Source code for fmu.ensemble.virtualrealization

"""Contains the VirtualRealization class"""

import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import shutil
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .realizationcombination import RealizationCombination
from .util import shortcut2path
from .util.dates import date_range
from .util.rates import compute_volumetric_rates

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VirtualRealization(object): """A computed or archived realization. Computed or archived, one cannot assume to have access to the file system containing original data. Datatables that in a ScratchRealization was available through the files dataframe, is now available as dataframes in a dict accessed by the localpath in the files dataframe from ScratchRealization- """ def __init__(self, description=None, data=None, longdescription=None): self._description = description self._longdescription = longdescription if data: = data else: = {}
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the keys of all data in internal datastore""" return
def __getitem__(self, localpath): """Retrieve data for a specific key. Wrapper for get_df(), shorthands are allowed.""" return self.get_df(localpath) def __delitem__(self, localpath): """Delete a key from the internal datastore. The key must be fully qualified, no shorthands.""" if localpath in self.keys(): del[localpath]
[docs] def append(self, key, dataframe, overwrite=False): """Append data to the datastore. No checks performed on the dataframe coming in. If key exists, nothing will be appended unless overwrite is set to True """ if key in and not overwrite: logger.warning("Ignoring %s, data already exists", key) return[key] = dataframe
def __repr__(self): """Represent the realization. Show only the last part of the path""" return "<VirtualRealization, {}>".format(self._description)
[docs] def to_disk(self, filesystempath, delete=False): """Write the virtual realization to the filesystem. All data will be dumped to the requested directory according to their localpaths (keys). Args: filesystempath : string with a directory, absolute or relative. If it exists already, it must be empty, otherwise we give up. delete: boolean, if True, existing directory at the filesystempath will be deleted before export. """ warnings.warn( "to_disk() is considered deprecated and might be " "removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0", FutureWarning, ) if os.path.exists(filesystempath): if delete: shutil.rmtree(filesystempath) os.mkdir(filesystempath) elif os.listdir(filesystempath): logger.critical("Refusing to write to non-empty directory") raise IOError("Directory %s not empty" % filesystempath) else: os.mkdir(filesystempath) if self._description is not None: with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "_description"), "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write(self._description) if self._longdescription is not None: with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "_longdescription"), "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write(str(self._longdescription)) with open(os.path.join(filesystempath, "__repr__"), "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write(self.__repr__()) for key in self.keys(): dirname = os.path.join(filesystempath, os.path.dirname(key)) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) data = self.get_df(key) filename = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(key)) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):"Dumping %s", key) data.to_csv(filename, index=False) elif isinstance(data, dict): with open(filename, "w") as fhandle: for paramkey in data.keys(): fhandle.write(paramkey + " " + str(data[paramkey]) + "\n") elif isinstance(data, (str, float, int, np.number)): with open(filename, "w") as fhandle: fhandle.write(str(data)) else: logger.warning( "Don't know how to dump %s of type %s to disk", key, type(key) )
[docs] def load_disk(self, filesystempath): """Load data for a virtual realization from disk. Existing data in the current object will be wiped, this function is intended for initialization WARNING: This code is really shaky. We need metafiles written by to_json() for robust parsing of files on disk, f.ex. are txt files really key-value data (dicts) or csv files? Currently, the file format is guessed based on the contents of the two first lines: * CSV files contains commas, and more than one line * key-value files contains two space-separated values, and at least one line * scalar files contain only one item and one line Args: filesystempath: path to a directory that to_disk() has written to (or a really careful user) """ warnings.warn( "load_disk() is considered deprecated and might be " "removed in fmu-ensemble v2.0.0", FutureWarning, )"Loading virtual realization from %s", filesystempath) for root, _, filenames in os.walk(filesystempath): for filename in filenames: if filename == "_description": with open(os.path.join(root, filename)) as fhandle: self._description = " ".join(fhandle.readlines())"got name as %s", self._description) elif filename == "STATUS": self.append("STATUS", pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, filename)))"got STATUS") elif filename == "__repr__": # Not implemented.. continue else: # GUESS scalar, key-value txt or CSV from the first # two lines. SHAKY! with open(os.path.join(root, filename)) as realfile: lines = realfile.readlines() linecount = len(lines) commafields = len(lines[0].split(",")) spacefields = len(lines[0].split()) print(filename, commafields, spacefields, linecount) if spacefields == 2 and commafields == 1: # key-value txt file! self.append( filename, pd.read_csv( os.path.join(root, filename), sep=r"\s+", index_col=0, header=None, )[1].to_dict(), )"Read txt file %s", filename) elif spacefields == 1 and linecount == 1 and commafields == 1: # scalar file value = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(root, filename), sep=r"\s+", header=None, engine="python", ).iloc[0, 0]"Read scalar file %s", filename) self.append(filename, value) elif spacefields == 1 and linecount > 1 and commafields > 1: # CSV file! self.append(filename, pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, filename)))"Read csv file %s", filename)
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Dump realization data to json. Resulting json string is compatible with the accompanying load_json() function """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_df(self, localpath, merge=None): """Access the internal datastore which contains dataframes, dicts or scalars. The localpath argument can be shortened, as it will be looked up using the function shortcut2path() Args: localpath (str): the identifier of the data requested merge (list or str): refer to additional localpath(s) which will be merged into the dataframe. Returns: dataframe, dictionary, float, str or integer Raises: KeyError if data is not found. """ data = None fullpath = shortcut2path(self.keys(), localpath) if fullpath in self.keys(): data =[fullpath] else: raise KeyError("Could not find {}".format(localpath)) if merge is None: merge = [] if not isinstance(merge, list): merge = [merge] # can still be None if merge and merge[0] is not None: # Make a copy of the primary data to ensure we don't edit it during merge if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, dict)): data = data.copy() elif isinstance(data, (str, int, float, np.number)): # Convert scalar data into something mergeable value = data data = {localpath: value} else: raise TypeError for mergekey in merge: if mergekey is None: continue mergedata = self.get_df(mergekey) if isinstance(mergedata, dict): for key in mergedata: data[key] = mergedata[key] elif isinstance(mergedata, (str, int, float, np.number)): # Scalar data, use the mergekey as column data[mergekey] = mergedata elif isinstance(mergedata, pd.DataFrame): data = pd.merge(data, mergedata) else: raise ValueError("Don't know how to merge data {}".format(mergekey)) if isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = data.to_dict() if data is not None: return data raise ValueError("Data ended up being None")
[docs] def get_volumetric_rates(self, column_keys=None, time_index=None, time_unit=None): """Compute volumetric rates from cumulative summary vectors See :meth:`fmu.ensemble.util.compute_volumetric_rates` """ return compute_volumetric_rates(self, column_keys, time_index, time_unit)
[docs] def get_smry(self, column_keys=None, time_index="monthly"): """Analog function to get_smry() in ScratchRealization Accesses the internalized summary data and performs interpolation if needed. Returns data for those columns that are known, unknown columns will be issued a warning for. BUG: If some columns are available only in certain dataframes, we might miss them (e.g. we ask for yearly FOPT, and we have yearly smry with only WOPT data, and FOPT is only in daily smry). Resolution is perhaps to merge all relevant data upfront. Args: column_keys: str or list of str with column names, may contain wildcards (glob-style). Default is to match every key that is known (contrary to behaviour in a ScratchRealization) time_index: str or list of datetimes """ if not column_keys: column_keys = "*" # Match everything column_keys = self._glob_smry_keys(column_keys) if not column_keys: raise ValueError("No column keys found") # If time_index is None, load_smry in ScratchRealization stores as "raw" if time_index is None: time_index = "raw" if isinstance(time_index, str): time_index_dt = self.get_smry_dates(time_index) elif isinstance(time_index, (list, np.ndarray)): time_index_dt = time_index else: raise TypeError # Determine which of the internalized dataframes we should use # for interpolation. Or, should we merge some of them for even # higher accuracy? # Get a list ala ['yearly', 'daily'] available_smry = [ x.split("/")[-1].replace(".csv", "").replace("unsmry--", "") for x in self.keys() if "unsmry" in x ] if ( isinstance(time_index, str) and time_index not in available_smry ) or isinstance(time_index, list): # Suboptimal code, we always pick the finest available # time resolution: priorities = ["raw", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "custom"] # (could also sort them by number of rows, or we could # even merge them all) # (could have priorities as a dict, for example so we # can interpolate from monthly if we ask for yearly) chosen_smry = "" for candidate in priorities: if candidate in available_smry: chosen_smry = candidate break if not chosen_smry: logger.error("No internalized summary data to interpolate from") return pd.DataFrame() else: chosen_smry = time_index "Using %s for interpolation of %s in REAL %s", chosen_smry, time_index, str(self), ) smry = self.get_df("unsmry--" + chosen_smry)[["DATE"] + column_keys] # Add the extra datetimes to interpolate at. smry.set_index("DATE", inplace=True) smry.index = pd.to_datetime(smry.index) smry = pd.concat( [smry, pd.DataFrame(index=pd.to_datetime(time_index_dt))], sort=False ) # Drop duplicated dates. It is always the first one which is the # original. smry = smry[~smry.index.duplicated(keep="first")] smry.sort_index(inplace=True) smry = smry.apply(pd.to_numeric) cummask = smry_cumulative(column_keys) cum_columns = [column_keys[i] for i in range(len(column_keys)) if cummask[i]] noncum_columns = [ column_keys[i] for i in range(len(column_keys)) if not cummask[i] ] if cum_columns: smry[cum_columns] = ( smry[cum_columns].interpolate(method="time").ffill().bfill() ) if noncum_columns: smry[noncum_columns] = smry[noncum_columns].bfill().fillna(value=0) smry.index = smry.index.set_names(["DATE"]) return smry.loc[pd.to_datetime(time_index_dt)]
[docs] def get_smry_dates(self, freq="monthly", normalize=False): """Return list of datetimes available in the realization Similar to the function in ScratchRealization, but start and end date is taken from internalized smry dataframes. Args: freq: string denoting requested frequency for the list of datetimes. 'daily', 'monthly', 'yearly' or 'weekly' 'first' will give out the first date (minimum) and 'last' will give out the last date (maximum), both as lists with one element. normalize: Whether to normalize backwards at the start and forwards at the end to ensure the entire date range is covered. Returns: list of datetimes. Empty if no summary data is available. """ # Look for available smry, if we have one # at the requested frequency, use it directly: if shortcut2path(self.keys(), "unsmry--" + freq) in self.keys(): available_smry = [shortcut2path(self.keys(), "unsmry--" + freq)] else: # Use all of them. available_smry = [x for x in self.keys() if "unsmry" in x] if not available_smry: raise ValueError("No summary to get start and end date from") # Infer start and end-date from internalized smry data available_dates = set() for smry in available_smry: available_dates = available_dates.union(self.get_df(smry)["DATE"].values) # Parse every date to datetime, needed? available_dates = [pd.to_datetime(x) for x in list(available_dates)] start_date = min(available_dates) end_date = max(available_dates) if freq == "first": return [] if freq == "last": return [] if freq in ("custom", "raw"): return available_dates if normalize: raise NotImplementedError datetimes = date_range(start_date, end_date, freq=freq) # Convert from Pandas' datetime64 to return [ for x in datetimes]
[docs] def get_smry_meta(self, column_keys=None): """ Provide metadata for summary data vectors. A dictionary indexed by summary vector names is returned, and each value is another dictionary with potentially the following metadata types: * unit (string) * is_total (bool) * is_rate (bool) * is_historical (bool) * get_num (int) (only provided if not None) * keyword (str) * wgname (str or None) Args: column_keys (list or str): Column key wildcards. Returns: dict of dict with metadata information """ # Warning: Code is identical the same function in if column_keys is None: column_keys = ["*"] if not isinstance(column_keys, list): column_keys = [column_keys] available_smrynames = self.get_df("__smry_metadata")["SMRYCOLUMN"].values matches = set() for key in column_keys: matches = matches.union( [name for name in available_smrynames if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, key)] ) return ( self.get_df("__smry_metadata") .set_index("SMRYCOLUMN") .loc[list(matches), :] .to_dict(orient="index") )
def _glob_smry_keys(self, column_keys): """Glob a list of column keys Given a list of wildcard summary vectors, expand the list to the known summary vectors (in any internalized smry dataframe) Returns empty list if no columns match the wildcard(s). This will also happen if there is no internalized smry dataframes Args: column_keys: str or list of str, like ['F*PR', 'F*PT'] Returns: list of strings """ if isinstance(column_keys, str): column_keys = [column_keys] # Get a list ala ['yearly', 'daily'] available_smry = [x for x in self.keys() if "unsmry" in x] if not available_smry: raise ValueError( "No summary data available. Use load_smry() " "before making a virtual realization." ) # Merge all internalized columns: available_keys = set() for smry in available_smry: available_keys = available_keys.union(self.get_df(smry).columns) matches = set() for key in column_keys: matches = matches.union( [x for x in available_keys if fnmatch.fnmatch(x, key)] ) if "DATE" in matches: matches.remove("DATE") return list(matches) def __sub__(self, other): """Substract another realization from this""" result = RealizationCombination(ref=self, sub=other) return result def __add__(self, other): """Add another realization from this""" result = RealizationCombination(ref=self, add=other) return result def __mul__(self, other): """Scale this realization by a scalar value""" result = RealizationCombination(ref=self, scale=float(other)) return result def __rsub__(self, other): """Add another realization from this""" result = RealizationCombination(ref=self, sub=other) return result def __radd__(self, other): """Substract another realization from this""" result = RealizationCombination(ref=self, add=other) return result def __rmul__(self, other): """Scale this realization by a scalar value""" result = RealizationCombination(ref=self, scale=float(other)) return result @property def parameters(self): """Convenience getter for parameters.txt""" return["parameters.txt"] @property def name(self): """Return name of ensemble""" return self._description
[docs]def smry_cumulative(column_keys): """Determine whether smry vectors are cumulative Returns list of booleans, indicating whether a certain column_key in summary dataframes corresponds to a cumulative column. The current implementation checks for the letter 'T' in the column key, but this behaviour is not guaranteed in the future, in case the cumulative information gets internalized Warning: This code is duplicated in, even though a ScratchRealization has access to the EclSum object which can give the true answer Args: column_keys: str or list of strings with summary vector names Returns: list of booleans, corresponding to each inputted summary vector name. """ if isinstance(column_keys, str): column_keys = [column_keys] if not isinstance(column_keys, list): raise TypeError("column_keys must be str or list of str") return [ (x.endswith("T") and ":" not in x and "CT" not in x) or ("T:" in x and "CT:" not in x) for x in column_keys ]