Source code for pyscal.gaswater

"""Object to represent GasWater, implemented as a Container
object for one WaterOil and one GasOil object"""

from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd

from pyscal import getLogger_pyscal
from pyscal.utils.relperm import crosspoint

from .gasoil import GasOil
from .wateroil import WaterOil

logger = getLogger_pyscal(__name__)

[docs] def is_documented_by(original): """Decorator to avoid duplicating function docstrings""" def wrapper(target): target.__doc__ = original.__doc__ return target return wrapper
[docs] class GasWater: """A representation of two-phase properties for gas-water Internally, this class handles gas-water by using one WaterOil object and one GasOil object, with dummy parameters for oil. Args: swirr: Irreducible water saturation for capillary pressure swl: First water saturation point in outputted tables. sgl: Minimum gas saturation in a gas paleozone. swcr: Critical water saturation, water is immobile below this sgrw: Residual gas saturation after water flooding. sgcr: Critical gas saturation, gas is immobile below this h: Saturation intervals in generated tables. tag: Optional text that will be included as comments. fast: Set to True if you prefer speed over robustness. Not recommended, pyscal will not guarantee valid output in this mode. """ def __init__( self, swirr: float = 0.0, swl: float = 0.0, sgl: float = 0.0, swcr: float = 0.0, sgrw: float = 0.0, sgcr: float = 0.0, h: Optional[float] = None, tag: str = "", fast: bool = False, ) -> None: """Sets up the saturation range for a GasWater object, by initializing one WaterOil and one GasOil object, with endpoints set to fit with the GasWater proxy object.""" bool = fast if h is None: h = 0.01 self.wateroil: WaterOil = WaterOil( swirr=swirr, swl=swl, swcr=swcr, sorw=sgrw, h=h, tag=tag, fast=fast, _sgcr=sgcr, _sgl=sgl, ) self.sgcr: float = sgcr self.sgrw: float = sgrw self.sgl: float = sgl # (remaining parameters are implemented as property functions) self.gasoil: GasOil = GasOil( swirr=swirr, # Reserved for use in capillary pressure sgcr=sgcr, sorg=0, # Irrelevant for GasWater swl=swl, h=h, tag=tag, fast=fast, _sgl=sgl, ) # Dummy oil curves, just to avoid objects being invalid. self.wateroil.add_corey_oil() self.gasoil.add_corey_oil()
[docs] def selfcheck(self) -> bool: """Run selfcheck on the data. Performs tests if necessary data is ready in the object for printing Eclipse include files, and checks some numerical properties (direction and monotonicity) """ if self.wateroil is not None and self.gasoil is not None: return self.wateroil.selfcheck() and self.gasoil.selfcheck() logger.error("None objects in GasWater (bug)") return False
[docs] def add_corey_water( self, nw: float = 2.0, krwend: float = 1.0, krwmax: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """Add krw data through the Corey parametrization A column named 'krw' will be added. If it exists, it will be replaced. The Corey model applies for sw < 1 - sgrw. For higher water saturations, krw is linear between krwend and krwmax. krwmax will be ignored if sgrw is close to zero Args: nw: Corey parameter for water. krwend: value of krw at 1 - sgcr. krwmax: maximal value at Sw=1. Default 1 """ self.wateroil.add_corey_water(nw, krwend, krwmax)
[docs] def add_corey_gas(self, ng: float = 2.0, krgend: float = 1.0) -> None: """Add krg data through the Corey parametrization A column named 'krg' will be added. If it exists, it will be replaced. Args: ng: Corey parameter for gas krgend: value of krg at swl. """ self.gasoil.add_corey_gas(ng, krgend, krgmax=None)
[docs] def add_LET_water( self, l: float = 2.0, e: float = 2.0, t: float = 2.0, krwend: float = 1.0, krwmax: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: """Add krw data through LET parametrization The LET model applies for sw < 1 - sgrw. For higher water saturations, krw is linear between krwend and krwmax. krwmax will be ignored if sorw is close to zero. Args: l: LET parameter e: LET parameter t: LET parameter krwend: value of krw at 1 - sorw krwmax: maximal value at Sw=1. Default 1 """ self.wateroil.add_LET_water(l, e, t, krwend, krwmax)
[docs] def add_LET_gas( self, l: float = 2.0, e: float = 2.0, t: float = 2.0, krgend: float = 1.0 ) -> None: """Add krg data through the LET parametrization A column named 'krg' will be added. If it exists, it will be replaced. Args: l: LET parameter e: LET parameter t: LET parameter krgend: value of krg at swl """ self.gasoil.add_LET_gas(l, e, t, krgend, krgmax=None)
[docs] @is_documented_by(WaterOil.add_simple_J) def add_simple_J( self, a: float = 5.0, b: float = -1.5, poro_ref: float = 0.25, perm_ref: float = 100.0, drho: float = 300.0, g: float = 9.81, ) -> None: """Add a simple J-function, handed over to the WaterOil object""" self.wateroil.add_simple_J(a, b, poro_ref, perm_ref, drho, g)
[docs] @is_documented_by(WaterOil.add_simple_J_petro) def add_simple_J_petro( self, a: float, b: float, poro_ref: float = 0.25, perm_ref: float = 100.0, drho: float = 300.0, g: float = 9.81, ) -> None: """Add a simple petrophysical variant of the J-function, handed over to the WaterOil object""" self.wateroil.add_simple_J_petro(a, b, poro_ref, perm_ref, drho, g)
[docs] def SWFN(self, header: bool = True, dataincommentrow: bool = True): """Produce SWFN input to Eclipse The columns sw, krw and pc are outputted and formatted accordingly. Meta-information for the tabulated data are printed as Eclipse comments. Args: header: boolean for whether the SWFN string should be emitted. If you have multiple satnums, you should have True only for the first (or False for all, and emit the SWFN yourself). Defaults to True. dataincommentrow: boolean for wheter metadata should be printed, defaults to True. """ if crosspointcomment = "" else: crosspoint_value = self.crosspoint() if crosspoint_value is not None: crosspointcomment = f"-- krw = krg @ sw={crosspoint_value:1.5f}\n" else: crosspointcomment = "" return self.wateroil.SWFN( header, dataincommentrow, swcomment=self.swcomment, crosspointcomment=crosspointcomment, )
[docs] def SGFN(self, header: bool = True, dataincommentrow: bool = True): """Produce SGFN input for Eclipse reservoir simulator. The columns sg and krg are outputted and formatted accordingly. Meta-information for the tabulated data are printed as Eclipse comments. Args: header: boolean for whether the SGFN string should be emitted. If you have multiple satnums, you should have True only for the first (or False for all, and emit the SGFN yourself). Defaults to True. dataincommentrow: boolean for wheter metadata should be printed, defaults to True. """ if crosspointcomment = "" else: crosspoint_value = self.crosspoint() if crosspoint_value is not None: crosspointcomment = f"-- krw = krg @ sw={crosspoint_value:1.5f}\n" else: crosspointcomment = "" return self.gasoil.SGFN( header, dataincommentrow, sgcomment=self.sgcomment, crosspointcomment=crosspointcomment, )
[docs] def crosspoint(self) -> Optional[float]: """Calculate the sw value where krg == krw. Accuracy of this crosspoint depends on the resolution chosen when initializing the saturation range (it uses linear interpolation to solve for the zero) Returns: The gas saturation where krw == krg, for relperm linearly interpolated in water saturation. """ if not {"SW", "KRW"}.issubset(self.wateroil.table.columns): logger.warning("Can't compute crosspoint when KRW is not present") return None if not {"SL", "KRG"}.issubset(self.gasoil.table.columns): logger.warning("Can't compute crosspoint when KRG is not present") return None dframe = pd.concat( [self.wateroil.table[["SW", "KRW"]], self.gasoil.table[["SL", "KRG"]]], sort=False, ) # The "SL" column in the GasOil object corresponds exactly to "SW" in WaterOil # but since they are floating point, we do not want to "merge" dataframes on it, # rather concatenate and let linear interpolation fill in values. dframe["SW"] = dframe["SW"].fillna(value=0) dframe["SL"] = dframe["SL"].fillna(value=0) dframe["sat"] = dframe["SL"] + dframe["SW"] dframe = ( dframe.set_index("sat") .sort_index() .interpolate(method="slinear") .dropna() .reset_index() ) return crosspoint(dframe, "sat", "KRW", "KRG")
[docs] def plotkrwkrg( self, mpl_ax=None, color: str = "blue", alpha: float = 1, linewidth: int = 1, linestyle: str = "-", marker: Optional[str] = None, label: str = "", logyscale: bool = False, ): """Plot krw and krg If the argument 'mpl_ax' is not supplied, a new plot window will be made. If supplied, it will draw on the specified axis.""" # Lazy import of matplotlib for speed reasons. import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if mpl_ax is None:"ggplot") _, useax = plt.subplots() else: useax = mpl_ax if logyscale: useax.set_yscale("log") useax.set_ylim([1e-8, 1]) self.wateroil.table.plot( ax=useax, x="SW", y="KRW", c=color, alpha=alpha, legend=None, label=label, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, ) self.gasoil.table.plot( ax=useax, x="SL", y="KRG", c=color, alpha=alpha, label=None, legend=None, linewidth=linewidth, linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, ) plt.xlabel("SW") if mpl_ax is None:
@property def swirr(self) -> float: """Get the swirr, irreducible water saturation used for pc-init""" return self.wateroil.swirr @property def swl(self) -> float: """Get the swl""" return self.wateroil.swl @property def swcr(self) -> float: """Get the swcr""" return self.wateroil.swcr @property def swcomment(self) -> str: """Get a string representation of the endpoints used for water""" return self.wateroil.swcomment.replace("sorw", "sgrw") @property def sgcomment(self) -> str: """Get a string representation of the endpoints used for gas""" return ( self.gasoil.sgcomment.replace("sorg", "sgrw") .replace(", krgendanchor=sgrw", "") .replace(", krgendanchor=", "") ) @property def krwcomment(self) -> str: """Get a string representation describing krw""" return self.wateroil.krwcomment @property def krgcomment(self) -> str: """Get a string representation describing krg""" return self.gasoil.krgcomment @property def tag(self) -> str: """Get the user configured tag""" if self.wateroil.tag == self.gasoil.tag: return self.wateroil.tag raise ValueError("Internal tag-inconsistency in GasWater")