The following set of props
can be passed to the OCRCamera
prop | description | type | default value |
fps | Target frames per second that the camera should use. Can be reduced to limit fps drops when scanning many text blocks simultaneously | number | |
enableConfirmTextDialog | Controls whether a confirm selection dialog is shown when the user clicks a highlighted text block. If true, onSelectTag is called after the user presses confirm in the dialog. If false, onSelectTag is called immediately when the user clicks a highlighted text block | boolean | |
textHighlightColor | Color of the bounding box shown around text blocks | Color | |
buttonConfig | Customize which buttons to show on the top right of the screen | ButtonConfig | |
onSelectTag | Is called when the user confirms selected text | (tag: string) => void | |
onClose | Is called when the user clicks the close button | () => void | |
shouldHighlightText | Is called whenever a block of text is detected. If this returns false, then the text block is not highlighted on screen and is not pressable | (text: string, textBoundingBox: BoundingBox) => boolean |