Enum UnitdentWarnings
Enum of recognized warning or error states during identification of process model
Namespace: TimeSeriesAnalysis.Dynamic
Assembly: TimeSeriesAnalysis.dll
public enum UnitdentWarnings
Name | Description |
ClosedLoopEst_GlobalSearchFailedToFindLocalMinima | If this is a closed loop system where setpoints of PID-controller change, and the "global search" at step1 of the ClosedLoopIdentifier failed to find a local minima when trying different gains. This warning likely means that the linear gain can be totally off the mark and may be too low. |
ConstantInputU | One or more inputs were constant and not identifiable, this can affect other parameters as well, and consider removing the input or using a different dataset |
CorrelatedInputsU | Correlated inputs |
DataSetVeryShortComparedtoTMax | The dataset is time span is very short compared to the maximal time-constant given as input to the algorithm |
DynamicModelEstimationFailed | UnitIdentify was able to solve the given estimation problem for the linear/static case, but when adding dynamics, the estimation failed for some reason. |
NonCausalNegativeTimeConstant | A negative time constant was returned, this is "non-causal", and could be due to a time-shift between u and y in the dataset. |
NotPossibleToIdentify | It was not possible to identify the |
Nothing | No errors or warnings |
ReEstimateBiasDisabledDueToNonzeroDisturbance | If disturbance is nonzero, then re-estimation of bias is turned off |
ReEstimateBiasFailed | Re-estimating bias method returned null, so the bias from the intial estimation is used, be careful the bias estimate may be off! |
RegressionProblemFailedToYieldSolution | |
RegressionProblemNaNSolution | Some of the parameters returned were NaN, this can happen in the input and output vectors are all constants, such as all-zero |
TimeConstantEstimateNotConsistent | Time constant estimates vary significantly across dataset, indicating that something is wrong |
TimeConstantEstimateTooBig | Estimation returned an enourmous time constant, this is an indication of something is wrong |
TimeConstantNotIdentifiable | Time constant is not identifiable from dataset |
TimeDelayAtMaximumConstraint | The time delay which gave the lowest objective function is the biggest allowed time delay
TimeDelayInternalInconsistencyBetweenObjFunAndUncertainty | When considering different time delays internally, you expect the "best" to have both the lowest objective functino and the lowest paramter uncertainty