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eCalc CLI


It is currently recommended to use the CLI instead of the Python library directly due to upcoming breaking changes in the Python library

The current recommended way to use eCalc is through the CLI (Command Line Interpreter). This is a part of the eCalc Python library, and should be accessible from the command line as ecalc.

See all commands and options in the CLI reference

Example Usage

Use show command to inspect results

First run ecalc (here shown with default output folder)

$ ecalc run /somelocation/myfield.yaml --output-folder output

Enter the output folder

$ cd output

Show results for a single component

$ ecalc show results --name waterinj --output-format json

or as csv

$ ecalc show results --name waterinj --output-format csv

or write the full csv result to a file (this will give the same output as ecalc run with the csv option)

$ ecalc show results --output-format csv --file results.csv

Output Monthly CSV data

$ ecalc run -f MONTH /somelocation/myfield.yml

Specify different output folder

$ ecalc run -o /somedirectory/foo/bar/ /somelocation/myfield.yml

Specify a different naming prefix to outputs

$ ecalc run -n myfield_myproject /somelocation/myfield.yml

Show stack trace for debugging

$ ecalc run --log DEBUG /somelocation/myfield.yml