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If you want to add custom sub-headers to your navigation system, you first have to create custom navigator-creator functions. You can do so with createBottomTabNavigatorFactory, createNativeStackNavigatorFactory and createStackNavigatorFactory.

Step 1: Create your custom sub-header:

import { Text } from "react-native";
export const CustomSubHeader = () => <Text>This is a custom sub-header</Text>;

Step 2: Create your new navigator-creator functions:

import {
} from "@equinor/mad-navigation";
import { CustomSubHeader } from "path/to/subHeader";

export const createBottomTabNavigator = createBottomTabNavigatorFactory(CustomSubHeader);
export const createNativeStackNavigator = createNativeStackNavigatorFactory(CustomSubHeader);
export const createStackNavigator = createStackNavigatorFactory(CustomSubHeader);

Follow React Navigation’s documentation. When you get to the point where you are creating a navigator, import your custom navigator-creators.

You can also import NavigationContainer from this package if you need a onRouteChange prop.

For example:

//import { createNativeStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
//replace the above line with the line below
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from "path/to/createNativeStackNavigator";

Once you've finished the steps above, you should see your custom sub-header in your application. By default, the sub-header will display if navigator’s header is displayed. if you want to overwrite this behaviour, use the custom customSubHeaderShown option. This option can be applied in the Screen’s options prop, or in the Group or Navigator's screenOptions prop. You can also use customSubHeaderFloat if you want the sub header to float above the content instead of pushing the screen's content down.

// add it here
customSubHeaderShown: false,
customSubHeaderFloat: false,
// or here
customSubHeaderShown: true,
customSubHeaderFloat: true,
// or here
customSubHeaderShown: false,
customSubHeaderFloat: false,

CAUTION: sub-headers will not work properly if headerLargeTitle is set to true, and headerLargeTitle make it hard for elements in your application to calculate header height. It is therefore not recommended to use headerLargeTitle. If you still decide to use it, we recommend disabling sub-headers where it is used, as the sub-headers may cause the header to not work as expected.

headerLargeTitle: true,
headerLargeTitleShadowVisible: true,
headerLargeTitleStyle: { fontFamily: "Equinor-Bold" },
headerTitleStyle: {
fontFamily: "Equinor-Regular",
headerBackTitleStyle: { fontFamily: "Equinor-Regular" },
customSubHeaderShown: false,