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Creating stylesheets that use EDS values is made to be easy and performant. Start by creating a EDSStyleSheet, almost just like for a normal React Native StyleSheet:

const tokenStyles = EDSStyleSheet.create(token => ({
container: {
backgroundColor: token.colors.container.background,
borderRadius: token.geometry.border.containerBorderRadius,

We resolve our stylesheet in our components using the provided useStyles hook:

const MyComponent = () => {
const styles = useStyles(tokenStyles);
return <View style={styles.container} />;


In the last example, notice that we passed token into our stylesheet. This is a resolved token based on the current configuration of the app. This means that the value for token.colors.container can change between light/dark mode without you having to worry about anything 😎. The token values are specified by EDS, letting you only care about the semantics of them.

Passing props

Ideally, all styling, be it conditional or not should happen outside of our components to reduce clutter. The EDSStyleSheet.create callback method accepts a second optional argument which allows you to pass any additional props into the style sheet:

// Notice that we type our second argument!
const tokenStylesWithProps = EDSStyleSheet.create((token, props: { color?: string }) => {
const backgroundColor = color ?? token.colors.container.background;

return {
container: {

We are then required by our useStyle hook to pass these props in with the EDSStyleSheet (this is typechecked):

const MyOtherComponent = () => {
// Normally you'd pass some of your component props into this hook.
const styles = useStyles(tokenStylesWithProps, { color: "red" });
return <View style={styles.container} />;

This helps you contain your styling logic separately from your component logic. If the stylesheet becomes large, you can even create your own style file (for example to have the stylesheet in.