flownet.network_model._one_dimensional_model module

class flownet.network_model._one_dimensional_model.OneDimensionalModel(start: Union[Tuple[float, float, float], List[float], Tuple[Any, ...]], end: Union[Tuple[float, float, float], List[float], Tuple[Any, ...]], cell_length: float, area: float, append_inactive: bool = True)

Bases: object

property cell_length: float

Actual cell length of the grid cells.

property df_coord: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Returns a dataframe of the grid cells with corresponding coordinates

property end: numpy.ndarray

End position of model (x, y, z) returned as numpy array.

property length: float

Length of one dimensional model, measured as distance between first and last grid cell mid point.

property n: int

Number of grid cells in model, counting both active and inactive.

property nactive: int

Number active grid cells in model.

property start: numpy.ndarray

Start position of model (x, y, z) returned as numpy array.