
res2df is a Pandas DataFrame wrapper around resdata and, which are used to access binary files outputted by reservoir simulators such as Eclipse, or its input files — or any other tool outputting to the same data format, f.ex. flow.

Most of the features can be reached from the command line, through the command line program res2csv. Use the command line tool to dump the extracted or computed data to a CSV file, and use any other tool to view the CSV data.


> res2csv --help
> res2csv summary --help
> res2csv summary --column_keys "F*" --time_index monthly --output output.csv MYDECK.DATA
> res2csv pillars --help
> res2csv pillars --rstdates all MYDECK.DATA

If you access the module from within a Python script, for each submodule there is a function called df() which provides more or less the same functionality as through res2csv from the command line, but which returns a Pandas Dataframe.

import res2df

resdatafiles = res2df.ResdataFiles("MYDECK.DATA")
smry = res2df.summary.df(resdatafiles, column_keys="F*", time_index="monthly")
hc_contacts = res2df.pillars.df(resdatafiles, rstdates="all")

See the API for more documentation and possibilities for each module.

Short description of each submodule


Extracts summary data from .UNSMRY files, at requested time sampling and for requested vectors.

More documentation on summary.


Extracts grid data from .INIT, .EGRID, and .UNRST files. Restart file are optional to extract, and dates must be picked (or all). Data is merged into one DataFrame by the i, j and k indices. Bulk cell volume is included. Cells are indexed starting with 1.

More documentation on grid.


Extracts the non-neighbour connections in the grid (from the binary output data in EGRID, not the NNC input keyword), as pairs of ijk-indices and the associated transmissiblity. Optional filtering to vertical connections (along pillars).

More documentation on nnc.


Compute statistics pr cornerpoint pillar, and optionally compute hydrocarbon fluid contacts pr. pillar and pr. date based on saturation cutoffs. Data can be grouped and aggregated over a region parameter.

More documentation on pillars.


Extract transmissibilities for all cells. Can filter by directions, add transmissibilities from NNC-data. If a region vector is supplied, it is possible to filter on transmissibilities where the region changes, picking out transmissibilities over f.ex. a FIPNUM interface. Data can also be aggregated over the region interface to give a grid-independent quantification of region communication.

More documentation on trans.


Reads the .RFT files which are outputted by the simulator when the WRFTPLT keyword is used, with details along wellbores.

For multisegment wells, the well topology is calculated and data is merged accordingly, for example when ICD segments are used, enabling easy calculations of the pressure drop over an ICD valve.

More documentation on rft.


Parses the PRT file looking for region reports (starting with “ … FIPNUM REPORT REGION”). It will extract all the data in the ASCII table in the PRT file and organize into a dataframe, currently-in-place, outflow to wells, outflows to regions, etc. It also supports custom FIPxxxxx names.

More documentation on fipreports.


Extracts saturation functions (SWOF, SGOF, etc) from the deck and merges into one DataFrame. Can write back to include files.

More documentation on satfunc.


Extracts the information in the EQUIL table, RSVD and RVVD in the .DATA file. Can write back to include files.

More documentation on equil.


Extracts well connection data from the COMPDAT keyword in the deck. For multi-segment wells, WELSEGS and COMPSEGS is also parsed. The data is available as three different dataframes, which can be merged.

It is also possible to parse individual “include files”. These files do not necessarily have to be part of a complete deck

More documentation on compdat.


Extracts the information from the GRUPTREE and WELSPECS keyword, at all timesteps, from the .DATA file. The tree structure at each relevant date can be returned as a dataframe of the edges, as a nested dictionary or as a treelib tree.

More documentation on gruptree.


Extracts PVT data from a .DATA file, from the keywords PVTO, PVDG, DENSITY, ROCK etc. Can write data back to include files.

More documentation on pvt.


Extracts WCONxxxx keywords from the Schedule section, and providing the associated data in a dataframe format.

More documentation on wcon.


This is an internal helper module in order to represent finished or unfinished .DATA files and runs. The class ResdataFiles can cache binary files that are recently read, and is able to locate the various output files based on the basename or the .DATA filename.

Metadata support


Metadata for each .DATA file are sometimes added in a text file named parameters.txt, alongside the Eclipse .DATA file or one or two directory levels above it.

Each line in the text file should contain a string, interpreted as the key, and a value for the key, which can be a string or number. Some modules can merge this information onto each row, where the key in the parameters end up as column names.

The filenames parameters.json and parameters.yml are also supported, assumed to be of JSON or YAML format respectively, but only one of them will be parsed.

Currently only supported by the summary module, for other modules, the data will have to be merged with pandas.merge().

Zone names

If a text file with zone names are found alongside .DATA files, some of the modules will add that information to rows where appropriate. The zone or layer file should contains lines like:

'ZoneA' 1-4
'ZoneB' 5-10

The default filename looked for is zones.lyr.


This library is released under GPLv3.