Observations support and related calculations
import datetime
import logging
import math
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import dateutil
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from .ensemble import ScratchEnsemble
from .ensemblecombination import EnsembleCombination
from .ensembleset import EnsembleSet
from .realization import ScratchRealization
from .realizationcombination import RealizationCombination
from .virtualensemble import VirtualEnsemble
from .virtualrealization import VirtualRealization
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Observations(object):
"""Represents a set of observations and the ability to
compare realizations and ensembles to the observations
The primary data structure is a dictionary holding actual
observations, this can typically be loaded from a yaml-file
Key functionality is to be able to compute mismatch pr
observation and presenting the computed data as a Pandas
Dataframe. If run on ensembles, every row will be tagged
by which realization index the data was computed for.
An observation unit is a concept for the observation and points to
something we define as a "single" observation. It can be one value
for one datatype at a specific date, but in the case of Eclipse
summary vector, it can also be a time-series. Mismatches will
be computed pr. observation unit.
Pay attention to mismatch versus misfit. Here, mismatch is used
for individual observation units, while misfit is used as single
number for whole realizations.
Important: Using time-series as observations is not recommended in
assisted history match. Pick individual uncorrelated data points
at relevant points in time instead.
The type of observations supported must follow the datatypes that
the realizations and ensemble objects are able to internalize.
# Discussion points:
# * Should mismatch calculation happen in this function
# with ensembles/realizations input or the other way around?
# * Should it be possible to represent the observations
# themselves in a dataframe, or does the dict suffice?
# (each observation unit should be representable as
# a dict, and then it is mergeable in Pandas)
def __init__(self, observations):
"""Initialize an observation object with observations
from file or from an incoming dictionary structure
Observations will be checked for validity, and
incorrect observations (wrong format, unsupported etc.)
will be removed. Empty observation list is allowed, and
will typically end in empty result dataframes
observations: dict with observation structure or string
with path to a yaml file.
self.observations = {}
if isinstance(observations, str):
with open(observations) as yamlfile:
self.observations = yaml.full_load(yamlfile)
elif isinstance(observations, dict):
self.observations = observations
raise ValueError("Unsupported object for observations")
# Remove unsupported observations
# Identify and warn about errors in observation syntax (dates etc)
logger.info("Initialized observation with obstypes %s", str(self.keys()))
for obskey in self.keys():
# (fixme: this string does not make sense)
logger.info(" %s: ", str(len(self.observations[obskey])))
def __getitem__(self, someobject):
"""Pick objects from the observations dict"""
return self.observations[someobject]
[docs] def mismatch(self, ens_or_real):
"""Compute the mismatch from the current observation set
to the incoming ensemble or realization.
In the case of an ensemble, it will calculate individually
for every realization, and aggregate the results.
dataframe with REAL (only if ensemble), OBSKEY, DATE,
L1, L2. One row for every observation unit.
# For ensembles, we should in the future be able to loop
# over realizations in a multiprocessing fashion
if isinstance(ens_or_real, EnsembleCombination):
logger.info("Evaluating EnsembleCombination")
ens_or_real = ens_or_real.to_virtual()
if isinstance(ens_or_real, RealizationCombination):
logger.info("Evaluating RealizationCombination")
ens_or_real = ens_or_real.to_virtual()
if isinstance(ens_or_real, EnsembleSet):
mismatches = {}
# pylint: disable=protected-access
for ensname, ens in ens_or_real._ensembles.items():
logger.info("Calculating mismatch for ensemble %s", ensname)
for realidx, real in ens.realizations.items():
logger.info("Calculating mismatch for realization %s", str(realidx))
mismatches[(ensname, realidx)] = self._realization_mismatch(real)
mismatches[(ensname, realidx)]["REAL"] = realidx
mismatches[(ensname, realidx)]["ENSEMBLE"] = ensname
return pd.concat(mismatches, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
if isinstance(ens_or_real, ScratchEnsemble):
mismatches = {}
for realidx, real in ens_or_real.realizations.items():
mismatches[realidx] = self._realization_mismatch(real)
mismatches[realidx]["REAL"] = realidx
return pd.concat(mismatches, axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
if isinstance(ens_or_real, VirtualEnsemble):
logger.info("Calculating mismatch on ensemble %s", ens_or_real.name)
mismatches = {}
for realidx in ens_or_real.realindices:
mismatches[realidx] = self._realization_mismatch(
mismatches[realidx]["REAL"] = realidx
return pd.concat(mismatches, axis=0, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
if isinstance(ens_or_real, (ScratchRealization, VirtualRealization)):
return self._realization_mismatch(ens_or_real)
if isinstance(ens_or_real, EnsembleSet):
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError("Unsupported object for mismatch calculation")
[docs] def load_smry(self, realization, smryvector, time_index="yearly", smryerror=None):
"""Add an observation unit from a VirtualRealization or
ScratchRealization, being a specific summaryvector, picking
values with the specified time resolution.
This can be used to compare similarity between realization, by
viewing simulated results as "observations". A use case is
to rank all realizations in an ensemble for the similarity to
a certain mean profile, f.ex. FOPT.
The result of the function is a observation unit added to
the smry observations, with values at every date.
realization: ScratchRealization or VirtualRealization containing
data for constructing the virtual observation
smryvector: string with a name of a specific summary vector
to be used
time_index: string with timeresolution, typically 'yearly'
or 'monthly'.
smryerror: float, constant value to be used as the measurement
error for every date.
dataseries = realization.get_smry(
column_keys=[smryvector], time_index=time_index
# In the context of this function, datetimes are not supported. Ensure dates:
if isinstance(dataseries.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
dataseries.index = dataseries.index.date
# If the index is a list of strings (object),
# it is ok (assuming ISO-datestrings)
# Modify the observation object (self)
if "smry" not in self.observations.keys():
self.observations["smry"] = [] # Empty list
# Construct a virtual observation with observation units
# at every timestep:
virtobs = {}
virtobs["key"] = smryvector
virtobs["comment"] = "Virtual observation unit constructed from " + str(
virtobs["observations"] = []
for date, value in dataseries.items():
{"value": value, "error": smryerror, "date": date}
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of observation units present"""
# This is not correctly implemented yet..
return len(self.observations.keys())
def empty(self):
"""Decide if the observation set is empty
An empty observation set is has zero observation
unit count"""
return not self.__len__()
[docs] def keys(self):
"""Return a list of observation units present.
This list might change into a dataframe in the future,
but calling len() on its results should always return
the number of observation units."""
return self.observations.keys()
def _realization_mismatch(self, real):
"""Compute the mismatch from the current loaded
observations to a realization.
Supports both ScratchRealizations and
The returned dataframe contains the columns:
* OBSTYPE - category/type of the observation
* OBSKEY - name of the observation key
* LABEL - if an observation has it
* DATE - only where relevant.
* OBSINDEX - where an enumeration is relevant
* MISMATCH - signed difference between value and result
* L1 - absolute difference
* L2 - absolute difference squared
* SIGN - True if positive difference
* SIMVALUE - the simulated value, not for smryh
* OBSVALUE - the observed value, not for smryh
One row for every observation unit.
real : ScratchRealization or VirtualRealization
dataframe: One row per observation unit with
mismatch data
# mismatch_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['OBSTYPE', 'OBSKEY',
# 'DATE', 'OBSINDEX', 'MISMATCH', 'L1', 'L2', 'SIGN'])
mismatches = []
for obstype in self.observations.keys():
for obsunit in self.observations[obstype]: # (list)
if obstype == "txt":
sim_value = real.get_df(obsunit["localpath"])[obsunit["key"]]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
"%s in %s not found, ignored",
mismatch = float(sim_value - obsunit["value"])
measerror = 1
sign = (mismatch > 0) - (mismatch < 0)
"OBSTYPE": obstype,
"OBSKEY": str(obsunit["localpath"])
+ "/"
+ str(obsunit["key"]),
"LABEL": obsunit.get("label", ""),
"MISMATCH": mismatch,
"L1": abs(mismatch),
"L2": abs(mismatch) ** 2,
"SIMVALUE": sim_value,
"OBSVALUE": obsunit["value"],
"MEASERROR": measerror,
"SIGN": sign,
if obstype == "scalar":
sim_value = real.get_df(obsunit["key"])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
"No data found for scalar: %s, ignored", obsunit["key"]
mismatch = float(sim_value - obsunit["value"])
measerror = 1
sign = (mismatch > 0) - (mismatch < 0)
"OBSTYPE": obstype,
"OBSKEY": str(obsunit["key"]),
"LABEL": obsunit.get("label", ""),
"MISMATCH": mismatch,
"L1": abs(mismatch),
"SIMVALUE": sim_value,
"OBSVALUE": obsunit["value"],
"MEASERROR": measerror,
"L2": abs(mismatch) ** 2,
"SIGN": sign,
if obstype == "smryh":
if "time_index" in obsunit:
if isinstance(obsunit["time_index"], str):
sim_hist = real.get_smry(
column_keys=[obsunit["key"], obsunit["histvec"]],
elif isinstance(
obsunit["time_index"], (datetime.datetime, datetime.date)
# real.get_smry only allows strings or
# list of datetimes as time_index.
sim_hist = real.get_smry(
column_keys=[obsunit["key"], obsunit["histvec"]],
"obsunit-timeindex was not string or date object\n"
"Should not be possible, file a bug report"
time_index_str = str(obsunit["time_index"])
sim_hist = real.get_smry(
column_keys=[obsunit["key"], obsunit["histvec"]]
# (let get_smry() determine the possible time_index)
time_index_str = ""
# If empty df returned, we don't have the data for this:
if sim_hist.empty:
"No data found for smryh: %s and %s, ignored.",
sim_hist["mismatch"] = (
sim_hist[obsunit["key"]] - sim_hist[obsunit["histvec"]]
measerror = 1
"OBSTYPE": "smryh",
"OBSKEY": obsunit["key"],
"LABEL": obsunit.get("label", ""),
"MISMATCH": sim_hist["mismatch"].sum(),
"MEASERROR": measerror,
"L1": sim_hist["mismatch"].abs().sum(),
"L2": math.sqrt((sim_hist["mismatch"] ** 2).sum()),
"TIME_INDEX": time_index_str,
if obstype == "smry":
# For 'smry', there is a list of
# observations (indexed by date)
for unit in obsunit["observations"]:
sim_value = real.get_smry(
time_index=[unit["date"]], column_keys=obsunit["key"]
except KeyError:
"No data found for smry: %s at %s, ignored.",
mismatch = float(sim_value - unit["value"])
sign = (mismatch > 0) - (mismatch < 0)
"OBSTYPE": "smry",
"OBSKEY": obsunit["key"],
"DATE": unit["date"],
"MEASERROR": unit["error"],
"LABEL": unit.get("label", ""),
"MISMATCH": mismatch,
"OBSVALUE": unit["value"],
"SIMVALUE": sim_value,
"L1": abs(mismatch),
"L2": abs(mismatch) ** 2,
"SIGN": sign,
return pd.DataFrame(mismatches)
def _realization_misfit(self, real, defaulterrors=False, corr=None):
"""The misfit value for the observation set
Ref: https://wiki.statoil.no/wiki/index.php/RP_HM/Observations#Misfit_function
real : a ScratchRealization or a VirtualRealization
defaulterrors: (boolean) If set to True, zero measurement errors
will be set to 1.
corr : correlation or weigthing matrix (numpy matrix).
If a list or numpy vector is supplied, it is interpreted
as a diagonal matrix. If omitted, the identity matrix is used
float : the misfit value for the observation set and realization
""" # noqa
if corr:
raise NotImplementedError(
"correlations in misfit " + "calculation is not supported"
mismatch = self._realization_mismatch(real)
zeroerrors = mismatch["MEASERROR"] < 1e-7
if defaulterrors:
mismatch[zeroerrors]["MEASERROR"] = 1
elif zeroerrors.any():
raise ValueError(
"Zero measurement error in observation set"
+ ". can't be used to calculate misfit"
if "MISFIT" not in mismatch.columns:
mismatch["MISFIT"] = mismatch["L2"] / (mismatch["MEASERROR"] ** 2)
return mismatch["MISFIT"].sum()
def _clean_observations(self):
"""Verify integrity of observations, remove
observation units that cannot be used.
Will log warnings about things that are removed.
Returns number of usable observation units.
Ensure that dates are parsed into datetime.date objects.
supported_categories = ["smry", "smryh", "txt", "scalar", "rft"]
# Check top level keys in observations dict:
for key in list(self.observations):
if key not in supported_categories:
logger.error("Observation category %s not supported", key)
if not isinstance(self.observations[key], list):
"Observation category %s did not contain a list, but %s",
# Check smryh observations for validity
if "smryh" in self.observations.keys():
smryhunits = self.observations["smryh"]
if not isinstance(smryhunits, list):
"smryh must consist of a list, deleting: %s", str(smryhunits)
del self.observations["smryh"]
for unit in smryhunits:
if not isinstance(unit, (dict, OrderedDict)):
logger.warning("smryh-units must be dicts, deleting: %s", str(unit))
del smryhunits[smryhunits.index(unit)]
if not ("key" in unit and "histvec" in unit):
"smryh units must contain both 'key' and "
"'histvec', deleting: %s",
del smryhunits[smryhunits.index(unit)]
# If time_index is not a supported mnemonic,
# parse it to a date object
if (
"time_index" in unit
and unit["time_index"]
not in {
and not isinstance(unit["time_index"], datetime.datetime)
unit["time_index"] = dateutil.parser.isoparse(
except (TypeError, ValueError) as exception:
"Parsing date %s failed with error",
(str(unit["time_index"]), str(exception)),
del smryhunits[smryhunits.index(unit)]
# If everything has been deleted through cleanup, delete the section
if not smryhunits:
del self.observations["smryh"]
# Check smry observations for validity
if "smry" in self.observations.keys():
# We already know that observations['smry'] is a list
# Each list element must be a dict with
# the mandatory keys 'key' and 'observation'
smryunits = self.observations["smry"]
for unit in smryunits:
if not isinstance(unit, (dict, OrderedDict)):
"Observation units must be dicts, deleting: %s", str(unit)
del smryunits[smryunits.index(unit)]
if not ("key" in unit and "observations" in unit):
"Observation unit must contain key and",
"observations, deleting: %s",
del smryunits[smryunits.index(unit)]
# Check if strings need to be parsed as dates:
for observation in unit["observations"]:
if isinstance(observation["date"], str):
observation["date"] = dateutil.parser.isoparse(
if not isinstance(observation["date"], datetime.date):
logger.error("Date not understood %s", str(observation["date"]))
# If everything is deleted from 'smry', delete it
if not smryunits:
del self.observations["smry"]
[docs] def to_ert2observations(self):
"""Convert the observation set to an observation
file for use with Ert 2.x.
Returns: multiline string
raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a representation of the object
The representation is a YAML string
that can be used to reinstatiate the
return self.to_yaml()
[docs] def to_yaml(self):
"""Convert the current observations to YAML format
string : Multiline YAML string.
return yaml.dump(self.observations)
[docs] def to_disk(self, filename):
"""Write the current observation object to disk
In YAML-format. If a new observation object
is instantiated from the outputted filename, it
should yield identical results in mismatch
Directory structure will be created if not existing.
Existing file will be overwritten.
filename - string with path and filename to
be written to"""
if not isinstance(filename, str):
raise ValueError("Filename must be a string")
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(dirname) and dirname:
with open(filename, "w") as fhandle: