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Bookmark Module

About 3 minModulebookmark

GitHub package.json version (subfolder of monorepo)


GitHub package.json version (subfolder of monorepo)


Bookmarks are used to save the state of an application at a specific point in time, so that users can easily return to that state later. A bookmark is for any application, as long that it has been enabled in the given environment. The bookmark module is created to orchestrate this behavior.


import { enableContext } from '@equinor/fusion-framework-module-bookmark';
export const configure = (configurator) => {
    // Some portal configuration
    enableBookmark(configurator, (builder) => {
            subSystem: 'fusion',
            identifier: 'fusion-classic',
            name: 'Fusion Classic',
    // more configuration...


The public properties of the class are:

  • bookmarkClient: an instance of the BookmarkClient class, which is used to interact with the bookmarks API.
  • currentBookmark: the currently selected bookmark.
  • bookmarks$: an observable stream of all bookmarks.
  • currentBookmark$: an observable stream of the current bookmark.

BookmarkProvider has several public methods:

Public Functions


The state creator is used to collect the state stored in a bookmark. and by adding a creator will enable the bookmark functionality for an application this is used.
cb - For creating the bookmark payload, this should ne wrapped in a useCallback, payload return can be a partial.

addStateCreator(cb: CreateBookmarkFn<TData>, key?: keyof TData): VoidFunction

getAllBookmarks / getAllBookmarksAsync

Function for resolving all bookmarks for the current sub system.

getAllBookmarksAsync(): Promise<Array<Bookmark>>;


Creates a new bookmark with the given arguments, and utilizes teh provided stateCreator to create the bookmark payload.

createBookmark<T>(args: { name: string; description: string; isShared: boolean }): Promise<Bookmark<T>>:


Function for resolving a bookmark and the bookmarks payload.

getBookmarkById<T>(bookmarkId: string): Promise<Bookmark<T>>;

updateBookmark / updateBookmarkAsync

Function for updating bookmark a bookmark when successful this will update the bookmark list.

 updateBookmarkAsync<T>(bookmark: PatchBookmark<T>, options: UpdateBookmarkOptions): Promise<Bookmark<T> | undefined>;

deleteBookmarkById / deleteBookmarkByIdAsync

Function for deleting a bookmark by the given identification,
When successful this will update the bookmark list automatically.

    deleteBookmarkByIdAsync(bookmarkId: string): Promise<string>;


Function for setting the current bookmark, when successful this will update the bookmark list.

If not provided the current bookmark state will be set to undefined.

setCurrentBookmark<TData>(idOrItem?: string | Bookmark<TData>): void;


A bookmark can be sheared with other users, when reserving a sheared bookmark this can be added to you collection of bookmarks.
Function for adding external bookmark to users bookmarks .

addBookmarkFavoriteAsync(bookmarkId: string): Promise<void>;


Function for removing external bookmark to user's bookmarks.

removeBookmarkFavoriteAsync(bookmarkId: string): Promise<void>;


Function for verifying that a bookmark belongs to the current user.

verifyBookmarkFavoriteAsync(bookmarkId: string): Promise<boolean>;


disposes of the class and unsubscribes all subscriptions.

dispose(): void:

Configuration Options


This will sett the SourceSystem used when creating a new bookmark, used as the identifier frr the current client. Only used in app shell / portal configuration.

@param {SourceSystem} sourceSystem

interface SourceSystem {
    identifier: string;
    name: string;
    subSystem: string;
enableBookmark(configurator, (builder) => {
        subSystem: 'fusion',
        identifier: 'fusion-classic',
        name: 'Fusion Classic',


Used to over write the default Url id resolving.

@param {(() => string | null)} fn - Resolver for bookmarkId

    enableBookmark(configurator, (builder) => {
            const params = new URLSearchParams(;
            return params.get("bookmarkId");


    enableBookmark(configurator, (builder) => {
        const appModule = await builder.requireInstance('app')
        builder.setCurrentAppIdResolver(()=> appModule.current?.appKey);


    enableBookmark(configurator, async (builder) => {
        const event = await builder.requireInstance('event')


    enableBookmark(configurator, (builder) => {
        const appProvider = await builder.requireInstance('app')

        builder.setCurrentAppStateCreator(()=> {
            if (!appProvider.current) return;

                const currentAppBookmarkProvider = (
                    appModule.current.instance as AppModulesInstance<[BookmarkModule]>

            return currentAppBookmarkProvider.bookmarkCreators


Used to over withe the default context id resolver.

param {(() => string | undefined)} fn - Function for providing current contextId

    enableBookmark(configurator, async (builder) => {
        const contextProvider = await builder.requireInstance('context')
        builder.setContextIdResolver(()=> {
           return contextProvider.currentContext?.id;
        } );


Use for override the bookmark query client.

export const configure = (configurator) => {
    enableBookmark(configurator, (builder) => {

            getAllBookmarks: {
                                key: () => 'all-bookmarks',
                                client: {
                                    fn: client.getAllBookmarks,
                                validate: ({ args }) => args.isValid,
             getBookmarkById: {
                                key: ({ id }) => id,
                                client: {
                                    fn: client.getBookmarkById,
                                expire: 60000,

    }, 0 );