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Facility inputs


The FACILITY_INPUTS keyword is mandatory within the eCalc™ YAML file.

This part of the setup defines input files that characterize various facility elements. Each facility element is specified in a list. These are later used as input in the INSTALLATIONS part of the setup by referencing their NAME.

All facility inputs are in essence a CSV (Comma separated file) file that specifies input data to a model that calculates how much energy the equipment is using depending on the operating mode/throughput. There are multiple supported types.

There are four categories of data that can be used here:

  • Files describing the performance of a generator set
  • Files describing the performance of pumps (pump charts)
  • Files describing the performance of only tabular compressors (sampled compressor data)
  • Other energy consuming equipment modeled variable w.r.t. reservoir management (tabulated relationship between variables and consumption)

eCalc™ supports making simple adjustments to a table by using the ADJUSTMENT keyword as well as modification of the HEAD_MARGIN which can be used while calibrating pump charts.


Each facility input has the skeleton as seen below. However, some inputs require further information. For example, pump models

- NAME: <reference name>
FILE: <file_path.csv>
TYPE: <consumer type>

Supported types

The facility input type is defined using the TYPE keyword and defines the type of model applied to the data in this file. The input files are in CSV (Comma separated file) format. The paths to the input files may be either absolute or relative to the setup file.

The supported types are: