnsembleSet")
if runpathfile:
if not os.path.exists(runpathfile):
logger.error("Could not open runpath file %s", runpathfile)
raise IOError
self.add_ensembles_fromrunpath(runpathfile, batch=batch)
if not self._ensembles:
logger.warning("No ensembles added to EnsembleSet")
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the ensembleset,
as initialized"""
return self._name
def __len__(self):
return len(self._ensembles)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._ensembles[name]
def __repr__(self):
return "<EnsembleSet {}, {} ensembles:\n{}>".format(
self.name, len(self), self._ensembles
def ensemblenames(self):
Return a list of named ensembles in this set
return list(self._ensembles.keys())
[docs] def keys(self):
Return the union of all keys available in the ensembles.
Keys refer to the realization datastore, a dictionary
of dataframes or dicts.
allkeys = set()
for ensemble in self._ensembles.values():
allkeys = allkeys.union(ensemble.keys())
return allkeys
[docs] def add_ensembles_frompath(
"""Convenience function for adding multiple ensembles.
paths: str or list of strings with path to the
directory containing the realization-*/iter-*
realidxregexp: Supply a regexp that can extract the realization
index as an *integer* from path components.
The expression will be tested on individual path
components from right to left.
iterregexp: Similar to real_regexp, but is allowed to
match strings.
batchregexp: Similar to real_regexp, but is allowed to
match strings.
autodiscovery: boolean, sent to initializing Realization objects,
instructing them on whether certain files should be
batch (dict): List of functions (load_*) that
should be run at time of initialization for each realization.
Each element is a length 1 dictionary with the function name to run as
the key and each keys value should be the function arguments as a dict.
# Try to catch the most common use case and make that easy:
if isinstance(paths, str):
if (
"realization" not in paths
and not realidxregexp
and not iterregexp
and not batchregexp
"Adding realization-*/iter-* path pattern to case directory"
paths = paths + "/realization-*/iter-*"
paths = [paths]
if not realidxregexp:
realidxregexp = re.compile(r"realization-(\d+)")
if isinstance(realidxregexp, str):
realidxregexp = re.compile(realidxregexp)
if not iterregexp:
# Alternative regexp that extracts iteration
# as an integer
# iterregexp = re.compile(r'iter-(\d+)')
# Default regexp that will add 'iter-' to the
# ensemble name
iterregexp = re.compile(r"(iter-\d+)")
if isinstance(iterregexp, str):
iterregexp = re.compile(iterregexp)
if not batchregexp:
batchregexp = re.compile(r"batch-(\d+)")
if isinstance(batchregexp, str):
batchregexp = re.compile(batchregexp)
# Check that the regexpes actually can return something
if realidxregexp.groups != 1:
logger.critical("Invalid regular expression for realization")
if iterregexp.groups != 1:
logger.critical("Invalid regular expression for iter")
if batchregexp.groups != 1:
logger.critical("Invalid regular expression for batch")
globbedpaths = [glob.glob(path) for path in paths]
globbedpaths = list({item for sublist in globbedpaths for item in sublist})
# Build a temporary dataframe of globbed paths, and columns with
# the realization index and the iter we found
# (extented to a third level called 'batch')
paths_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["path", "real", "iter", "batch"])
for path in globbedpaths:
real = None
iterr = None # 'iter' is a builtin..
batchname = None
for path_comp in reversed(path.split(os.path.sep)):
realmatch = re.match(realidxregexp, path_comp)
if realmatch:
real = int(realmatch.group(1))
for path_comp in reversed(path.split(os.path.sep)):
itermatch = re.match(iterregexp, path_comp)
if itermatch:
iterr = str(itermatch.group(1))
for path_comp in reversed(path.split(os.path.sep)):
batchmatch = re.match(batchregexp, path_comp)
if batchmatch:
batchname = str(itermatch.group(1))
df_row = {"path": path, "real": real, "iter": iterr, "batch": batchname}
paths_df = pd.concat([paths_df, pd.DataFrame([df_row])], ignore_index=True)
paths_df.fillna(value="Unknown", inplace=True)
# Initialize ensemble objects for each iter found:
iters = sorted(paths_df["iter"].unique())
logger.info("Identified %s iterations, %s", len(iters), iters)
for iterr in iters:
# The realization indices *must* be unique for these
# chosen paths, otherwise we are most likely in
# trouble
iterslice = paths_df[paths_df["iter"] == iterr]
if len(iterslice["real"].unique()) != len(iterslice):
logger.error("Repeated realization indices for iter %s", iterr)
logger.error("Some realizations will be ignored")
pathsforiter = sorted(paths_df[paths_df["iter"] == iterr]["path"].values)
# iterr might contain the 'iter-' prefix,
# depending on chosen regexpx
ens = ScratchEnsemble(
self._ensembles[ens.name] = ens
[docs] def add_ensembles_fromrunpath(self, runpathfile, batch=None):
"""Add one or many ensembles from an ERT runpath file.
autodiscovery is not an argument, it is by default set to False
for runpath-files, since the location of the UNSMRY-file is given in
the runpath file.
runpath_df = pd.read_csv(
names=["index", "runpath", "eclbase", "iter"],
# If index and iter columns are all integers (typically zero padded),
# Pandas has converted them to int64. If not, they will be
# strings (objects)
for iterr in runpath_df["iter"].unique():
# Make a runpath slice, and initialize from that:
ens_runpath = runpath_df[runpath_df["iter"] == iterr]
ens = ScratchEnsemble(
"iter-" + str(iterr),
self._ensembles[ens.name] = ens
[docs] def add_ensemble(self, ensembleobject):
"""Add a single ensemble to the ensemble set
Name is taken from the ensembleobject.
if ensembleobject.name in self._ensembles:
raise ValueError(
"The name {} already exists in the EnsembleSet".format(
self._ensembles[ensembleobject.name] = ensembleobject
def parameters(self):
"""Build a dataframe of the information in each
realizations parameters.txt.
If no realizations have the file, an empty dataframe is returned.
return self.get_df("parameters.txt")
except KeyError:
return pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def load_scalar(self, localpath, convert_numeric=False, force_reread=False):
"""Parse a single value from a file
The value can be a string or a number. Empty files
are treated as existing, with an empty string as
the value, different from non-existing files.
Parsing is performed individually in each ensemble
and realization"""
for ensname, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
ensemble.load_scalar(localpath, convert_numeric, force_reread)
except ValueError:
# This will occur if an ensemble is missing the file.
# At ensemble level that is an Error, but at EnsembleSet level
# it is only a warning.
"Ensemble %s did not contain the data %s", ensname, localpath
[docs] def load_txt(self, localpath, convert_numeric=True, force_reread=False):
"""Parse and internalize a txt-file from disk
Parses text files on the form
<key> <value>
in each line."""
return self.load_file(localpath, "txt", convert_numeric, force_reread)
[docs] def load_csv(self, localpath, convert_numeric=True, force_reread=False):
"""Parse and internalize a CSV file from disk"""
return self.load_file(localpath, "csv", convert_numeric, force_reread)
[docs] def load_file(self, localpath, fformat, convert_numeric=True, force_reread=False):
"""Internal function for load_*()"""
for ensname, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
ensemble.load_file(localpath, fformat, convert_numeric, force_reread)
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# This will occur if an ensemble is missing the file.
# At ensemble level that is an Error, but at EnsembleSet level
# it is only a warning.
"Ensemble %s did not contain the data %s", ensname, localpath
return self.get_df(localpath)
[docs] def get_df(self, localpath, merge=None):
"""Collect contents of dataframes from each ensemble
localpath (str): path to the text file, relative to each realization
merge (list or str): refer to additional localpath(s) which will
be merged into the dataframe for every ensemble/realization.
Merging happens before aggregation.
ensdflist = []
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
ensdf = ensemble.get_df(localpath, merge=merge)
ensdf.insert(0, "ENSEMBLE", ensemble.name)
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# Happens if an ensemble is missing some data
# Warning has already been issued at initialization
if ensdflist:
return pd.concat(ensdflist, sort=False)
raise KeyError("No data found for {} or merge failed".format(localpath))
[docs] def drop(self, localpath, **kwargs):
"""Delete elements from internalized data.
Shortcuts are allowed for localpath. If the data pointed to is
a DataFrame, you can delete columns, or rows containing certain
If the data pointed to is a dictionary, keys can be deleted.
localpath: string, path to internalized data. If no other options
are supplied, that dataset is deleted in its entirety
column: string with a column name to drop. Only for dataframes
columns: list of strings with column names to delete
rowcontains: rows where one column contains this string will be
dropped. The comparison is on strings only, and all cells in
the dataframe is converted to strings for the comparison.
Thus it might work on dates, but be careful with numbers.
key: string with a keyname in a dictionary. Will not work for
keys: list of strings of keys to delete from a dictionary
if self.shortcut2path(localpath) not in self.keys():
raise ValueError("%s not found" % localpath)
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
try: # noqa: SIM105
ensemble.drop(localpath, **kwargs)
except ValueError:
pass # Allow localpath to be missing in some ensembles.
[docs] def remove_data(self, localpaths):
"""Remove certain datatypes from each ensembles/realizations
datastores. This modifies the underlying realization
objects, and is equivalent to
>>> del realization[localpath]
on each realization in each ensemble.
localpaths (string): Full localpath to
the data, or list of strings.
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
[docs] def process_batch(self, batch=None):
"""Process a list of functions to run/apply
This is equivalent to calling each function individually
but this enables more efficient concurrency. It is meant
to be used for functions that modifies the realization
object, not for functions that returns a dataframe already.
batch (list): Each list element is a dictionary with one key,
being a function names, value pr key is a dict with keyword
arguments to be supplied to each function.
for ensemble in self._ensembles.values():
if isinstance(ensemble, ScratchEnsemble):
[docs] def apply(self, callback, **kwargs):
"""Callback functionalty, apply a function to every realization
The supplied function handle will be handed over to each
underlying ScratchEnsemble object, which in turn will hand it
over to its realization objects. The function supplied must
return a Pandas DataFrame. The function can obtain the
realization object in the kwargs dictionary through the key
Any VirtualEnsembles are ignored. Operations on dataframes in
VirtualEnsembles can be done using the apply() functionality
in pd.DataFrame
callback: function handle
kwargs: dictionary where 'realization' and
'localpath' is reserved, will be forwarded
to the callbacked function
localpath: str, optional if the data is to be internalized
in each realization object.
pd.DataFrame, aggregated result of the supplied function
on each realization.
results = []
for ens_name, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
if isinstance(ensemble, ScratchEnsemble):
result = ensemble.apply(callback, **kwargs)
result["ENSEMBLE"] = ens_name
return pd.concat(results, sort=False, ignore_index=True)
[docs] def shortcut2path(self, shortpath):
Convert short pathnames to fully qualified pathnames
within the datastore.
If the fully qualified localpath is
then you can also access this with these alternatives:
* simulator_volume_fipnum
* simulator_volume_fipnum.csv
* share/results/volumes/simulator_volume_fipnum
but only as long as there is no ambiguity. In case
of ambiguity, the shortpath will be returned.
CODE DUPLICATION from realization.py
basenames = [os.path.basename(key) for key in self.keys()]
if basenames.count(shortpath) == 1:
short2path = {os.path.basename(x): x for x in self.keys()}
return short2path[shortpath]
noexts = ["".join(x.split(".")[:-1]) for x in self.keys()]
if noexts.count(shortpath) == 1:
short2path = {"".join(x.split(".")[:-1]): x for x in self.keys()}
return short2path[shortpath]
basenamenoexts = [
"".join(os.path.basename(x).split(".")[:-1]) for x in self.keys()
if basenamenoexts.count(shortpath) == 1:
short2path = {
"".join(os.path.basename(x).split(".")[:-1]): x for x in self.keys()
return short2path[shortpath]
# If we get here, we did not find anything that
# this shorthand could point to. Return as is, and let the
# calling function handle further errors.
return shortpath
[docs] def get_csv_deprecated(self, filename):
"""Load CSV data from each realization in each
ensemble, and aggregate.
filename: string, filename local to realization
dataframe: Merged CSV from each realization.
Realizations with missing data are ignored.
Empty dataframe if no data is found
dflist = []
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
dframe = ensemble.get_csv(filename)
dframe["ENSEMBLE"] = ensemble.name
return pd.concat(dflist, sort=False)
[docs] def load_smry(
Fetch summary data from all ensembles
Wraps around Ensemble.load_smry() which wraps
Realization.load_smry(), which wraps resdata.summary.Summary.pandas_frame()
The time index is determined at realization level. If you
ask for 'monthly', you will from each realization get its
months. At ensemble or ensembleset-level, the number of
monthly report dates between realization can vary
The pr. realization results will be cached by each
realization object, and can be retrieved through get_df().
time_index: list of DateTime if interpolation is wanted
default is raw, which returns the raw Eclipse report times
If a string is supplied, that string is attempted used
via get_smry_dates() in order to obtain a time index.
column_keys: list of column key wildcards
cache_eclsum: Boolean for whether we should cache the Summary
objects. Set to False if you cannot keep all Summary files in
memory simultaneously
start_date: str or date with first date to include.
Dates prior to this date will be dropped, supplied
start_date will always be included. Overridden if time_index
is 'first' or 'last'.
end_date: str or date with last date to be included.
Dates past this date will be dropped, supplied
end_date will always be included. Overridden if time_index
is 'first' or 'last'.
A DataFame of summary vectors for the ensembleset.
The column 'ENSEMBLE' will denote each ensemble's name
if cache_eclsum is not None:
"cache_eclsum option to load_smry() is deprecated and "
"will be removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0"
# Future: Multithread this:
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
if isinstance(time_index, (list, np.ndarray)):
time_index = "custom"
elif time_index is None:
time_index = "raw"
return self.get_df("share/results/tables/unsmry--" + time_index + ".csv")
[docs] def get_smry(
"""Aggregates summary data from all ensembles
Wraps around Ensemble.get_smry(), which wraps around
Realization.get_smry() which wraps around
time_index: list of DateTime if interpolation is wanted
default is None, which returns the raw Eclipse report times
If a string is supplied, that string is attempted used
via get_smry_dates() in order to obtain a time index.
column_keys: list of column key wildcards
cache_eclsum: boolean for whether to cache the Summary
objects. Defaults to False. Set to True if
there is enough memory to keep all realizations summary
files in memory at once. This will speed up subsequent
start_date: str or date with first date to include.
Dates prior to this date will be dropped, supplied
start_date will always be included. Overridden if time_index
is 'first' or 'last'.
end_date: str or date with last date to be included.
Dates past this date will be dropped, supplied
end_date will always be included. Overridden if time_index
is 'first' or 'last'.
A DataFame of summary vectors for the EnsembleSet. The column
ENSEMBLE will distinguish the different ensembles by their
respective names.
if cache_eclsum is not None:
"cache_eclsum option to get_smry() is deprecated and "
"will be removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0"
smrylist = []
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
smry = ensemble.get_smry(
time_index, column_keys, cache_eclsum, start_date, end_date
smry.insert(0, "ENSEMBLE", ensemble.name)
if smrylist:
return pd.concat(smrylist, sort=False)
return pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def get_smry_dates(
self, freq="monthly", cache_eclsum=None, start_date=None, end_date=None
"""Return list of datetimes from an ensembleset
Datetimes from each realization in each ensemble can
be returned raw, or be resampled.
freq: string denoting requested frequency for
the returned list of datetime. 'report' will
yield the sorted union of all valid timesteps for
all realizations. Other valid options are
'daily', 'monthly' and 'yearly'.
cache_eclsum: Boolean for whether we should cache the Summary
objects. Set to False if you cannot keep all Summary files in
memory simultaneously
start_date: str or date with first date to include.
Dates prior to this date will be dropped, supplied
start_date will always be included. Overridden if time_index
is 'first' or 'last'.
end_date: str or date with last date to be included.
Dates past this date will be dropped, supplied
end_date will always be included. Overridden if time_index
is 'first' or 'last'.
list of datetime.date.
if cache_eclsum is not None:
"cache_eclsum option to get_smry_dates() is deprecated and "
"will be removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0"
rawdates = set()
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
rawdates = rawdates.union(
rawdates = list(rawdates)
if freq == "report":
return rawdates
# Later optimization: Wrap eclsum.start_date in the
# ensemble object.
start_date = min(rawdates)
end_date = max(rawdates)
pd_freq_mnenomics = {"monthly": "MS", "yearly": "YS", "daily": "D"}
if freq not in pd_freq_mnenomics:
raise ValueError("Requested frequency %s not supported" % freq)
datetimes = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq=pd_freq_mnenomics[freq])
# Convert from Pandas' datetime64 to datetime.date:
return [x.date() for x in datetimes]
[docs] def get_wellnames(self, well_match=None):
"""Return a union of all Eclipse summary well names in all ensembles
realizations (union).
Optionally, the well names can be filtered.
well_match: `Optional`. String (or list of strings)
with wildcard filter (globbing). If None, all wells ar
returned. Empty string will not match anything.
list of strings with eclipse well names. Empty list if no
summary file or no matched well names.
"ensembleset.get_wellnames() is deprecated and "
"will be removed in later versions.",
result = set()
for _, ensemble in self._ensembles.items():
result = result.union(ensemble.get_wellnames(well_match))
return sorted(result)