The following set of props
can be passed to the ToastEmitter
component instance to specify
certain defaults for all Toasts that are shown:
prop | description | type | default value |
position | Default Toast position | top or bottom | top |
visibilityTime | Number of milliseconds after which Toast automatically hides. Has effect only in conjunction with autoHide prop set to true | number | 4000 |
autoHide | When true , the visible Toast automatically hides after a certain number of milliseconds, specified by the visibilityTime prop | boolean | true |
topOffset | Offset from the top of the screen (in px). Has effect only when position is top | number | 40 |
bottomOffset | Offset from the bottom of the screen (in px). Has effect only when position is bottom | number | 40 |
keyboardOffset | Offset from the Keyboard (in px). Has effect only when position is bottom and Keyboard is visible (iOS only) | number | 10 |
onShow | Called when any Toast is shown | () => void | |
onHide | Called when any Toast hides | () => void | |
onPress | Called on any Toast press | () => void |
The complete set of options is described below:
option | description | type | required | default value |
type | Toast type. available values: success , error , info , warning . | string | yes | |
text | Text to display in the toast | string | yes | |
duration | Number of milliseconds after which Toast automatically hides. | number | no | 4000 |
onPress | Called on Toast press | (hide: () => void) => void | no |