Source code for pyscal.utils.testing

"""Common functions and mock data for usage in pyscal testing"""

import io
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

with suppress(ModuleNotFoundError):
    # This module is only needed for testing, but this testing module
    # should be importable in other scenarios as well.
    from hypothesis import settings

from pyscal import GasOil, WaterOil

[docs] def slow_hypothesis(slow_function): """A decorator for tests that are always slow. The default deadline for hypothesis is set through the hypothesis profile being used, and is set to None for CI runs (through a command line argument and code in, meaning no deadline. On tests that are slow on local iron as well, we must ensure that the deadline set for these do not override the "no-deadline" in CI. """ if settings().deadline is None: return settings()(slow_function) return settings(deadline=1000)(slow_function)
[docs] def series_decreasing(series: pd.Series): """Weaker than pd.Series.is_monotonic_decreasing, allows constant parts. We do not enforce less than zero here, because there will be some positive differences due to representation errors which is ok in terms of numerical equivalence. It is not ok when dumped to Eclipse, so the representation of the dataframe as a SGOF table must be properly rounded before printed.""" return (series.diff().dropna() < 1e-8).all()
[docs] def series_increasing(series: pd.Series): """Weaker than pd.Series.is_monotonic_increasing""" return (series.diff().dropna() > -1e-8).all()
[docs] def sat_table_str_ok(sat_table_str: str) -> None: """Test that a supplied string from SWOF()/SGOF() etc is probably ok for Eclipse. Number of floats pr. line must be constant All numerical lines must be parseable to a rectangular dataframe with only floats. The first column must contain only unique values for every SATNUM. """ assert sat_table_str for line in sat_table_str.splitlines(): try: if not (not line or line.startswith(("S", "--", "/")) or int(line[0]) >= 0): assert False except ValueError as e_msg: # the int(line[0]) will get here on strings. print(e_msg) assert False assert "-- pyscal: " in sat_table_str # On non-comment lines, number of ascii floats should be the same: number_lines = [ line for line in sat_table_str.splitlines() if line.strip() and line.strip()[0] in ["0", "1", "."] ] floats_pr_line = {len(line.split()) for line in number_lines} # This must be a constant: assert len(floats_pr_line) == 1 # And not more than 4: if not list(floats_pr_line)[0] <= 4: print(sat_table_str) assert list(floats_pr_line)[0] <= 4 float_characters = {len(flt) for flt in " ".join(number_lines).split()} digits = 7 # This is the default value in utils.df2str() for float_str_length in float_characters: assert not 1 < float_str_length < digits + 2 # float_str_length must be 1 (a pure zero value), # or above digits + 1, otherwise it is a sign of some error. # And pyscal only emits three or four floats pr. line for all keywords: assert list(set(floats_pr_line))[0] in [3, 4] # So we should be able to parse this to a dataframe: dframe = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO("\n".join(number_lines)), sep=" ", header=None) assert len(dframe) == len(number_lines) # The first column holds saturations, for pyscal test-data that # is always between zero and 1 assert 0 <= dframe[0].min() <= dframe[0].max() <= 1 # Saturations should be unique, but only within each SATNUM. # Assert this by checking that the two consecutive numbers in the # first column are never the same: assert (~np.isclose(dframe[0].diff().dropna(), 0)).all() # Second column is never capillary pressure, so there we can enforce the same assert 0 <= dframe[1].min() <= dframe[1].max() <= 1 # And then sometimes for the third column: if len(dframe.columns) > 3 or "SOF3" in sat_table_str: assert 0 <= dframe[2].min() <= dframe[2].max() <= 1
[docs] def check_table(dframe: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Check that the numbers in a dataframe for WaterOil or GasOil has the properties that Eclipse enforces""" assert not dframe.empty assert not dframe.isnull().values.any() if "SW" in dframe and "SG" not in dframe: # (avoiding GasWater tables, where sw is an auxiliary column) assert len(dframe["SW"].unique()) == len(dframe) assert dframe["SW"].is_monotonic_increasing assert (dframe["SW"] >= 0.0).all() assert dframe["SWN"].is_monotonic_increasing assert dframe["SON"].is_monotonic_decreasing assert dframe["SWNPC"].is_monotonic_increasing if "SG" in dframe: assert len(dframe["SG"].unique()) == len(dframe) assert dframe["SG"].is_monotonic_increasing assert (dframe["SG"] >= 0.0).all() assert dframe["SGN"].is_monotonic_increasing assert dframe["SON"].is_monotonic_decreasing if "KROW" in dframe: assert series_decreasing(dframe["KROW"]) assert (dframe["KROW"] >= 0).all() assert (dframe["KROW"] <= 1.0).all() if "KRW" in dframe: assert series_increasing(dframe["KRW"]) assert np.isclose(dframe["KRW"].iloc[0], 0.0) assert (dframe["KRW"] >= 0).all() assert (dframe["KRW"] <= 1.0).all() if "PC" in dframe: if "SW" in dframe: assert series_decreasing(dframe["PC"]) if "SG" in dframe: assert series_increasing(dframe["PC"]) if "KROG" in dframe: assert series_decreasing(dframe["KROG"]) assert (dframe["KROG"] >= 0).all() assert (dframe["KROG"] <= 1.0).all() if "KRG" in dframe: assert series_increasing(dframe["KRG"]) assert (dframe["KRG"] >= 0).all() assert (dframe["KRG"] <= 1.0).all()
[docs] def check_linear_sections(wo_or_go: Union[WaterOil, GasOil]) -> None: """Check that the linear segments of a WaterOil or a GasOil object are linear.""" if isinstance(wo_or_go, WaterOil): sat_col = "SW" right_start = 1.0 - wo_or_go.sorw right_end = 1.0 right_lin_cols = ["KROW", "KRW"] left_lin_cols = ["KRW"] left_start = wo_or_go.swl left_end = wo_or_go.swcr if isinstance(wo_or_go, GasOil): sat_col = "SG" if wo_or_go.krgendanchor == "sorg": right_start = 1.0 - wo_or_go.sorg - wo_or_go.swl else: # If not krgendanchor=sorg, then there is no linear # segment to the right. right_start = 1.0 - wo_or_go.swl right_end = 1.0 - wo_or_go.swl right_lin_cols = ["KROG", "KRG"] left_lin_cols = ["KRG"] left_start = 0.0 left_end = wo_or_go.sgcr right_lin_seg = wo_or_go.table[ (wo_or_go.table[sat_col] >= right_start) & (wo_or_go.table[sat_col] <= right_end) ] left_lin_seg = wo_or_go.table[ (wo_or_go.table[sat_col] >= left_start) & (wo_or_go.table[sat_col] <= left_end) ] if len(right_lin_seg) > 5: for col in right_lin_cols: # We avoid the first and two lasts row in right_lin_seg, because # this does not always match the constant saturation segment # assumption in this linearity test: assert right_lin_seg.iloc[1:-2][col].diff().std() < 1e-9 if len(left_lin_seg) > 4: for col in left_lin_cols: assert left_lin_seg.iloc[1:-1][col].diff().std() < 1e-9
[docs] def float_df_checker( dframe: pd.DataFrame, idxcol: str, value: float, compcol: str, answer: float ) -> Union[np.bool_, np.ndarray]: """Looks up in a dataframe, selects the row where idxcol=value and compares the value in compcol with answer Warning: This is slow code, but only the tests are slow Floats are notoriously difficult to handle in computers. """ # Find row index where we should do comparison: plus_one = 0 if abs(answer) < 0.2: plus_one = 1 for swtol in [1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1]: idxs = (dframe[idxcol] - value).abs() < swtol if sum(idxs) < 1: continue if sum(idxs) < 10: break rowidx = (dframe[idxs][idxcol] - value).abs().sort_values().index[0] return np.isclose(plus_one + dframe.loc[rowidx, compcol], plus_one + answer)