API Reference
- class warmth.model.Model
Main model class
- property parameters: Parameters
Model parameters
- Returns:
Model parameters
- Return type:
- load(path: Path | str)
Load model and override current model
- Parameters:
path (Path | str) – path to model data
Model builder
- class warmth.build.single_node
Properties of 1D location for forward model
- hc
Initial crustal thickness (m)
- Type:
- hLith
Initial depth of base lithosphere (Thermal Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary) (m)
- Type:
- kCrust
Reference conductivity of crust at 20C (W/K.m^2)
- Type:
- kLith
Reference conductivity of lithospheric mantle at 20C (W/K.m^2)
- Type:
- kAsth
Reference conductivity of asthenosphere at 20C (W/K.m^2)
- Type:
- rhp
Radiogenic heat production of the crust (W/m^3)
- Type:
- crustsolid
Density of the crust
- Type:
- lithsolid
Density of the lithospheric mantle
- Type:
- asthsolid
Density of th asthenosphere
- Type:
- T0
Seabed temperature (C)
- Type:
- Tm
Temperature at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary (LAB) (m)
- Type:
- qbase
Heat flow at the base of the crust (Moho) (W/m^2)
- Type:
- sediments_inputs
Present-day sediments. See Builder.single_node_sediments_inputs_template
- Type:
- X
X location of the node
- Type:
- Y
Y location of the node
- Type:
- paleoWD
Paleo-water depth for multi-rift
- Type:
- rift
Rifting episodes
- Type:
- water_depth_difference
Difference between forward model and observed present-day water depth
- Type:
- sediment_fill_margin
Maximum difference between modelled and observed present-day water depth when a fit is considered achieved
- Type:
- total_beta_tested
Total number of beta factors tested in forward model
- Type:
- error
Error from forward model
- Type:
str | None
- simulated_at
Timestamp when forward model is finished
- Type:
str | None
- property result: Results | None
Results of 1D simulation
- Returns:
None if not simulated
- Return type:
- clear_unused_data()
Removes most arrays of detailed input and output that are not needed by warmth3D, in order to save memory.
- compute_derived_arrays()
Computes depths of seabed, top crust, top lithosphere and top aestenosphere, and stores them with the node. This allows the depth and temperature arrays to be discarded to save memory.
- property fitting: bool
Whether a beta factor is found
- Returns:
True if the modelled water depth difference is smaller than the acceptable difference
- Return type:
- property sediments: DataFrame
Cleaned-up sediments for the 1D location
- Returns:
Sediment input
- Return type:
- class warmth.build.Grid(origin_x: float, origin_y: float, num_nodes_x: int, num_nodes_y: int, step_x: float, step_y: float)
Defines geometry of a 3D model
- property location_grid: ndarray
Locations of all 1D nodes
- Returns:
A 2D array of locations of all nodes
- Return type:
- make_grid_arr() List[List]
list of list defining model geometry
- Returns:
Template geometry to store 1D node object
- Return type:
- property indexing_arr: ndarray
Array of indices of all 1D node object
- Returns:
Arry of indices
- Return type:
- dump(filepath: Path)
Save the object
- Parameters:
filepath (Path) – File path to save
- class warmth.build.Builder(parameters: Parameters)
Utilities to build a model
- Parameters:
parameters (Parameters) – Model parameters
- property single_node_sediments_inputs_template
Template for creating sediment for single node
- Returns:
Single node sediment template
- Return type:
- property input_horizons_template: DataFrame
Template dataframe for model input using maps
- Returns:
Emtpy dataframe for appending input data
- Return type:
- extract_nodes(thread: int, path: Path, formatfile: str = 'irap_binary', facies_dict: dict | None = None)
Extract model nodes from input data
- Parameters:
thread (int) – Number of concurrent process
path (Path) – Path to map directory
formatfile (str, optional) – Map format supported by xtgeo, by default “irap_binary”
facies_dict (dict | None, optional) – Lithology value mapping with facies map, by default None
- Raises:
ValueError – Invalid input table. Check self.input_horizons
ValueError – self.input_horizons not sorted with ascending age
- define_geometry(path: Path, xinc: float | None = None, yinc: float | None = None, fformat='irap_binary')
Define geometry of a 3D model by using a map
- Parameters:
path (Path) – Path to the map used in defining model geometry
xinc (float, optional) – Overwrite node distance in x direction from input map, by default None
yinc (float, optional) – Overwrite node distance in y direction from input map, by default None
fformat (str, optional) – Map format supported by xtgeo, by default “irap_binary”
- property locations: ndarray
Locations of all 1D nodes
- Returns:
A 2D array of locations of all nodes
- Return type:
- iter_node() Iterator[single_node]
Iterate all 1D nodes
- Yields:
Iterator[single_node] – 1D node
- set_eustatic_sea_level(sealevel: dict | None = None)
Set eustatic sea level correction for subsidence modelling
- Parameters:
sealevel (dict | None, optional) – Eustatic sea level data, by default None
- class warmth.parameters.Parameters
Parameters of the model
- property initial_hLith_max
Maximum allowed lithosphere thickness for crustal thickness calibration
- property initial_hLith_min
Minimum allowed lithosphere thickness for crustal thickness calibration
- property time_start
Start age of the model in Ma
- Returns:
Start age of model
- Return type:
- property time_end
End age of the model in Ma
- Returns:
End age of model
- Return type:
- property positive_down
Depth values are positive downwards
- Returns:
True if positve downwards
- Return type:
- property time_step_Ma
Time step to solve
- Returns:
Time step
- Return type:
Forward model
- class warmth.forward_modelling.Forward_model(parameters: Parameters, current_node: single_node)
1D simulation
- simulate_single_node()
Start simulating self.current_node
- sediment_density(mean_porosity: ndarray[float64], density: ndarray[float64]) ndarray[float64]
Effective density of sediment cells taking into account of water density in pores
- Parameters:
mean_porosity (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Porosity of the sediments
density (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Density of sediment
- Returns:
mean_sediments_density – Effective density of sediment cells
- Return type:
- simulate_continental()
Run forward model for single or multi rift
- static compaction(top_m: float, base_m: float, phi0: float, phi_decay: float, base_maximum_burial_depth_m: float = 0) float
Compact sediment at depth
- Parameters:
top_m (float) – Top of sediment (m)
base_m (float) – Base of sediment (m)
phi0 (float) – Porosity at surface (fraction)
phi_decay (float) – Exponential decay of porosity with depth (fraction)
base_maximum_burial_depth_m (float, optional) – Maximum burial depth of sediment (To make sure compaction is irreversable), by default 0
- Returns:
base_result – Depth of sediment base (m)
- Return type:
- static decompaction(top_m: float, base_m: float, phi0: float, phi_decay: float) float
Thickness of sediment without pore space. For calculating deposition rate
- Parameters:
top_m (float) – Top of sediment (m)
base_m (float) – Base of sediment (m)
phi0 (float) – Porosity at surface (fraction)
phi_decay (float) – Exponential decay of porosity with depth (fraction)
- Returns:
grain_thickness – Thickness of sediment without pore space (m)
- Return type:
- add_sediments(sedrate: ndarray[float64], sed: ndarray[float64], xsed_old: ndarray[float64], Tsed_old: ndarray[float64], HPsed_old: ndarray[float64], idsed_old: ndarray[int32]) Tuple[bool, ndarray[float64], ndarray[float64], ndarray[float64], ndarray[int32]]
Take care of sedimentation at this time step
- Parameters:
sedrate (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Sedimentation rate at current time steps (m/Ma)
sed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Top and base of all sediment unit at current time step referenced to seabed at 0 m (m)
xsed_old (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Top and base of sedimentary column at current time step referenced to seabed at 0 m (m)
Tsed_old (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Temperature of sediments at xsed (C)
HPsed_old (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Radiogenic heat production between xsed (W/m3)
idsed_old (np.ndarray[np.int32]) – Sediment ids between xsed
- Returns:
sedflag (bool) – True if sedimentation exists at current time step
xsed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Top and base of sedimentary column at current time step referenced to seabed at 0 m (m)
Tsed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Temperature of sediments at xsed (C)
HPsed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Radiogenic heat production between xsed (W/m3)
idsed (np.ndarray[np.int32]) – Sediment ids between xsed
- calculate_new_temperature(sedflag: bool, coord_crust_lith: ndarray[float64], t_old: ndarray[float64], HP: ndarray[float64], xsed: ndarray[float64], hc: float, hLith: float, Tsed: ndarray[float64], HPsed: ndarray[float64], idsed: ndarray[int32]) tuple[ndarray[float64], ndarray[float64], ndarray[float64], ndarray[float64]]
Calculate new temperature profile in new time step
- Parameters:
sedflag (bool) – If sediments exists
coord (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – 1D vertical mesh of crust, lithosphere and asthenosphere
t_old (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Temperature profile of crust, lithosphere and asthenosphere at previous time step
HP (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – RHP of crust, lithosphere and asthenosphere at this new time step
xsed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – 1D vertical mesh of sedimentary column
hc (float) – Depth of base crust
hLith (float) – Depth of base lithosphere
Tsed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Temperature profile of sediments at previous time step
HPsed (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – RHP of sediments at this new time step
idsed (np.ndarray[np.int32]) – ID of sediments
- Returns:
- Return type:
- implicit_euler_solve(T_start: ndarray[float64], coord_all: ndarray[float64], density_all: ndarray[float64], conductivity_packed: ndarray[float64], source: ndarray[float64], k_last_node: float, HP_last_node: float, T_base: float) tuple[ndarray[float64], ndarray[float64]]
Solve heat equation using backward Euler scheme
- Parameters:
T_start (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Temperature profile of starting condition
coord_all (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – 1D vertical mesh of whole model
density_all (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Density of whole model
conductivity (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Conductivity of whole model
source (np.ndarray[np.float64]) – Heat source term
k_last_node (float) – Conductivity at the base of model
HP_last_node (float) – RHP at the base of model
- Returns:
- Return type:
- class warmth.postprocessing.Results(depth: ndarray, temperature: ndarray, sediments_ids: ndarray, sediment_input: DataFrame, k_crust: float, k_lith: float, k_asth: float)
Simulation results
- typeddict resultValues
.- Required Keys:
depth (
])layerId (
- top_crust(age: int) float
Depth of crust
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Depth of crust from sea level (m)
- Return type:
- top_lithosphere(age: int) float
Depth of lithospheric mantle
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Depth of lithospheric mantle / Moho from sea level (m)
- Return type:
- top_asthenosphere(age: int) float
Depth of Asthenosphere
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Depth of Asthenosphere from sea level (m)
- Return type:
- crust_thickness(age: int) float
Thickness of crust
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Thickness of crust (m)
- Return type:
- lithosphere_thickness(age: int) float
Thickness of lithospheric mantle
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Thickness of lithospheric mantle (m)
- Return type:
- depth(age: int) ndarray[float64]
Depth reference for results
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Top and base of all cells
- Return type:
- temperature(age: int, sediment_id: int | None = None) resultValues
Temperature at top and base of cells
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
sediment_id (int | None, optional) – Optional filter using id of layer by default None
- Returns:
Temperature at top and base of cells
- Return type:
- sediment_ids(age: int) ndarray[int32]
Layer ids at the centre of cells
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Layer ids at the center of cells
- Return type:
- sediment_porosity(age: int, sediment_id: int | None = None) resultValues
Porosity at the centre of cells
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
sediment_id (int | None, optional) – Optional filter using id of layer by default None
- Returns:
Porosity at centre of cells
- Return type:
- effective_conductivity(age: int, sediment_id: int | None = None) resultValues
Effective conductivity at the centre of cells
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
sediment_id (int | None, optional) – Optional filter using id of layer by default None
- Returns:
Effective conductivity at centre of cells (W/K.m^2)
- Return type:
- heatflow(age: int, sediment_id: int | None = None) resultValues
Heat flow at the centre of cells
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
sediment_id (int | None, optional) – Optional filter using id of layer by default None
- Returns:
Heat flow at centre of cells
- Return type:
- basement_heatflow(age: int) float
Heat flow from the crust to the base of sediments
- Parameters:
age (int) – Geological age
- Returns:
Basement heat flow (W/m3)
- Return type: