Source code for pyscal.pyscallist

"""Container class for list of Pyscal objects"""

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Type, Union

import pandas as pd

from pyscal import (

PYSCAL_OBJECTS = [WaterOil, GasOil, GasWater, WaterOilGas, SCALrecommendation]

PyscalObjects = Union[WaterOil, GasOil, GasWater, WaterOilGas, SCALrecommendation]

logger = getLogger_pyscal(__name__)

warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning, module="pyscal")

[docs] class PyscalList: """Container class for a list of WaterOilGas objects. Essentially this is a list of objects of equal type, and all being pyscal objects WaterOil, GasOil, WaterOilGas or SCALrecommendation It is possible to ask this list class for SWOF++ printouts, and it will call SWOF on each element succesively. Args: pyscal_list (list): List of objects if already ready. Can be empty or None. """ def __init__(self, pyscal_list: Optional[List[PyscalObjects]] = None): self.pyscaltype: Optional[Type] = None self.pyscal_list: List[PyscalObjects] = [] if isinstance(pyscal_list, list): for pyscal_obj in pyscal_list: self.append(pyscal_obj) if isinstance(pyscal_list, PyscalList): for idx in range(len(pyscal_list)): self.append(pyscal_list[idx + 1])
[docs] def append(self, pyscal_obj: Optional[PyscalObjects]) -> None: """Append a pyscal object to the list Args: pyscal_obj Raises: ValueError If the type of the incoming object does not match existing objects in the list """ if pyscal_obj is None: return if isinstance(pyscal_obj, list): # Recursion for pyscal_obj_sub in pyscal_obj: self.append(pyscal_obj_sub) return if not isinstance(pyscal_obj, tuple(PYSCAL_OBJECTS)): raise ValueError("Not a pyscal object: " + str(pyscal_obj)) if not self.pyscaltype: self.pyscaltype = type(pyscal_obj) # Beware, this list can be of type WaterOilGas, with # WaterOilGas objects where gasoil is None, effectively # making that object a WaterOil object. if not isinstance(pyscal_obj, self.pyscaltype): raise ValueError( f"Trying to add {type(pyscal_obj)} to list " f"of {self.pyscaltype} objects." ) self.pyscal_list.append(pyscal_obj)
[docs] def df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Dump dataframes of generated relperm data Column names are compatible with ecl2df.satfunc. Always uppercase and capillary pressure is PCOW or PCOG (wateroil vs gasoil) If the PyscalList contains SCALrecommendations, the CASE column will contain the strings 'pess', 'base' and 'opt' (independent of any alias name potentially used in an input xlsx/csv) """ # Names of dataframe columns in wateroil/gasoil.table: wateroil_pyscal_cols = {"SW", "KRW", "KROW", "PC"} gasoil_pyscal_cols = {"SG", "KRG", "KROG", "PC"} # Renamers applied to the returned dataframe: gasoil_col_renamer = {"SG": "SG", "KRG": "KRG", "KROG": "KROG", "PC": "PCOG"} wateroil_col_renamer = {"SW": "SW", "KRW": "KRW", "KROW": "KROW", "PC": "PCOW"} # Sort order for rows in returned dataframe: sort_candidates = ["SATNUM", "CASE", "KEYWORD", "SW", "SG", "SL"] df_list = [] if self.pyscaltype == WaterOilGas: for satnum, wateroilgas in enumerate(self.pyscal_list): assert isinstance(wateroilgas, WaterOilGas) assert wateroilgas.wateroil is not None assert wateroilgas.gasoil is not None wateroil_cols = list( set(wateroilgas.wateroil.table.columns).intersection( wateroil_pyscal_cols ) ) gasoil_cols = list( set(wateroilgas.gasoil.table.columns).intersection( gasoil_pyscal_cols ) ) df_list.append( wateroilgas.gasoil.table[gasoil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1) .rename(gasoil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) df_list.append( wateroilgas.wateroil.table[wateroil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1) .rename(wateroil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) elif self.pyscaltype == SCALrecommendation: for satnum, scalrec in enumerate(self.pyscal_list): assert isinstance(scalrec, SCALrecommendation) assert scalrec.low is not None assert scalrec.base is not None assert scalrec.high is not None assert scalrec.low.wateroil is not None assert scalrec.low.gasoil is not None assert scalrec.base.wateroil is not None assert scalrec.base.gasoil is not None assert scalrec.high.wateroil is not None assert scalrec.high.gasoil is not None gasoil_cols = list( set(scalrec.base.gasoil.table.columns).intersection( gasoil_pyscal_cols ) ) wateroil_cols = list( set(scalrec.base.wateroil.table.columns).intersection( wateroil_pyscal_cols ) ) df_list.append( scalrec.low.gasoil.table[gasoil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1, CASE="pess") .rename(gasoil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) df_list.append( scalrec.base.gasoil.table[gasoil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1, CASE="base") .rename(gasoil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) df_list.append( scalrec.high.gasoil.table[gasoil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1, CASE="opt") .rename(gasoil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) df_list.append( scalrec.low.wateroil.table[wateroil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1, CASE="pess") .rename(wateroil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) df_list.append( scalrec.base.wateroil.table[wateroil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1, CASE="base") .rename(wateroil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) df_list.append( scalrec.high.wateroil.table[wateroil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1, CASE="opt") .rename(wateroil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) elif self.pyscaltype == WaterOil: for satnum, wateroil in enumerate(self.pyscal_list): assert isinstance(wateroil, WaterOil) assert wateroil is not None wateroil_cols = list( set(wateroil.table.columns).intersection(wateroil_pyscal_cols) ) df_list.append( wateroil.table[wateroil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1) .rename(wateroil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) elif self.pyscaltype == GasOil: for satnum, gasoil in enumerate(self.pyscal_list): assert isinstance(gasoil, GasOil) assert gasoil is not None gasoil_cols = list( set(gasoil.table.columns).intersection(gasoil_pyscal_cols) ) df_list.append( gasoil.table[gasoil_cols] .assign(SATNUM=satnum + 1) .rename(gasoil_col_renamer, axis="columns") ) dframe = pd.concat(df_list, sort=False, ignore_index=True) sort_rows_on = [colname for colname in sort_candidates if colname in dframe] if sort_rows_on: dframe = dframe.sort_values(sort_rows_on) return dframe
[docs] def relevant_keywords(self, family: int = 1, slgof: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Construct a list of relevant Eclipse keywords for the data in this Pyscallist object. This depends on the Pyscaltype, and which family is requested""" if family not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Family must be either 1 or 2") if self.pyscaltype == WaterOilGas: # WaterOilGas can be of type WaterOil or GasOil when it emerges # from a SCAL recommendation, signified by None-ness of attributes if family == 2: return ["SWFN", "SGFN", "SOF3"] if self.pyscal_list[0].gasoil is None: # type: ignore return ["SWOF"] if self.pyscal_list[0].wateroil is None: # type: ignore return ["SGOF"] if not slgof: return ["SWOF", "SGOF"] return ["SWOF", "SLGOF"] if self.pyscaltype == WaterOil: if family == 2: raise ValueError("Family 2 only supported for WaterOilGas and GasWater") return ["SWOF"] if self.pyscaltype == GasOil: if family == 2: raise ValueError("Family 2 only supported for WaterOilGas and GasWater") if slgof: raise ValueError("SLGOF not meaningful for GasOil") return ["SGOF"] assert self.pyscaltype == GasWater if family == 2: return ["SWFN", "SGFN"] raise ValueError("Family 1 output not possible for GasWater")
[docs] def build_eclipse_data(self, family: int = 1, slgof: bool = False) -> str: """Construct Eclipse keywords and data for relative permeability properties of family 1 or 2 type. Args: slgof: Set to true of SLGOF is wanted instead of SGOF. Only applicable if family is 1. """ if family not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Family must be either 1 or 2") if len(self) == 0: return "" if self.pyscaltype == SCALrecommendation: raise TypeError( "You need to interpolate before you can dump a SCAL recommendation" ) if family == 2 and slgof is True: raise ValueError("SLGOF not meaningful for family 2") keywords = self.relevant_keywords(family=family, slgof=slgof) "Keywords %s (family %d) for %d SATNUMs generated", ", ".join(keywords), family, len(self), ) return "\n".join([getattr(self, keyword)() for keyword in keywords])
[docs] def dump_family_1(self, filename: Optional[str] = None, slgof: bool = False) -> str: """Dumps family 1 Eclipse saturation tables to one filename. This means SWOF + SGOF (SGOF only if relevant) This function is deprecated. Use build_eclipse_data() and write to disk in calling code. Args: filename: Filename for the output to be given to Eclipse 100 slgof: Set to true of SLGOF is wanted instead of SGOF """ warnings.warn("dump_family_1() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) string = self.build_eclipse_data(family=1, slgof=slgof) if filename is not None: if not Path(filename).parent.exists(): raise IOError(f"Output directory not found '{Path(filename).parent}'") Path(filename).write_text(string, encoding="utf-8") return string
[docs] def dump_family_2(self, filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Dumps family 2 Eclipse saturation tables to one filename. This means SWFN + SGFN + SOF3 (SOF3 only for WaterOilGas) Relevant for WaterOilGas and GasWater. Args: filename (str): Filename for the output to be given to Eclipse 100 """ warnings.warn("dump_family_2() is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) string = self.build_eclipse_data(family=2, slgof=False) if filename is not None: if not Path(filename).parent.exists(): raise IOError(f"Output directory not found '{Path(filename).parent}'") Path(filename).write_text(string, encoding="utf-8") return string
[docs] def interpolate( self, int_params_wo: Union[float, int, List[float]], int_params_go: Optional[Union[float, int, List[Optional[float]]]] = None, h: Optional[float] = None, ) -> "PyscalList": """This function will interpolate each SCALrecommendation object to the chosen parameters This only works on lists of SCALrecommendation objects Args: int_params_wo: Interpolation parameters for wateroil, or for both. If list, separate parameter for each SATNUM. All numbers between -1 and 1 (inclusive). int_params_go: If specified, will be used for GasOil interpolation. h: Saturation step-length Returns: PyscalList of type WaterOilGas, with the same length. """ if self.pyscaltype != SCALrecommendation: raise TypeError( "Can only interpolate PyscalList of type SCALrecommendation" ) if isinstance(int_params_wo, (float, int)): int_params_wo = [int_params_wo] * len(self) elif isinstance(int_params_wo, list) and len(int_params_wo) == 1: int_params_wo = int_params_wo * len(self) if int_params_go is None or isinstance(int_params_go, (float, int)): int_params_go = [int_params_go] * len(self) elif isinstance(int_params_go, list) and len(int_params_go) == 1: int_params_go = int_params_go * len(self) if 1 < len(int_params_wo) < len(self): raise ValueError( f"Too few interpolation parameters given for WaterOil {int_params_wo}" ) if len(int_params_wo) > len(self): raise ValueError( f"Too many interpolation parameters given for WaterOil {int_params_wo}", ) if 1 < len(int_params_go) < len(self): raise ValueError( f"Too few interpolation parameters given for GasOil {int_params_go}" ) if len(int_params_go) > len(self): raise ValueError( f"Too many interpolation parameters given for GasOil {int_params_go}" ) wog_list: PyscalList = PyscalList() for satnum, scalrec in enumerate(self.pyscal_list): assert isinstance(scalrec, SCALrecommendation) wog_list.append( scalrec.interpolate(int_params_wo[satnum], int_params_go[satnum], h=h) ) return wog_list
def _make_ecl_output( self, keyword: str, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None, # Deprecated ) -> str: """Internal helper function for constructing Eclipse include file strings for individual keywords. build_eclipse_data() will use this function. """ if self.pyscaltype == SCALrecommendation: raise TypeError( "You need to interpolate before you can dump a SCAL recommendation" ) first_obj = self.pyscal_list[0] outputter = getattr(first_obj, keyword) string = outputter(header=True) if len(self.pyscal_list) > 1: for pyscal_obj in self.pyscal_list[1:]: outputter = getattr(pyscal_obj, keyword) string += outputter(header=False) if write_to_filename: warnings.warn( "Writing to files in pyscallist is deprecated", DeprecationWarning ) Path(write_to_filename).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) Path(write_to_filename).write_text(string, encoding="utf-8") return string
[docs] def SWOF(self, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build SWOF string""" # _make_ecl_output() will warn about non-None filename being deprecated return self._make_ecl_output("SWOF", write_to_filename)
[docs] def SGOF(self, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build SGOF string""" return self._make_ecl_output("SGOF", write_to_filename)
[docs] def SLGOF(self, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build SLGOF string""" return self._make_ecl_output("SLGOF", write_to_filename)
[docs] def SGFN(self, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build SGFN string""" return self._make_ecl_output("SGFN", write_to_filename)
[docs] def SWFN(self, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build SWFN string""" return self._make_ecl_output("SWFN", write_to_filename)
[docs] def SOF3(self, write_to_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build SOF3 string""" return self._make_ecl_output("SOF3", write_to_filename)
def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the count of Pyscal objects in the list""" return len(self.pyscal_list) def __getitem__(self, satnum_idx) -> PyscalObjects: """Get a specific List member. The indexing starts at 1, not zero, similar to how SATNUMs are indexed. Args: satnum_idx (int): Index for wanted SATNUM. Starts at 1 Returns: WaterOilGas, GasOil, WaterOil or SCALrecommendation, depending on self.pyscaltype. """ if satnum_idx < 1: e_msg = "SATNUM must be 1 or higher" logger.error(e_msg) raise IndexError(e_msg) if satnum_idx > self.__len__(): e_msg = "SATNUM index out of range, length is " + str(self.__len__()) logger.error(e_msg) raise IndexError(e_msg) return self.pyscal_list[satnum_idx - 1]