"""This module is deprecated and will be removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0"""
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
import timeit
import warnings
# pylint: disable=protected-access
class _BColors(object):
# local class for ANSI term color commands
# bgcolors:
# 40=black, 41=red, 42=green, 43=yellow, 44=blue, 45=pink, 46 cyan
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
HEADER = "\033[1;96m"
OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
WARN = "\033[93;43m"
ERROR = "\033[93;41m"
CRITICAL = "\033[1;91m"
ENDC = "\033[0m"
BOLD = "\033[1m"
UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"
def __init__(self):
[docs]class Interaction(object):
"""System for handling interaction; dialogues and messages in FMU.
This module cooperates with the standard Python logging module.
def __init__(self):
"fmu.ensemble.etc is deprecated and will be removed in later versions.",
self._callclass = None
self._caller = None
self._lformat = None
self._lformatlevel = 1
self._logginglevel = "WARNING"
self._loggingname = ""
self._syslevel = 1
self._test_env = True
self._tmpdir = "TMP"
self._testpath = None
# a string, for Python logging:
logginglevel = os.environ.get("FMU_LOGGING_LEVEL")
# a number, for format, 1 is simple, 2 is more info etc
loggingformat = os.environ.get("FMU_LOGGING_FORMAT")
if logginglevel is not None:
self.logginglevel = logginglevel
if loggingformat is not None:
self._lformatlevel = int(loggingformat)
def logginglevel(self):
"""Set or return a logging level property, e.g. logging.CRITICAL"""
return self._logginglevel
def logginglevel(self, level):
# pylint: disable=pointless-statement
validlevels = ("INFO", "WARNING", "DEBUG", "ERROR", "CRITICAL")
if level in validlevels:
self._logginglevel = level
raise ValueError(
"Invalid level given, must be " "in {}".format(validlevels)
def numericallogginglevel(self):
"""Return a numerical logging level (read only)"""
llo = logging.CRITICAL
if self._logginglevel == "INFO":
llo = logging.INFO
elif self._logginglevel == "WARNING":
llo = logging.WARNING
elif self._logginglevel == "ERROR":
llo = logging.ERROR
elif self._logginglevel == "DEBUG":
llo = logging.DEBUG
return llo
def loggingformatlevel(self):
"""Set logging format (for future use)"""
return self._lformatlevel
def loggingformat(self):
"""Returns the format string to be used in logging"""
if self._lformatlevel <= 1:
self._lformat = "%(levelname)8s: \t%(message)s"
self._lformat = (
"%(asctime)s Line: %(lineno)4d %(name)44s "
+ "[%(funcName)40s()]"
+ "%(levelname)8s:"
+ "\t%(message)s"
return self._lformat
def tmpdir(self):
"""Get and set tmpdir for testing"""
return self._tmpdir
def tmpdir(self, value):
self._tmpdir = value
[docs] def basiclogger(self, name, level=None):
"""Initiate the logger by some default settings."""
if level is not None:
self.logginglevel = level
fmt = self.loggingformat
self._loggingname = name
logging.basicConfig(format=fmt, stream=sys.stdout)
logging.getLogger().setLevel(self.numericallogginglevel) # root logger
return logging.getLogger(name)
[docs] @staticmethod
def functionlogger(name):
"""Get the logger for functions (not top level)."""
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
return logger
[docs] def testsetup(self, path="TMP"):
"""Basic setup for FMU testing (developer only; relevant for tests)"""
except OSError:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
self._test_env = True
self._tmpdir = path
self._testpath = None
return True
[docs] @staticmethod
def timer(*args):
"""Without args; return the time, with a time as arg return the
time1 = timer()
for i in range(10000):
i = i + 1
time2 = timer(time1)
print('Execution took {} seconds'.format(time2)
time1 = timeit.default_timer()
if args:
return time1 - args[0]
return time1
[docs] def echo(self, string):
"""Show info at runtime (for user scripts)"""
level = -5
idx = 3
caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
self.get_callerinfo(caller, frame)
self._output(idx, level, string)
[docs] def warn(self, string):
"""Show warnings at Runtime (pure user info/warns)."""
level = 0
idx = 6
caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
self.get_callerinfo(caller, frame)
self._output(idx, level, string)
warning = warn
[docs] def error(self, string):
"""Issue an error, will not exit system by default"""
level = -8
idx = 8
caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
self.get_callerinfo(caller, frame)
self._output(idx, level, string)
[docs] def critical(self, string, sysexit=True):
"""Issue a critical error, default is SystemExit."""
level = -9
idx = 9
caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
self.get_callerinfo(caller, frame)
self._output(idx, level, string)
if sysexit:
raise SystemExit("STOP!")
[docs] def get_callerinfo(self, caller, frame):
"""Get caller info for logging (developer stuff)"""
the_class = self._get_class_from_frame(frame)
# just keep the last class element
xname = str(the_class)
xname = xname.split(".")
the_class = xname[-1]
self._caller = caller
self._callclass = the_class
return (self._caller, self._callclass)
# =========================================================================
# Private routines
# =========================================================================
def _get_class_from_frame(frame):
# Incomplete (need more coffee)
current = inspect.currentframe()
outer = inspect.getouterframes(current)
return outer[0]
def _output(self, idx, level, string):
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
prefix = ""
endfix = ""
if idx == 0:
prefix = "++"
elif idx == 1:
prefix = "**"
elif idx == 3:
prefix = ">>"
elif idx == 6:
prefix = _BColors.WARN + "##"
endfix = _BColors.ENDC
elif idx == 8:
prefix = _BColors.ERROR + "!#"
endfix = _BColors.ENDC
elif idx == 9:
prefix = _BColors.CRITICAL + "!!"
endfix = _BColors.ENDC
prompt = False
if level <= self._syslevel:
prompt = True
if prompt:
if self._syslevel <= 1:
print("{} {}{}".format(prefix, string, endfix))
ulevel = str(level)
if level == -5:
ulevel = "M"
if level == -8:
ulevel = "E"
if level == -9:
ulevel = "W"
"{0} <{1}> [{2:23s}->{3:>33s}] {4}{5}".format(
prefix, ulevel, self._callclass, self._caller, string, endfix