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Module Services

About 2 minModuleserviceshttpapi

GitHub package.json version (subfolder of monorepo)


by default this module does not require any configuration if the Service discovery module is configured for the portal or the application.

import { enableServices } from '@equinor/fusion-framework-module-services';
export default (configurator: IAppConfigurator) => {



Only works if not createClient on the config object is overridden

By default the module will first try to load a named client from the HttpProvider.

If no client is defined, the Service Discovery Module will try to resolve the service.


Create client

type createContextClient<TMethod extends keyof ClientMethod> = (
  /** execution method, defaults to `json` */
  method: TMethod
): Promise<ApiServices<IHttpClient, TMethod>[TService]>

type ClientMethod<T = unknown> = {
    fetch: Promise<FetchResponse<T>>;
    json: Promise<T>;
    fetch$: StreamResponse<FetchResponse<T>>;
    json$: StreamResponse<T>;
const apiClient = await serviceProvider.createContextClient('json');
const apiClient = await serviceProvider.createContextClient('fetch');


when using the fetch method on api client, you need to parse the response and set request headers for json

Execute api request

type ApiMethod<
  TVersion extends string = keyof typeof ApiVersion,
  /** defaults to type map provided version */
  TResult = ApiFunctionResponse<TVersion>
    version: TVersion,
    /** parameters for call function */
    ...args: Parameters<ApiFunction<TVersion, TMethod, TClient, TResult>>
): ApiFunctionResult<TVersion, TMethod, TResult>

 * @see context/get-context/client
 * @note data type if only for illustrting what the api client resolves the return type to be
const data_v1: ApiContextEntity_v1 = await apiClient.x.get('v1', { id: 'eee' });
const data_v2: ApiContextEntity_v2 = await apiClient.x.get('v2', { id: 'eee' });

 * custom selector
 * @note the api method will resolve the return type from the selector
const data_v2: MyApiContextEntity_v3_beta = await apiClient.x.get(
  { id: 'eee' },
  selector: (x: FetchResponse<ApiContextEntity_v2>) => new MyApiContextEntity_v3_beta(x)



For service endpoints exposed, there is a client method for executing the request

 * create a reusable function for api calls
 * @template TVersion - version of the endpoint
 * @template TMethod - call method of the http client, defaults to json
 * @template TClient - IHttpClient which will execute the request
type Query =
    TVersion extends string = keyof typeof ApiVersion,
    TMethod extends keyof ClientMethod = keyof ClientMethod,
    TClient extends IHttpClient = IHttpClient
    client: TClient,
    version: TVersion,
    method: TMethod = 'json' as TMethod
  ) =>
     * @template T - return type from execution to the endpoint
    <T = QueryContextResponse<TVersion>>(
      args: QueryArgs<TVersion>,
      init?: ClientRequestInit<TClient, T>
    ): QueryResult<TVersion, TMethod, T>


import { getContext } from '@equinor/fusion-framework-module/service/context/get';
const fn = await getContext(client, 'v1');
const result = fn({ id: '123' });

generate parameters

Method for generating endpoint and arguments for service.

import { generateParameters } from '@equinor/fusion-framework-module/service/context/get';

/** IHttpClient */
const response = client.fetch(...generateParameters('v1', { id: '123' }));

generate endpoint

Method for generating endpoint for service

import { generateEndpoint } from '@equinor/fusion-framework-module/service/context/get';

const endpoint = generateEndpoint('v1', { id: '123' });
const response = await fetch(endpoint);