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The @equinor/mad-components package is found in npmjs. Install it using your favorite package manager:


npm install @equinor/mad-components


yarn add @equinor/mad-components

Required dependencies

The component library requires the following libraries to properly function:

Please make sure to follow these installation instructions before using this package.

Getting started

Before using the components in your app, make sure to load the fonts and assets required by the library somewhere in your root component. It is also recommended that you wrap your app in the EDSProvider. This will give you access to dynamically switching between tablet and phone mode as well as dark and light mode support:

export default function App() {
const [hasLoadedEds, edsLoadError] = useEDS();
if (!hasLoadedEds) {
return null;
} else {
return (
<EDSProvider colorScheme="light" density="phone">
<Navigation colorScheme="light" />
<StatusBar />