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Use createStackCoreNavigator/createNativeStackCoreNavigator

Next step is replacing your topmost createStackNavigator/createNativeStackNavigator with createStackCoreNavigator/createNativeStackCoreNavigator from @equinor/mad-core. It takes one argument: The config you created in step 2. You use it the same way you would a normal Stack.

import { createNativeStackCoreNavigator } from "@equinor/mad-core";
import { config } from "path/to/mad.config.ts";
import { RootStackParamList } from "path/to/paramList.ts";

const RootStack = createNativeStackCoreNavigator<RootStackParamList>(config);


import { createStackCoreNavigator } from "@equinor/mad-core";
import { config } from "path/to/mad.config.ts";
import { RootStackParamList } from "path/to/paramList.ts";

const RootStack = createStackCoreNavigator<RootStackParamList>(config);

If you have leftover screens from mad-expo-core in the stack, they should be removed. createStackCoreNavigator/createNativeStackCoreNavigator will add similar screens for you behind the scenes.

SettingsScreen also has to be added manually. This is because you most likely have app-specific settings you want to hook up to the settings screen.

If you don't have any app-specific settings, you can just add SettingsScreen from @equinor/mad-core with name "Settings". If you do have app-specific settings you want to add, we suggest creating a wrapper component that passes in the props you need to SettingsScreen.

Example stack:

const CoreStack = createNativeStackCoreNavigator<RootStackParamList>(config);
function RootNavigator() {
return (
options={{ headerShown: false }}
options={{ title: "Oops!" }}
<CoreStack.Screen name="Settings" component={SampleSettingsScreen} />


import React from "react";
import { SettingsScreen, SettingsScreenConfiguration } from "@equinor/mad-core";

export const SampleSettingsScreen = () => {
const appSpecificSettingsConfig: SettingsScreenConfiguration = [
items: [
name: "navigation",
title: "navigation",
onPress: () => undefined,
iconName: "abacus",
name: "button",
title: "Button",
onPress: () => undefined,
iconName: "abacus",
color: "primary",
name: "switch",
title: "Test",
onChange: () => undefined,
isActive: true,
iconName: "abacus",
name: "custom",
key: "Custom",
component: () => (
<Typography>This is a custom setting</Typography>

return <SettingsScreen config={appSpecificSettingsConfig} />;

note: Remember to put your content in a Cell when adding custom settings