Framework CLI
fusion-framework-cli app
The app
command give you the possibility to manage your app from the commandline. There are commands for running, building, packaging and publishing your application.
This should be run from your apps workspace root.
fusion-framework-cli app
- dev - Start development server for application
- build - Builds application
- build-config - Generate config
- manifest - Generate AppManifest for application
- build-manifest - Generate build manifest for application
- build-pack - Create distributable app bundle of the application
- build-publish - Publish application to app api
- build-upload - Upload packaged app bundle to app api
- build-tag - Tag a published version
- help - display help for any command
Option | Description |
-h, --help | display help for command |
fusion-framework-cli app
fusion-framework-cli app dev
The dev
command starts a development server for current application.
fusion-framework-cli app dev
Option | Description |
-p, --port <number> | dev-server port |
-P, --portal <string> | fusion portal host |
-c, --config <file> | use specified application config, by default search for app.config.{ts,js,json} |
--manifest <file> | use specified manifest, by default search for app.manifest.config.{ts,js,json} |
--vite <file> | use specified Vite config file, by default search for app.vite.config.{ts,js,json} |
-F, --framework <string> | application framework to build the application on, supported: [react] (default: "react") |
-d, --dev-portal <string> | Location of dev-portal you want to use |
-h, --help | display help for command |
fusion-framework-cli app dev -p 3001
fusion-framework-cli app build
The build
command compiles the application with vite.
fusion-framework-cli app build
Option | Description |
-o, --outDir, <string> | output directory of package (default: "dist") |
-c, --config <string> | Use specified config file, see here |
--vite <string> | use specified Vite config file, by default search for app.config.vite.{ts,js,json} |
-F, --framework <string> | application framework to build the application on, supported: [react] (default: "react") |
-h, --help | display help for command |
fusion-framework-cli app build -o dist
fusion-framework-cli app build-config
The app build-config
command generates config file for the application.
fusion-framework-cli app build-config
Option | Description |
-o, --output <string> | output file |
-c, --config <string> | application config file |
-p, --publish <string> | Publish app config to version [(semver | current)] |
-e, --env, <ci | fqa | tr | fprd> | Fusion environment to build api urls from. used when publishing config. |
-s, --service, <string> | Define uri to custom app service. You can also define the env variable CUSTOM_APPAPI to be used on all publish commands. used when publishing config |
-h, --help | display help for command |
Example to publish config to version "1.0.3" in the "ci" environment:
fusion-framework-cli app build-config -p 1.0.3 -e ci
fusion-framework-cli app manifest
The app manifest
command generates AppManifest for the application.
fusion-framework-cli app manifest
Option | Description |
-o, --output <string> | output file |
-c, --config <string> | manifest config file |
-h, --help | display help for command |
fusion-framework-cli app build-manifest -o manifest.json
fusion-framework-cli app build-manifest
The app build-manifest
command generates manifest file for the application.
fusion-framework-cli app build-manifest
Option | Description |
-o, --output <string> | output file |
-c, --config <string> | manifest config file |
-h, --help | display help for command |
fusion-framework-cli app build-manifest -o manifest.json
fusion-framework-cli app build-pack
The app build-pack
command creates a distributable app bundle of the application.
fusion-framework-cli app build-pack
Option | Description |
-o, --outDir, <string> | output directory of package (default: "dist") |
-a, --archive, <string> | output filename (default: "") |
-h, --help | display help for command |
fusion-framework-cli app build-pack
fusion-framework-cli app build-publish
The app build-publish
command is a convenience command to handle packing, publishing and tagging in one command.
It runs the following commands in order:
app build-pack
command that generates a zip file,app build-upload
command that uploads the generated zipapp build-tag
command to tag the uploaded build.
fusion-framework-cli app build-publish
Option | Description |
-t, --tag, <latest | preview> | Tagname to publish this build as (default: "latest") |
-e, --env, <ci | fqa | tr | fprd> | Fusion environment to build api urls from |
-s, --service, <string> | Define uri to custom app service. You can also define the env variable CUSTOM_APPAPI to be used on all publish commands |
-h, --help | display help for command |
Example that publishes a build and tag it with preview in ci:
fusion-framework-cli app build-publish -t preview -e ci
fusion-framework-cli app build-upload
The app build-upload
command takes a generated bundle file and uploads it to the appKey you are running the command from. the bundle must be a zip file, but support for tar.gz will come soon.
fusion-framework-cli app build-upload
Option | Description |
-b, --bundle, <string> | The packaged app bundle file to upload (default: "") |
-e, --env, <ci | fqa | tr | fprd> | Fusion environment to build api urls from |
-s, --service, <string> | Define uri to custom app service. You can also define the env variable CUSTOM_APPAPI to be used on all publish commands |
-h, --help | display help for command |
Example that uploads zip package to ci:
fusion-framework-cli app build-upload -b -e ci
fusion-framework-cli app build-tag
The app build-tag
commands tags the specified version with preview or latest, where latest is default. The --version
parameter must be a previously published build.
fusion-framework-cli app build-tag
Option | Description |
-t, --tag, <string> | Tag the published version with tagname [(latest | preview)] (default: "latest") |
-v, --version, <string> | Version number to tag, must be a published version number |
-e, --env, <ci | fqa | tr | fprd> | Fusion environment to build api urls from |
-s, --service, <string> | Define uri to custom app service. You can also define the env variable CUSTOM_APPAPI to be used on all publish commands |
-h, --help | display help for command |
Example that tags version 1.0.3 with preview in ci:
fusion-framework-cli app build-tag -v 1.0.3 -t preview -e ci
To run any app commands involving the app api, you need to provide a valid fusion access_token.
The CLI will look for the env varable FUSION_TOKEN
See the for using the framework-cli in a workflow with azure authentication.