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Github actions

We use GitHub Actions, as the CI/CD pipeline.

GitHub Actions make it easy to automate all our software workflows. They build, test, and deploy the code right from GitHub.

All the heavy lifting is done by GitHub. GitHub will simply use the files defined in .github/workflows to do the setup.

We trigger the reusable workflow like this (note that the chart is slightly outdated):

Github Actions

Since we are using trunk based development, all pushes to main trigger a release to a test environment.

Release to production is triggered when we merge in the auto-generated pull requests (that contains changelogs) that are created by the create-release-pr.yaml Github action.



Reusable workflows

codeql-security-analysis.yamlanalyzeRuns CodeQL on the source code
create-release-pr.yamlrelease-pleaseCreates a new release on GitHub
deploy-to-radix.yamldeploy-on-radixDeploys the services to Radix
generate-changelog.yamlgenerate-changelogAutomatically generates changelogs based on commit messages
label-importer.yamllabelerImport labels from labels.yml
publish-docs.yamlpublish-docsBuilds and publishes the latest docs to GitHub pages
publish-image.yamlbuild-and-publish-web-mainBuilds and publishes the Docker image for the Web (frontend)
build-and-publish-api-mainBuilds and publishes the Docker image for the API (backend)
build-and-publish-nginxBuilds and publishes the Docker image for the Nginx proxy
tests.yamlpre-commitRuns the pre-commit hooks. See Hooks for details
test-apiRuns tests on the API (backend) using pytest and behave
test-webRuns tests on the Web (frontend)
test-docsChecks that the doc pages build without errors

Triggerable workflows

on-pull-request.yamlcodeqlUses the codeql-security-analysis workflow
testsUses the tests workflow
on-push-main-branch.yamlcodeqlUses the codeql-security-analysis workflow
testsUses the tests workflow
generate-changelogUses the generate-changelog workflow
docsUses the publish-docs workflow
publish-latestUses the publish-image workflow to create a docker image for the test environment
deploy-testUses the deploy-to-radix workflow to deploy to the test environment
release-pleaseCreates a new release PR on GitHub
publish-productionUses the publish-image workflow to create a docker image for the prod environment
deploy-prodUses the deploy-to-radix workflow to deploy to the prod environment
on-weekly.yamlcodeqlUses the codeql-security-analysis workflow

Reusable workflows

A reusable workflow is just like any GitHub Actions workflow with one key difference - it includes a workflow_call trigger.

  • The create-release-pr.yaml workflow will automatically create a pull request with an auto-generated changelog. It also bumps the version code (using semantic versioning, depending on the types of commits) and create a tagged release that can be used to deploy to production.

  • The tests.yaml workflow will automatically run all types of tests.

  • The publish-docs.yaml workflow will build the documentation. Then it will deploy the documentation (placed in the site folder) to GitHub Pages.


We auto-generate changelogs by following the conventional commits specification.

How to generate


The Github action release-please.yaml is a workflow that will automatically create a pull request with an auto-generated changelog every time code is pushed to the main branch.


Sometimes it is nice to generate the changelogs locally for testing.

It is possible to use act to run Github actions locally.

act -j release-please -s GITHUB_TOKEN=<GITHUB_TOKEN>

GITHUB_TOKEN: Log in to GitHub and generate a personal access token (PaT) from Personal settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens.