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Context Administration

  • You will need elevated permissions to perform most of these actions.
  • Check out Authorization & roles for more info.

Onboard a Fusion Context

To onboard a Fusion Context, we need to know the following:

  • External ID of the context (a GUID). This can be obtained from the Fusion Context API
  • Context Type of the context type. This can be obtained from the Fusion Context API by using the context id.

When you have found the External ID and Context Type, you can proceed with onboarding a Fusion Context by doing the following:

POST: /api/onboarded-contexts

Role: this endpoint requires you to be a portal administrator.

Request Body:

"ExternalId": "91dd6653-a364-40c7-af26-7af516d66c42",
"type": "ProjectMaster",
"Description": "A Context description that is can be presented in the portal"

Response codes:

201 CreatedCreated
401 UnauthorizedUser not authorized to create
403 ForbiddenUser not authorized to create
409 ConflictContext already exist
404 NotFoundContext not found
404 NotFoundContextType not found

Update an onboarded Fusion Context

Currently, we support updating the description of the context. This can be done with the following endpoint:

 PUT: /api/onboarded-contexts/{contextId}

Role: this endpoint requires you to be a portal administrator.

Request Body:

"Description": "A vastly improved description"

Remove an onboarded Fusion Context

You can remove an onboarded Fusion Context so that it's no longer available for consumption in the Portal.


This will also remove all Portal Apps that might have been connected to the Fusion Context earlier on.

DELETE: /api/onboarded-contexts/{contextId}