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Create a config

Create a mad.config.ts file (name of the file can be anything, but we have used this naming convention when developing this package). Use the MadConfig type from @equinor/mad-core for type safety:

import { MadConfig } from "@equinor/mad-core";
import Splash from "./assets/images/splash.png";
import { getBuildNumber, getAppSpecificEndpoints } from "./settings";
import { RootStackParamList } from "./types/navigation";

export const config: MadConfig<RootStackParamList> = {
navigateToMainRouteFn: navigation => navigation.navigate("Root"),
appVersion: "1.0.0",
servicePortalName: "Chronicles",
currentEnvironment: "prod",
language: {
supportedLanguages: [
{ code: "en", name: "English" },
{ code: "nb", name: "Norwegian" },
{ code: "pt", name: "Portuguese" },
skipOnboarding: false,
authentication: {
redirectUri: "",
redirectUriWeb: "http://localhost:8081",
clientId: "49222fe1-4e0a-4310-9e81-1a2c3eb9b2ed",
scopes: ["0a429637-3fe1-4452-bd95-c87923ba340b/user_impersonation"],
login: {
splash: Splash,
applicationInsights: {
instrumentationKey: "f1859360-4aa2-425f-b494-2d7320de6832",
longTermLog: { instrumentationKey: "e91835aa-bcc2-41dd-a79d-352f0df23e1b" },
about: {
endpoints: getAppSpecificEndpoints(),
buildNumber: getBuildNumber(),

You can also set environment specific values for each field. The config supports dev, test, qa, prod. The correct values will be picked based on currentEnvironment. Example from Chronicles:

import { MadConfig } from "@equinor/mad-core";
import Splash from "./assets/images/splash.png";
import { getBuildNumber } from "./settings";
import { RootStackParamList } from "./types/navigation";

export const config: MadConfig<RootStackParamList> = {
navigateToMainRouteFn: navigation => navigation.navigate("Root"),
appVersion: "1.0.0",
servicePortalName: "Chronicles",
currentEnvironment: "prod",
serviceNow: "MAD",
language: {
supportedLanguages: [
{ code: "en", name: "English" },
{ code: "nb", name: "Norwegian" },
{ code: "pt", name: "Portuguese" },
skipOnboarding: false,
authentication: {
prod: {
redirectUri: "",
redirectUriWeb: "http://localhost:8081",
clientId: "49222fe1-4e0a-4310-9e81-1a2c3eb9b2ed",
scopes: ["0a429637-3fe1-4452-bd95-c87923ba340b/user_impersonation"],
test: {
redirectUri: "",
redirectUriWeb: "http://localhost:8081",
clientId: "49222fe1-4e0a-4310-9e81-1a2c3eb9b2ed",
scopes: ["830a7388-cd89-4e25-a631-bd615bf225a4/user_impersonation"],
login: {
splash: Splash,
applicationInsights: {
instrumentationKey: "f1859360-4aa2-425f-b494-2d7320de6832",
longTermLog: { instrumentationKey: "e91835aa-bcc2-41dd-a79d-352f0df23e1b" },
about: {
endpoints: [],
buildNumber: getBuildNumber(),
appVersiontrueYour app's current version. Used to figure out whether the app should display what's new, and which release notes version to fetch
navigateToMainFntruea function @equinor/mad-core will use when navigating to your app's main route. To make this function type safe, make sure to provide a ParamList as a generic argument to the MadConfig type
servicePortalNametrueThe name of the app in the service portal. Used to figure out which release notes and service messages to fetch
currentEnvironmenttrueThe environment of the app. Used to display environment banner, and to select the correct service message and release notes endpoint. Also used to pick correct values from config
languagetruelanguage config. See language
authenticationtrueauthentication config. See authentication
logintruelogin screen config. See login
applicationInsightstrueapplication insights config. See application insights
serviceNowfalseConfiguration item in Service Now. Used for create incident screen. If not provided, we won't add create incident screen to the stack
aboutfalseabout screen config. If not provided, we won't add about screen to the stack. See about
Language config
supportedLanguagestruean array of supported languages. The language object should contain code and name. mad-core supports Norwegian (no, nb), english (en) and Portuguese (pt). If you use any other languages, the common screens will be in english. If you need more language support, create an issue!
defaultLanguageCodefalseThe default language of the app. This is the language the app will use if the user has not selected a language. If default language is not provided, the app will use the first language in the supportedLanguages array
skipOnboardingfalseSet this to true if you don't want to force the user to set their preferred language the first time they start the app
Authentication config
clientIdtrueThe application's client id
redirectUritrueThe application's redirect uri
redirectUriWebfalseThe application's redirect uri for web. This is required if your app has web support.
scopestruean array of scopes to use when logging in
Login config
splashtrueThe splash screen of the application. Will be used as a background for the login screen. For best results, set resizeMode to "cover", and backgroundColor to your splash screen's background color in app.json. @equinor/mad-core will use resize mode cover on iOS, and contain on web.
backgroundColorfalseBackground color for the login screen. Should be identical to the splash screen's background color. We have a common design for login screens across our apps, with a default background color. If your login screen for some reason uses different colors, use this property to change the background color.
addScreenManuallyfalseSet this to true if you want to add the login screen manually to the stack, just like you do with SettingsScreen. This way you can access LoginScreen's props: onAuthenticationSuccessful and onAuthenticationFailed. When adding LoginScreen to the stack, use getDefaultScreenOptionsForLoginScreen to use the same options as we do when adding the screen automatically.
Application Insights config
instrumentationKey or connectionStringtrueused to connect to the right resource in Azure
longTermLogfalseused to define long term log config. It should contain instrumentationKey or connectionString
About config
endpointstrueThe endpoints used by the application. The endpoints used by mad-core is added automatically. Will be displayed at the about-screen
buildNumbertrueThe build number of the application. Will be displayed at the about-screen