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Plugin based on react-grid-system npm package which is a Bootstrap-like responsive grid system.

Passing views

ResponsiveGridPlugin config takes a list of rows.

 "config": {
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ResponsiveGridPluginConfig",
"rows": []

A list of rows expects a column attribute which contains a list of ColumnItems. A ColumnItem expects a viewConfig and also allows you set what kind of width the column item should have based on various breakpoints.

 "config": {
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ResponsiveGridPluginConfig",
"rows": [
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/RowItem",
"columns": [
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ColumnItem",
"viewConfig": {},
"size": {
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ColumnSize",
"sm": 12,
"md": 4
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ColumnItem",
"viewConfig": {},
"size": {
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ColumnSize",
"sm": 12,
"md": 4

Sizing and breakpoints


CSS breakpoints allow you to style the website and specify layout according to the device width it's being viewed on. This plugin uses react-grid-system default breakpoints.

size pixels


A grid is based on 12 grid columns, meaning that you can split these 12 columns/section on the column items you have passed in the row. A full width item would have to span all 12 columns so we would pass a 12 to a breakpoint.

"size": {
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ColumnSize",
"xs": 12,

Sizing based on breakpoints

When sizing for a breakpoint we define the value it's supposed to be for the width the breakpoint it represents and anything wider UNLESS a bigger breakpoint has been defined with another value.

In this example: on small devices the configured item would span 12 grid columns on devices smaller than 992px in width and span 4 grid columns on bigger than 992px in width.

"size": {
"type": "PLUGINS:dm-core-plugins/responsive_grid/ColumnSize",
"xs": 12,
"md": 4,