Enum PidIdentWarning
Warnings that arise during identification of PidModels
Namespace: TimeSeriesAnalysis.Dynamic
Assembly: TimeSeriesAnalysis.dll
public enum PidIdentWarning
Name | Description |
DataSetVeryShortComparedtoTMax | The dataset needs to be sufficiently long compared to the longest time constatnt to be estimated |
InputSaturation_UcloseToUmax | The input u remains saturated at its maximum |
InputSaturation_UcloseToUmin | The input u remains saturated at its minimum |
NegativeEstimatedTi | Negative time constant. A non-causal model is an inidication of data error usually. |
NotPossibleToIdentifyPIDcontroller_BadInputData | The input data was tagged "bad" and could not be used for id |
NotPossibleToIdentifyPIDcontroller_UAppearsUncorrelatedWithY | u and y are uncorrelated |
NotPossibleToIdentifyPIDcontroller_YsetIsBad | The setpoint data provided was tagged "bad" |
Nothing | No warnings |
PIDControllerDoesNotAppearToBeInAuto | The PID controller does not appear to move to changes in ymeas-yset, is it in manual? |
PIDControllerIsInCascadeModeWithFrequentSetpointChanges | The pid controller is in cascade or is otherwise repsonding to extremely frequent setpoint changes that makes id very challenging. |
PIDControllerPossiblyInTracking | u changes, but pid model has extremely low rSquared, so it does not appear to be in control |
RegressionProblemFailedToYieldSolution | Regression returned an error |