flownet.parameters._aquifer module
- class flownet.parameters._aquifer.Aquifer(distribution_values: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, network: flownet.network_model._network_model.NetworkModel, scheme: str)
Parameter type which takes care of stochastically drawn aquifer parameters.
- Parameters
distribution_values –
A dataframe with eight columns (“parameter”, “minimum”, “maximum”, “mean”, “base”, “stddev”, “distribution”, “aquid”) which state:
The name of the parameter,
The minimum value of the parameter (set to None if not applicable),
The maximum value of the parameter (set to None if not applicable),
The mean value of the parameter,
The mode of the parameter distribution (set to None if not applicable),
The standard deviation of the parameter,
The type of probability distribution,
To which aquifer this applies.
network – FlowNet network instance.
scheme – If the scheme is to be global or not.
- _abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
- _check_parameters()
Helper function to check the user-defined parameters. It will raise an error if something is wrong.
- Returns
- render_output() dict
Creates aquifer include content - which are given to the PROPS and GRID section.
- Returns
Include content for aquifers