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Ag-Grid Cookbook

You can easily setup AG Grid in fusion-framework enabled apps by following these steps:

AG Grid version

The version of ag grid you install should be the same version as the license key or lower. The current licensed version is: 31.2.0.

See the AG-Grid cookbok appopen in new window for a working example with modules.

Alpine Fusion theme

import AgGridReact from '@ag-grid-community/react';
import useStyles from '@equinor/fusion-react-ag-grid-styles';

const MyComponent = (): JSX.Element => {
    const styles = useStyles();

    // aggrid effects...

    return (
        <div className={styles.root}>
            <div className="ag-theme-alpine-fusion">
                <AgGridReact {...agGridProps} />


Licensing works in production builds so you get an unlicensed warning in your console when running from CLI.

AG Grid documentation

The AG Grid documentationopen in new window provides examples for advanced use cases.