Namespace TimeSeriesAnalysis.Dynamic
Identification that attempts to identify a unit model jointly with estimating the additive signal acting on the output(disturbance signal) yet is counter-acted by closed-loop (feedback)control, such as with PID-control.
The approach requires combining information in the measured output signal with the information in the manipulated variable(determined by active control) that is inputted into the process
In order to accomplish this estimation, the process model and the disturbance signal are estimated together.
Class that holds comments added to models.
Class that tracks which model is connected to which in a set of models.
This is important when traversing the models when simulating with the PlantSimulator, as these models need to be run in a specific order
For a given process model and dataset, calculate the disturbance vector d by subtracting y_proc from y_meas
Internal class to store a single sub-run of the DisturnanceIdentifierInternal
Simulatable divide block, requires exactly two inputs
Paramters of the divide model
Be careful as the objective function is different for the static estimation that considers the absolute values, while dynamic estimation considers "diffs"- for this reason it is best to use RsqDiff and RsqAbs when comparing different model runs which can be a combination fo static and dynamic
Class that contains variables that are specified prior to fitting, such as working point, minima and maxima.
variables that are set prior to fitting.
Attempts to identify a gain-scheduled model, a model that uses multiple local linear models to approximate a nonlinearity. Should not be confused with gain-scheduling in terms of PID-control.
Simulatable gain-scheduled model.
A model for systems that cannot be adequately modelled by UnitModel,because they either have time constants or gains or both that vary
signficantly depending on the value of one of the inputs.
One input is selected as the "scheduling varible" and one ore more thresholds are given for this scheduling variable. The thresholds can be set indepently for time-contant and linear gain.
Remember that with more thresholds defined, the higher the requirement for information content in data will be if the model is to be identified from it.
This should not be confused with "gain-scheduled" PID-control, which is a similar concept but applied to PID-control parameters.
See also: GainSchedParametersGainSchedParameters
Parameters data class of the GainSchedModel
Abstract base class that contains common functionality across all models which are to be implemented. ISimulatableModel
Abstract base class for ISimulatableModel classes
Class that contains special pid-controller parameters for anti-surge controllers PidModelPidController
Proporitional-Integral-Derivative(PID) controller
that supports
- first and second order low pass filtering of process variable
- anti-windup
- bumpless transfer between auto and manual mode
- "warmstarting" -bumpless startup
- feedforward
- scaling of input and output values
- gain scheduling of Kp
- gain scheduling of Ti
- "kicking" as is usually applied to compressor recycling controllers/anti-surge
- min select/max select (also referred to as high select or low select: (multiple pid-controllers controlling the same output switch between auto and tracking mode)
By design decision, this class should be kept relativly simple in terms of coding patterns, so that it is possible to
hand-port this class to other languages (c++/c/Structured Text/Labview/Matlab etc).
To simulate PID-control, use the wrapper class PIDModel, as it wraps this class and impelments the
interface needed to simulate with ProcessSimulator
Parameters describing PID-controller parameters for feed-forward PidModelPidController
Class that handles the filtering of inputs y to a pid-controller Put into separate class as this is both a component of the PidController and of PidIdentifier, and important that implementation is equal.
Containing the information related to how a pid-controller should low-pass filter its input signal
Parameters describing PID-controller parameters for gain-scheduling PidModelPidController
Class that attempts to identify the parameters(such as Kp and Ti) of a PID-controller from a given set of time-series of the input and output of said controller.
Simulatable industrial PID-controller
This class is as a wrapper for PidController class,
that implements ISimulatableModel.
To simulate minimum or maximum select controllers, combine this class with Select blocks.
The controller paramters belong to different aspects of the controller like, tuning, scaling, gain-scheduling, feedforward and anti-surge are adjusted have been collected into a number of data-classes, linked below:
Parameters of the PIDModel PidModelPidController
Parameters describing PID-controller parameters for scaling PidModelPidController
Parameters describing PID-controller tuning (Kp,Ti,Td)
Simulates larger "plant-models" that is built up of connected sub-models
that each implement ISimulatableModel
To set up a simulation, first connect models, and then add external input signals. This class handles information about which model is connected to which, and handles calling sub-models in the correct order with the correct input signals.
By default, the model attempts to start in steady-state, intalization handled by ProcessSimulatorInitializer
(this requires no user interaction).
The building blocks of plant models are UnitModel
, PidModel
and Select
Convenience functions for using PlantSimulator
Intializes a plant simulator in the first data point
Currently, only initalizing to steady-state is supported.
By design choice, this class traverses the models by logic to initialize the plant model rather than using mathematical programming/matrix solvers.
Deals with loading a PlantSimulator from file
Simulatable select block
This block can function either as "minimum" or "maximum" selector, mainly inteded for simulating "min select" or "max selct" pid-control by combining with PidModel
Quickly serialie both plantSim and data associated with it.
Handles naming of individual signals in a process simulation
Delays a signal by a specific number of time steps, keeping an internal buffer of delayed values between iterations.
This is a reasuble class for providing time-delay functionality to simulatable models.
Delays a signal by a specific number of time steps, keeping an internal buffer of delayed values between iterations.
This is a reasuble class for providing time-delay functionality to simulatable models.
The data for a porition of a process, containg only one output and one or multiple inputs that influence it
Identifier of the "Default" process model - a dynamic process model with time-constant, time-delay, linear process gain and optional (nonlinear) curvature process gains.
This model class is sufficent for real-world linear or weakly nonlinear dynamic systems, yet also introduces the fewest possible parameters to describe the system in an attempt to avoid over-fitting/over-parameterization.
The "default" process model is identified using a linear-in-parameters parameterization (parameters a,b,c), so that it can be solved by linear regression and identification should thus be both fast and stable. The issue with the parameterization (a,b,c) is that the meaning of each parameter is less intuitive, for instance the time constant depends on a, but linear gain depends on both a and b, while curvature depends on a and c. Looking at the unceratinty of each parameter to determine if the model should be dynamic or static or what the uncertainty of the time constant is, is very hard, and this observation motivates re-parameterizing the model after identification.
When assessing and simulating the model, parameters are converted into the more intuitive parameters "time constant", "linear gains" and "curvature gain" which are a different parameterization. The UnitIdentifier, UnitModel and UnitParameters classes handle this transition seamlessly to the user. Uncertainty is expressed in terms of this more intuitive parameterization, to allow for a more intuitive assessment of the parameters.
Another advantage of the parameterization is that the model internally separates between steady-state and transient state. You can at any instance "turn off" dynamics and request the steady-state model output for the current input. This is useful if you have transient data that you want to analyze in the steady-state, as you can then fit the model to all available data-points without having to select what data points you believe are at steady state, then you can disable dynamic terms to do a static analysis of the dynamic model.
Time-delay is an integer parameter, and finding the time-delay alongside continuous parameters turns the identification problem into a linear mixed-integer problem. The time delay identification is done by splitting the time-delay estimation from continuous parameter identification, turning the solver into a sequential optimization solver. This logic to re-run estimation for multiple time-delays and selecting the best estimate of time delay is deferred to TimeSeriesAnalysis.Dynamic.UnitTimeDelayIdentifier.
Since the aim is to identify transients/dynamics, the regression is done on model differences rather than absolute values.
Simulatable "default" process model.
This is a model that can be either dynamic or static, have one or multiple inputs
and can be either linear in inputs or have inputs nonlinearity described by a
second-order polynominal. Dynamics can be either 1. order time-constant, time-delay or both.
The model also supports "additive" signals added to its output (intended for modeling disturbances).
The model is designed to lend itself well to identification from industrial time-series datasets, and is supported by the accompanying identification method UnitIdentifier.
This model is also intended to be co-simulated with PidModel by PlantSimulator to study process control feedback loops.
It is assumed that most unit processes in industrial process control systems can be described sufficiently by this model, and thus that larger plants can be modeled by connecting unit models based on this model structure.
It would be possible to extend this model to also describe second-order dynamics along the same principles by the introduction of one additional parameter in future work.
See also: UnitParametersUnitParameters
Parameters data class of the UnitModel.
Stand-alone simulation of any ISimulatableModel model.
Generic interface that any process model needs to implement if it is to be simulated by PlantSimulator.
Enum describing reasons that a disturbance may be set by logic to exactly zero
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of process model
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of process model
Enum to provide more readable code, for the input instance (int)INDEX.FIRST
may be more readable than "0"
Enum of recognized types of unit-models.
This type is used to set the unit model unique identifier and is also used in internal logic in the large-scale dynamic simulations
The type of PID-controller.
Warnings that arise during identification of PidModels
This determines the position in the U-vector given to Iterate for the class PIDModel
Enum to classify the status output of PidController.cs
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of time delays
An enum of the type of Select model
Enum of types of signals that ProcessSimulator must differentiate between
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of process model
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of process model