Enum GainSchedIdentWarnings
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of process model
Namespace: TimeSeriesAnalysis.Dynamic
Assembly: TimeSeriesAnalysis.dll
public enum GainSchedIdentWarnings
Name | Description |
InsufficientExcitationBetweenEachThresholdToBeCertainOfGains | In order to identify model, the range of data used in the estimation of certain sub-models had to be increased beyond the threshold ranges. This can cause imprecise gains, and you may consider reducing the number of threshold, or obtaining a tuning data set with more information/exctiation. |
Nothing | No errors or warnings |
UNullOrEmpty | Identification was given a U that was either null or had zero values |
UnableToIdentifySomeSubmodels | Identifying some of the sub-models failed (possibly a sign of insufficient excitation) |
YmeasNullOrEmpty | Identification was given a y_meas that was either null or had zero values |