"""Module containing a VirtualEnsemble class"""
import datetime
import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from .ensemblecombination import EnsembleCombination
from .virtualrealization import VirtualRealization
import pyarrow
except ImportError:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class VirtualEnsemble(object):
"""A computed or archived ensemble
Computed or archived, there is no link to the original dataset(s)
that once was on a file system.
Contrary to a ScratchEnsemble which contains realization objects
with individual data, a VirtualEnsemble stores aggregrated
dataframes for its data. The column REAL will in all dataframes
signify the realization index.
Initialization of VirtualEnsembles is typically done by other code, as
to_virtual() in a ScratchEnsemble.
name: string, can be chosen freely
data: dict with data to initialize with. Defaults to empty
longdescription: string, free form multiline description.
fromdisk: string with filesystem path, from which we will
try to initialize the ensemble from files on disk.
lazy_load (boolean): If true, it will be used if loaded from disk
to be lazy in actually loading dataframes from disk
manifest: dict with any information about the ensemble
def __init__(
if name:
self._name = name
self._name = "VirtualEnsemble"
self._longdescription = longdescription
self._manifest = {}
if data and fromdisk:
raise ValueError(
"Can't initialize from both data and " + "disk at the same time"
self.realindices = []
if manifest and not fromdisk:
# The _manifest variable is set using a property decorator
self.manifest = manifest
# At ensemble level, this dictionary has dataframes only.
# All dataframes have the column REAL.
if data:
self.data = data
self.data = {}
# We support having some dataframes only on disk, for faster
# initialization of the VirtualEnsemble object. This
# dictionary have the same keys as self.data and the value is
# a full path to a filename on disk. There should never be
# overlap of keys in self.data and self.lazy_frames.
self.lazy_frames = {}
if fromdisk:
self.from_disk(fromdisk, lazy_load=lazy_load)
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of realizations (integer) included in the
return len(self.realindices)
[docs] def get_realindices(self):
"""Return the integer indices for realizations in this ensemble
list of integers
return self.realindices
[docs] def update_realindices(self):
"""Update the internal list of known realization indices
Anything that adds or removes realizations must
take responsibility for having that list consistent.
If there is a dataframe missing the REAL column, this
will intentionally error.
# Check all dataframes:
idxset = set()
for key in self.data.keys():
if key != "__smry_metadata":
idxset = idxset | set(self.data[key]["REAL"].unique())
self.realindices = list(idxset)
[docs] def keys(self):
"""Return all keys in the internal datastore
The keys are also called localpaths, and resemble the the
filenames they would be written to if dumped to disk, and also
resemble the filenames from which they were originally
loaded in a ScratchEnsemble.
return list(self.data.keys()) + list(self.lazy_frames.keys())
[docs] def lazy_keys(self):
"""Return keys that are not yet loaded, but will
be loaded on demand"""
return list(self.lazy_frames.keys())
[docs] def shortcut2path(self, shortpath, keys=None):
Convert short pathnames to fully qualified pathnames
within the datastore.
If the fully qualified localpath is
then you can also access this with these alternatives:
* simulator_volume_fipnum
* simulator_volume_fipnum.csv
* share/results/volumes/simulator_volume_fipnum
but only as long as there is no ambiguity. In case
of ambiguity, the shortpath will be returned.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .ensemble import shortcut2path
if keys is None:
return shortcut2path(self.keys(), shortpath)
return shortcut2path(keys, shortpath)
def __getitem__(self, localpath):
"""Shorthand for .get_df()
localpath: string with the name of the data requested.
shortcuts allowed
return self.get_df(localpath)
[docs] def get_realization(self, realindex):
Return a virtual realization object, with data
taken from the virtual ensemble. Each dataframe
in the ensemble will by sliced by the REAL column.
realindex: integer for the realization.
VirtualRealization, populated with data.
vreal = VirtualRealization(
description="Realization %d from %s" % (realindex, self._name)
for key in self.data.keys():
data = self.get_df(key)
if key != "__smry_metadata":
# Special treatment of the internal special frame
# that is constant over all realizations
realizationdata = data[data["REAL"] == realindex]
if len(realizationdata) == 1:
# Convert scalar values to dictionaries, avoiding
# getting length-one-series returned later on access.
realizationdata = realizationdata.iloc[0].to_dict()
elif len(realizationdata) > 1:
realizationdata.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
if "REAL" in realizationdata:
del realizationdata["REAL"]
vreal.append(key, realizationdata)
if vreal.keys():
# Add the smry metadata to the realization
if "__smry_metadata" in self.keys():
vreal.append("__smry_metadata", self.get_df("__smry_metadata"))
return vreal
raise ValueError("No data for realization %d" % realindex)
[docs] def add_realization(self, realization, realidx=None, overwrite=False):
"""Add a realization. A ScratchRealization will be effectively
converted to a virtual realization.
A ScratchRealization knows its realization index, and that index
will be used unless realidx is not None. A VirtualRealization does
not always have a index, so then it must be supplied.
Unless overwrite is True, a ValueError will be raised
if the realization index already exists.
overwrite: boolean whether an existing realization with the same
index should be removed prior to adding
realidx: Override the realization index for incoming realization.
Necessary for VirtualRealization.
if realidx is None and isinstance(realization, VirtualRealization):
raise ValueError(
"Can't add virtual realizations " + "without specifying index"
if not realidx:
realidx = realization.index
if not overwrite and realidx in self.realindices:
raise ValueError("Error, realization index already present")
if overwrite and realidx in self.realindices:
# Add the data from the incoming realization key by key
for key in realization.keys():
dframe = realization.get_df(key)
if isinstance(dframe, dict): # dicts to go to one-row dataframes
dframe = pd.DataFrame(index=[1], data=dframe)
if isinstance(dframe, (str, int, float)):
dframe = pd.DataFrame(index=[1], columns=[key], data=dframe)
dframe["REAL"] = realidx
if key not in self.data and key in self.lazy_frames:
self.get_df(key) # Trigger load from disk.
if key not in self.data.keys():
self.data[key] = dframe
self.data[key] = pd.concat(
[self.data[key], dframe], ignore_index=True, sort=True
[docs] def remove_realizations(self, deleteindices):
"""Remove realizations from internal data
This will remove all rows in all internalized data belonging
to the set of supplied indices.
deleteindices: int or list of ints, realization indices to remove
if not isinstance(deleteindices, list):
deleteindices = [deleteindices]
indicesknown = self.realindices
indicestodelete = list(set(deleteindices) & set(indicesknown))
indicesnotknown = list(set(deleteindices) - set(indicestodelete))
if indicesnotknown:
"Skipping undefined realization indices %s", str(indicesnotknown)
# Trigger load of any lazy frames:
for key in list(self.lazy_frames.keys()):
# There might be Pandas tricks to avoid this outer loop.
for realindex in indicestodelete:
for key in self.data:
if key != "__smry_metadata":
self.data[key] = self.data[key][self.data[key]["REAL"] != realindex]
"Removed %s realization(s) from VirtualEnsemble", len(indicestodelete)
[docs] def remove_data(self, localpaths):
"""Remove a certain datatype from the internal datastore
localpaths: string or list of strings, fully qualified localpath
(no shorthand allowed)
if not isinstance(localpaths, list):
localpaths = [localpaths]
for localpath in localpaths:
if localpath in self.data:
del self.data[localpath]
logger.info("Deleted %s from ensemble", localpath)
elif localpath in self.lazy_frames:
del self.lazy_frames[localpath]
logger.info("Deleted %s from ensemble", localpath)
logger.warning("Ensemble did not contain %s", localpath)
[docs] def agg(self, aggregation, keylist=None, excludekeys=None):
"""Aggregate the ensemble data into a VirtualRealization
All data will be attempted aggregated. String data will typically
be dropped in the result.
aggregation: string, supported modes are
'mean', 'median', 'p10', 'p90', 'min',
'max', 'std, 'var', 'pXX' where X is a number
keylist: list of strings, indicating which keys
in the internal datastore to include. If list is empty
(default), all data will be attempted included.
excludekeys: list of strings that should be excluded if
keylist is empty, otherwise ignored
VirtualRealization. Its name will include the aggregation operator
quantilematcher = re.compile(r"p(\d\d)")
supported_aggs = ["mean", "median", "min", "max", "std", "var"]
if aggregation not in supported_aggs and not quantilematcher.match(aggregation):
raise ValueError(
"{arg} is not a".format(arg=aggregation)
+ "supported ensemble aggregation"
# Generate a new empty object:
vreal = VirtualRealization(self._name + " " + aggregation)
# Determine keys to use
if isinstance(keylist, str):
keylist = [keylist]
if not keylist: # Empty list means all keys.
if not isinstance(excludekeys, list):
excludekeys = [excludekeys]
keys = set(self.data.keys()).union(set(self.lazy_frames.keys())) - set(
keys = keylist
# Trigger loading of lazy and needed frames:
for key in list(self.lazy_frames.keys()):
if key in keys:
for key in keys:
# Aggregate over this ensemble:
# Ensure we operate on fully qualified localpath's
key = self.shortcut2path(key)
if key == "__smry_metadata":
data = self.get_df(key).drop(columns="REAL")
# Look for data we should group by. This would be beneficial
# to get from a metadata file, and not by pure guesswork.
groupbycolumncandidates = [
groupby = [x for x in groupbycolumncandidates if x in data.columns]
# Filter to only numerical columns and groupby columns:
numerical_and_groupby_cols = list(
set(list(groupby) + list(data.select_dtypes(include="number").columns))
data = data[numerical_and_groupby_cols]
dtypes = data.dtypes.unique()
if not (int in dtypes or float in dtypes):
logger.info("No numerical data to aggregate in %s", key)
aggobject = data.groupby(groupby) if groupby else data
if quantilematcher.match(aggregation):
quantile = int(quantilematcher.match(aggregation).group(1))
aggregated = aggobject.quantile(q=quantile / 100.0)
# Passing through the variable 'aggregation' to
# Pandas, thus supporting more than we have listed in
# the docstring.
aggregated = aggobject.agg(aggregation)
if groupby:
vreal.append(key, aggregated)
return vreal
[docs] def append(self, key, dataframe, overwrite=False):
"""Append a dataframe to the internal datastore
Incoming dataframe MUST have a column called 'REAL' which
refers to the realization indices already known to the object.
key: name (localpath) for the data, this will be
the name under with the dataframe is stored, for
later retrival via get_df().
dataframe: a Pandas DataFrame with a REAL column
overwrite: boolean - set to True if existing data is
to be overwritten. Defaults to false which will
only issue a warning if the dataset exists already.
if not isinstance(dataframe, pd.DataFrame):
raise ValueError("Can only append dataframes")
if "REAL" not in dataframe.columns and not key.startswith("__"):
raise ValueError("REAL column not in incoming dataframe")
if key in self.data.keys() and not overwrite:
logger.warning("Ignoring %s data already exists", key)
self.data[key] = dataframe
[docs] def to_disk(
"""Dump all data to disk, in a retrieveable manner.
Unless dumpcsv is set to False, all data is dumped to CSV files,
except if some CSV files cannot be dumped as parquet.
Unless dumpparquet is set to False, all data is attempted dumped
as Parquet files. If parquet dumping fails for some reason, a CSV
file is always left behind.
dumpcsv and dumpparquet cannot be False at the same time.
filesystempath: string with a directory, absolute or relative.
If it exists already it must be empty, or delete must be True.
delete: boolean for whether an existing directory will be cleared
before data is dumped.
dumpcsv: boolean for whether CSV files should be written.
dumpparquet: boolean for whether parquet files should be written
includefiles (boolean): If set to True, files in the files
dataframe will be included in the disk-dump.
symlinks (boolean): If includefiles is True, setting this to True
means that only symlinking will take place, not full copy.
"to_disk() is considered deprecated and "
"might be removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0"
"Only exporting to CSV files. "
"Install pyarrow to have parquet output"
# Trigger load of all lazy frames:
for key in list(self.lazy_frames.keys()):
if not dumpcsv and not dumpparquet:
raise ValueError(
"dumpcsv and dumpparquet " + "cannot be False at the same time"
def prepare_vens_directory(filesystempath, delete=False):
"""Prepare a directory for dumping a virtual ensemble.
The end result is either an error, or a clean empty directory
at the requested path"""
logger.info("Preparing %s for a dumped virtual ensemble", filesystempath)
if os.path.exists(filesystempath):
if delete:
logger.info(" - Deleted existing directory")
elif os.listdir(filesystempath):
"Refusing to write virtual ensemble "
" to non-empty directory"
raise IOError("Directory %s not empty" % filesystempath)
prepare_vens_directory(filesystempath, delete)
includefilesdir = "__discoveredfiles"
if includefiles:
os.mkdir(os.path.join(filesystempath, includefilesdir))
for _, filerow in self.files.iterrows():
src_fpath = filerow["FULLPATH"]
dest_fpath = os.path.join(
"realization-" + str(filerow["REAL"]),
directory = os.path.dirname(dest_fpath)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
if symlinks:
os.symlink(src_fpath, dest_fpath)
shutil.copy(src_fpath, dest_fpath)
# Write ensemble meta-information to disk:
with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "_name"), "w") as fhandle:
with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "__repr__"), "w") as fhandle:
if self._manifest:
with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "_manifest.yml"), "w") as fhandle:
# The README dumped here is just for convenience. Do not assume
# anything about its content.
with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "README"), "w") as fhandle:
"""The data in here has been dumped by
Each filename represents a DataFrame with aggregated data
for an ensemble. The DataFrames exists both in a csv format and
in a binary format. If you need to do manual edits, choose to
edit the csv file and delete the parquet file (or vice versa) to
ensure that when reloaded into a VirtualEnsemble object, the correct
file is picked up"""
# Write all data we have to disk:
# We are out on a limb with respect to what the keys
# in the internalized dict-storage should be, and what
# we should call files on disk.
# Loaded txt files keep their txt extension in the internalized
# dict, so that the localpath is often 'npv.txt' for a dataframe
# This will be written as 'npv.txt.csv' and/or 'npv.txt.parquet' on
# disk. This we can handle.
# Internalized csv files are one notch more strange.
# When we internalize a csv file, we keep the csv extension in
# the dict-key, say unsmry--daily.csv.
# The logic from npv.txt implies that we write
# to unsmry--daily.csv.csv and unsmry--daily.csv.parquet.
# This would be easier to program, but will look to strange on disk
# It is an aim that the user should be able to fill the filesystem
# with CSV files, and reload ensembles.
# The chosen strategy is currently like this:
# to_disk:
# parameters.txt -> parameters.txt.csv and parameters.txt.parquet
# unsmry--daily.csv -> unsmry--daily.csv and unsmry--daily.parquet
# from_disk:
# parameters.txt.csv -> parameters.txt because there is a known
# extension after removal of csv.
# STATUS.csv -> STATUS, because STATUS is a special file
# unsmry--daily.csv -> unsmry--daily.csv
# unsmry--daily.parquet -> unsmry--daily.csv
for key in self.keys():
dirname = os.path.join(filesystempath, os.path.dirname(key))
if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
data = self.get_df(key)
filename = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(key))
# Trim .csv from end of dict-key
# .csv will be reinstated by logic in from_disk()
# parameters.txt or STATUS ends here
filebase = filename[:-4] if filename[-4:] == ".csv" else filename
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
raise ValueError("VirtualEnsembles should " + "only store DataFrames")
parquetfailed = False
if dumpparquet and HAVE_PYARROW:
data.to_parquet(filebase + ".parquet", index=False, engine="auto")
logger.info("Wrote %s", filebase + ".parquet")
except (ValueError, pyarrow.ArrowTypeError, TypeError):
# Accept that some dataframes cannot be written to parquet,
# the CSV file will there as backup always
logger.warning("Could not write %s as parquet file", key)
parquetfailed = True
parquetfailed = True
if dumpcsv or parquetfailed:
data.to_csv(filebase + ".csv", index=False)
logger.info("Wrote %s", filebase + ".csv")
[docs] def from_disk(self, filesystempath, fmt="parquet", lazy_load=False):
"""Load data from disk.
Data must be written like to_disk() would have
written it. As long as you follow that convention,
you are able to add data manually to the filesystem
and load them into a VirtualEnsemble.
Any DataFrame not containing a column called 'REAL' with
integers will be ignored.
filesystempath (string): path to a directory that was written by
fmt (string): the preferred format to load,
must be either csv or parquet. If you say 'csv'
parquet files will always be ignored. If you
say parquet, corresponding 'csv' files will still
be parsed. Delete them if you really don't want them
lazy_load (bool): If True, loading of dataframes from disk
will be postponed until get_df() is actually called.
"from_disk() is considered deprecated and "
"might be removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0"
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
if fmt not in ["csv", "parquet"]:
raise ValueError("Unknown format for from_disk: %s" % fmt)
# Clear all data we have, we don't dare to merge VirtualEnsembles
# with data coming from disk.
self._data = {}
self._name = None
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(filesystempath):
if "__discoveredfiles" in root:
# Never traverse the collections of dumped
# discovered files
localpath = root.replace(filesystempath, "")
if localpath and localpath[0] == os.path.sep:
localpath = localpath[1:]
for filename in filenames:
# Special treatment of the filename "_name"
if filename == "_name":
with open(os.path.join(root, filename), "r") as fhandle:
self._name = "".join(fhandle.readlines()).strip()
if filename == "_manifest.yml":
self.manifest = os.path.join(root, "_manifest.yml")
# We will loop through the directory structure, and
# data will be duplicated as they can be both in csv
# and parquet files. We will only load one of them if so.
elif filename[-4:] == ".csv":
filebase = filename[:-4]
parquetfile = filebase + ".parquet"
# Treat special cases (!!!) NB: Code duplication below
if (
filebase[-4:] == ".txt"
or filebase[-6:] == "STATUS"
or filebase[-2:] == "OK"
or filebase[0:2] == "__"
internalizedkey = os.path.join(localpath, filebase)
internalizedkey = os.path.join(localpath, filebase + ".csv")
if fmt == "csv" or not os.path.exists(
os.path.join(root, parquetfile)
self.lazy_frames[internalizedkey] = os.path.join(root, filename)
elif filename[-8:] == ".parquet":
filebase = filename[:-8]
if (
filebase[-4:] == ".txt"
or filebase[-6:] == "STATUS"
or filebase[-2:] == "OK"
or filebase[0:2] == "__"
internalizedkey = os.path.join(localpath, filebase)
internalizedkey = os.path.join(localpath, filebase + ".csv")
if fmt == "parquet":
self.lazy_frames[internalizedkey] = os.path.join(root, filename)
logger.debug("from_disk: Ignoring file: %s", filename)
if not lazy_load:
# Load all found dataframes from disk:
for internalizedkey, filename in self.lazy_frames.items():
logger.info("Loading file %s", filename)
self._load_frame_fromdisk(internalizedkey, filename)
self.lazy_frames = {}
# This function must be called whenever we have done
# something manually with the dataframes, like adding realizations.
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
lazy_str = "(lazy) " if lazy_load else ""
"Loading ensemble from disk %stook %g seconds",
(end_time - start_time).total_seconds(),
def _load_frame_fromdisk(self, key, filename):
if filename.endswith(".parquet"):
parsedframe = pd.read_parquet(filename)
if self._isvalidframe(parsedframe, filename):
self.data[key] = parsedframe
parsedframe = pd.read_csv(filename)
if self._isvalidframe(parsedframe, filename):
self.data[key] = parsedframe
def __repr__(self):
"""Textual representation of the object"""
return "<VirtualEnsemble, {}>".format(self._name)
[docs] def get_df(self, localpath, merge=None):
"""Access the internal datastore which contains dataframes or dicts
The localpath argument can be shortened, as it will be
looked up using the function shortcut2path()
localpath: the idenfier of the data requested
merge (list or str): refer to an additional localpath which
will be merged into the dataframe for every realization
dataframe or dictionary
KeyError if no data is found
inconsistent_lazy_frames = set(self.data.keys()).intersection(
if inconsistent_lazy_frames:
# See comments in __init__ on lazy frames.
"Internal error, inconsistent lazy frames:\n %s",
allfullpaths = list(self.data.keys()) + list(self.lazy_frames.keys())
fullpath = self.shortcut2path(localpath, keys=allfullpaths)
if fullpath not in self.data.keys():
# Need to lazy load it:
logger.warning("Loading %s from disk, was lazy", fullpath)
self._load_frame_fromdisk(fullpath, self.lazy_frames[fullpath])
data = None
data = self.data[fullpath]
if not isinstance(merge, list):
merge = [merge] # Can still be None
# Load all frames to be merged, we call ourselves for this
# for the handling of lazy frames.
for mergepath in filter(None, merge):
mergedata = self.get_df(mergepath)
data = pd.merge(data, mergedata)
if data is not None:
return data
raise KeyError(localpath)
[docs] def get_smry(self, column_keys=None, time_index="monthly"):
Function analoguous to the EclSum direct get'ters in ScratchEnsemble,
but here we have to resort to what we have internalized.
This will perform interpolation in each realizations data to
the requested time_index, this is done by creating VirtualRealization
object for all realizations, which can do the interpolation, and
the result is merged and returned. This creates some overhead, so
if you do not need the interpolation, stick with get_df() instead.
# Get a list ala ['yearly', 'daily']
available_smry = [
x.split("/")[-1].replace(".csv", "").replace("unsmry--", "")
for x in self.keys()
if "unsmry" in x
# If time_index is None, load_smry in ScratchEnsemble stores as "raw"
if time_index is None:
time_index = "raw"
if (
isinstance(time_index, str) and time_index not in available_smry
) or isinstance(time_index, (list, np.ndarray)):
# Suboptimal code, we always pick the finest available
# time resolution:
priorities = ["raw", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "custom"]
# (could also sort them by number of rows, or we could
# even merge them all)
# (could have priorities as a dict, for example so we
# can interpolate from monthly if we ask for yearly)
chosen_smry = ""
for candidate in priorities:
if candidate in available_smry:
chosen_smry = candidate
if not chosen_smry:
logger.error("No internalized summary data to interpolate from")
return pd.DataFrame()
chosen_smry = time_index
"Using %s for interpolation of timeindex %s in ensemble %s",
# Explicit creation of VirtualRealization allows for later
# multiprocessing of the interpolation.
# We do not use the internal function get_realization() because
# that copies all internalized data, while we only need
# summary data.
smry_path = "unsmry--" + chosen_smry
smry = self.get_df(smry_path)
smry_interpolated = []
for realidx in smry["REAL"].unique():
logger.info("Creating VirtualRealization index %s", str(realidx))
vreal = VirtualRealization(str(realidx))
# Inject the summary data for that specific realization
vreal.append(smry_path, smry[smry["REAL"] == realidx])
# Now ask the VirtualRealization to do interpolation
interp = vreal.get_smry(column_keys=column_keys, time_index=time_index)
# Assume we get back a dataframe indexed by the dates from vreal
# We must reset that index, and ensure the index column
# gets a correct name
interp.index = interp.index.set_names(["DATE"])
interp = interp.reset_index()
interp["REAL"] = realidx
return pd.concat(smry_interpolated, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
[docs] def get_smry_stats(self, column_keys=None, time_index="monthly", quantiles=None):
Function to extract the ensemble statistics (Mean, Min, Max, P10, P90)
for a set of simulation summary vectors (column key).
Compared to the agg() function, this function only works on summary
data (time series), and will only operate on actually requested data,
independent of what is internalized. It accesses the summary files
directly and can thus obtain data at any time frequency.
In a virtual ensemble, this function can only provide data it has
internalized. There is no resampling functionality yet.
column_keys: list of column key wildcards. Defaults
to match all available columns
time_index: list of DateTime if interpolation is wanted
default is None, which returns the raw Eclipse report times
If a string is supplied, that string is attempted used
via get_smry_dates() in order to obtain a time index.
quantiles: list of ints between 0 and 100 for which quantiles
to compute. Quantiles follow scientific standard,
for the oil industry p10 you should ask for p90.
A MultiIndex dataframe. Outer index is 'minimum', 'maximum',
'mean', 'p10', 'p90', inner index are the dates. Column names
are the different vectors. The column 'p10' represent the
scientific p10, not the oil industry p10 for which you
have to ask for p90.
if quantiles is None:
quantiles = [10, 90]
if column_keys is None:
column_keys = "*"
# Check validity of quantiles to compute:
quantiles = list(map(int, quantiles)) # Potentially raise ValueError
for quantile in quantiles:
if quantile < 0 or quantile > 100:
raise ValueError("Quantiles must be integers " + "between 0 and 100")
# Obtain an aggregated dataframe for only the needed columns over
# the entire ensemble. This will fail if we don't have the
# time frequency already internalized.
dframe = (
self.get_smry(time_index=time_index, column_keys=column_keys)
# Build a dictionary of dataframes to be concatenated
dframes = {}
dframes["mean"] = dframe.mean()
for quantile in quantiles:
quantile_str = "p" + str(quantile)
dframes[quantile_str] = dframe.quantile(q=1 - quantile / 100.0)
dframes["maximum"] = dframe.max()
dframes["minimum"] = dframe.min()
return pd.concat(dframes, names=["STATISTIC"], sort=False)
[docs] def get_volumetric_rates(
self, column_keys=None, time_index="monthly", time_unit=None
"""Compute volumetric rates from internalized cumulative summary
Column names that are not referring to cumulative summary
vectors are silently ignored.
A Dataframe is returned with volumetric rates, that is rate
values that can be summed up to the cumulative version. The
'T' in the column name is switched with 'R'. If you ask for
FOPT, you will get FOPR in the returned dataframe.
Rates in the returned dataframe are valid **forwards** in time,
opposed to rates coming directly from the Eclipse simulator which
are valid backwards in time.
If time_unit is set, the rates will be scaled to represent
either daily, monthly or yearly rates. These will sum up to the
cumulative as long as you multiply with the correct number
of days, months or year between each consecutive date index.
Month lengths and leap years are correctly handled.
column_keys: str or list of strings, cumulative summary vectors
time_index: str or list of datetimes
time_unit: str or None. If None, the rates returned will
be the difference in cumulative between each included
time step (where the time interval can vary arbitrarily)
If set to 'days', 'months' or 'years', the rates will
be scaled to represent a daily, monthly or yearly rate that
is compatible with the date index and the cumulative data.
vol_rates_dfs = []
for realidx in self.realindices:
# Warning: This is potentially a big overhead
# if a lot of non-summary-related data has been
# internalized:
vreal = self.get_realization(realidx)
vol_rate_df = vreal.get_volumetric_rates(column_keys, time_index, time_unit)
# Indexed by DATE, ensure index name is correct:
vol_rate_df.index = vol_rate_df.index.set_names(["DATE"])
vol_rate_df["REAL"] = realidx
return pd.concat(vol_rates_dfs, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
def __sub__(self, other):
"""Substract another ensemble from this"""
result = EnsembleCombination(ref=self, sub=other)
return result
def __add__(self, other):
"""Add another ensemble to this"""
result = EnsembleCombination(ref=self, add=other)
return result
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Scale this ensemble with a scalar value"""
result = EnsembleCombination(ref=self, scale=float(other))
return result
def __rsub__(self, other):
"""Substract another ensemble from this"""
result = EnsembleCombination(ref=self, sub=other)
return result
def __radd__(self, other):
"""Add another ensemble to this"""
result = EnsembleCombination(ref=self, add=other)
return result
def __rmul__(self, other):
"""Scale this ensemble with a scalar value"""
result = EnsembleCombination(ref=self, scale=float(other))
return result
def files(self):
"""Access the list of internalized files as they came from
a ScratchEnsemble. Might be empty
pd.Dataframe. Empty if no files are meaningful"""
files = self.get_df("__files")
return files
def manifest(self):
"""Get the manifest of the ensemble. The manifest
is nothing but a dictionary with unspecified content
return self._manifest
def manifest(self, manifest):
"""Set the manifest of the ensemble. The manifest
is nothing but a Python dictionary with unspecified
manifest: dict or str. If dict, it is used as is, if str it
is assumed to be a filename with YAML syntax which is
parsed into a dict and stored as dict
if isinstance(manifest, dict):
if not manifest:
logger.warning("Empty manifest")
self._manifest = {}
self._manifest = manifest
elif isinstance(manifest, str):
if os.path.exists(manifest):
with open(manifest) as file_handle:
manifest_fromyaml = yaml.safe_load(file_handle)
if not manifest_fromyaml:
logger.warning("Empty manifest")
self._manifest = {}
self._manifest = manifest_fromyaml
logger.error("Manifest file %s not found", manifest)
# NoneType will also end here.
logger.error("Wrong manifest type supplied")
def parameters(self):
"""Quick access to parameters"""
return self.get_df("parameters.txt")
def name(self):
"""The name of the virtual ensemble as set during initialization"""
return self._name
def _isvalidframe(frame, filename):
"""Validate that a DataFrame we read from disk is acceptable
as ensemble data. It must for example contain a column called
REAL with numerical data"""
if "__smry_metadata" in filename:
# This frame does not have the REAL column
return True
if "REAL" not in frame.columns:
"The column 'REAL' was not found in file %s - ignored", filename
return False
if frame["REAL"].dtype != np.int64:
"The column 'REAL' must contain "
"only integers in file %s - ignored"
return False
if frame["REAL"].min() < 0:
"The column 'REAL' must contain only "
"positive integers in file %s - ignored"
return False
return True