flownet.realization._schedule module
- class flownet.realization._schedule.Schedule(network: flownet.network_model._network_model.NetworkModel = None, df_production_data: typing.Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, config: <property object at 0x7f15b0f78830> = None)
Python class to to store all schedule items for the Flownet run.
- Parameters
network – FlowNet network instance
df_production_data – Dataframe with all production data
config – Information from the FlowNet config yaml
- _calculate_compdat()
Helper Function that generates the COMPDAT keywords based on geometrical information from the NetworkModel.
- Returns
- _calculate_wconhist()
Helper function that generates the WCONHIST keywords based on loaded production data. Currently the data is loaded from hard-coded filepath.
A WCONHIST keyword will be written out for each line in the provided production data. Therefore, potential up-sampling needs to be done before the schedule is created.
- Returns
- _calculate_wconinjh()
Helper function that generates the WCONINJ keywords based on loaded production data. Currently the data is loaded from hard-coded filepath.
A WCONINJH keyword will be written out for each line in the provided production data. Therefore, potential up-sampling needs to be done before the schedule is created.
- Returns
- _calculate_welspecs()
Helper function that generates the WELSPECS keywords based which wells there are in the production data.
- Returns
- _calculate_wsalt()
Helper Function that generates the WSALT keywords based on salt measurements.
- Returns
- _calculate_wtemp()
Helper Function that generates the WTEMP keywords based on temperature measurements.
- Returns
- _create_schedule()
Helper function that calls all functions involved in creating the schedule for the FlowNet run.
- _get_start_dates()
Function to retrieve the start date of all wells.
- Returns
- static _retrieve_date_first_non_zero_prodinj(df_production_data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, well_name: str) Optional[datetime.date]
Helper function to retrieve the date of first non-zero production or injection.
- Parameters
df_production_data – DataFrame with all production data
well_name – Name of the well to retrieve date for
- Returns
The first date of non-zero production or None if no such date exist
- append(_keyword)
Helper function to append Keyword’s to the Schedule instance
- Parameters
_keyword – Keyword instance to append
- Returns
- get_compdat(well_name: Optional[str] = None) List[flownet.realization._simulation_keywords.COMPDAT]
Function to retrieve all COMPDAT entries defined for a particular well.
- Parameters
well_name – Name of the well to get COMPDAT’s for
- Returns
COMPDAT keywords defined for a particular well
- get_dates() List[datetime.date]
Function to retrieve a sorted list of all unique dates in the schedule object.
- Returns
Listing of PyDate’s in the Schedule
- get_first_date() datetime.date
Helper function to look-up the first date in the schedule.
- Returns
The Schedule’s first date.
- get_keywords(dates: Optional[Union[List[datetime.date], datetime.date]] = None, kw_class: Optional[Union[flownet.realization._simulation_keywords.Keyword, str]] = None, well_name: Optional[str] = None, ignore_nan: Optional[str] = None) List[flownet.realization._simulation_keywords.Keyword]
Returns a list of all keywords at given dates and/or of a particular keyword class.
- Parameters
dates – Date or list of dates at which to lookup keywords
kw_class – keyword class or class name string
well_name – well name
ignore_nan – keyword attribute to ignore nan values
- Returns
keywords at specified dates and/or with a specific well name and/or of a specific keyword class
- get_nr_observations(training_set_fraction: float) int
Helper function to retrieve the number of unique observations in the training process.
- Parameters
training_set_fraction – Fraction of dates to use in the training process.
- Returns
The number of unique observations used in the training process
- get_vfp() Dict
Helper function to retrieve the VFP tables associated with all wells.
- Returns
A dictionary of VFP table numbers or None if no such date exist
- get_well_start_date(well_name: Optional[str] = None) Optional[datetime.date]
Function to retrieve the start date of a well.
- Parameters
well_name – Name of the well to get the start-date for
- Returns
Returns the date if found, otherwise None
- get_wells(kw_class: Optional[Union[flownet.realization._simulation_keywords.Keyword, str]] = None) List[str]
Function to retrieve all wells that are associated to any keyword in the Schedule or associated to a particular kw_class.
- Parameters
kw_class – keyword class or class name string
- Returns
List of strings of unique well names
- max_connections() int
Function to retrieve the maximum number of well connections to the grid in any defined well in the Schedule.
- Returns
Maximum number of connections with the grid in a single well in the schedule
- num_connections(well_name: str) int
Function to retrieve the number of well connections to the grid in a specific well.
- Parameters
well_name – Well name to retrieve the connections for
- Returns
Number of connections with the grid in the well
- num_wells() int
Function to retrieve the number of unique wells in the Schedule associated to any keyword in the Schedule.
- Returns
Number of unique wells in the schedule
- sort()
Function to return a list if schedule items (keywords) sorted on by date
- Returns
Date-sorted schedule items