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Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIsβ€”faster πŸ”—.


  • Postman announced a change in 2023 that makes it mainly "cloud only", meaning users must always have an account and being logged inΒΉ
  • If needing an account, only use an Enterprise Account and login using SSO
  • Be aware of the data classification on requests and responses
  • Use Postman Vault for storing sensitive data during local development

ΒΉ For simple usage one can use the Lightweight API Client without any account.

Changes in 2023

During 2023, Postman announced a change πŸ”— on how the solution works by making it mainly "cloud only", meaning they expect any users of the solution to always have an account and being logged in. When utilizing Postman, it's crucial to note that being logged in will automatically sync data to the cloud. As a result, users must exercise caution regarding the nature of data being transmitted. It's especially important to pay attention to the data classification, both within the requests and in the responses.

Benefits of being logged in with an user account

Logging in with a user account enables most of the features within Postman, including:

  • Workspaces
  • Collections
  • Sharing and collaboration
  • Automatic synchronization to the cloud / backup

However, the automatic synchronization to the cloud imposes both security and regulationary concerns. Here are the results of a simple Threat Model exercise:

Threat Description Mitigation
Account takeover / session hijacking The account is breached and malicious actors can log in to Postman using your account Only use your Enterprise Account and SSO, as there are protective and preventive measures in place to avoid/detect malicious actors logging in
Data breach at Postman servers A malicious actor has obtained data residing on the Postman servers Refrain from storing sensitive data that is synchronized with Postman servers, and implement additional controls such as logging and auditing for API logins and secret rotation
Credentials stored unencrypted Storing credentials in (masked) plain-text fields or in local plain-text files can easily be extracted Use proper solutions when handling credentials, like Postman Vault
Sensitive data being exported Anyone with access to the Workspace (collections) can export/extract it, including any variables and enviornments within Avoiding storing sensitive data in collections or environments
Sensitive data exposed Anyone with access to the Workspace can read environment variables, including masked secrets Avoid storing sensitive data in environments and be aware of who can access the Workspace. Export your collections and see what data is exposed.

Previously we also had an entry regarding Information disclosure, where we highlighted "The API being tested has sensitive data in the responses - could be restricted, confidential or personal data - which could automatically be uploaded to the cloud or being exposed in pipelines" and the recommendation "Understand the data classification of the information in requests and responses, and if unsure, avoid using Postman for these requests. When conducting automated testing, ensure that tests are executed against a "synthetic" test environment". As stated by Postman themselves, currently the responses are NOT synchronized. However, be aware where the requests are being run from and assert that the responses are handled according to their data classification.

Best practices

The automatic synchronization to the cloud imposes both security and regulationary concerns. Following the best practices will mitigate some of those concerns.


Never use a private or non-Equinor account in an Equinor context.

If needing the full feature set of Postman, request access through AccessIT and use SSO for login. Login either directly in the Desktop Client or through the browser πŸ”—.

This ensures

  • that the proper security checks on the account can be enforced, like avoid logins from completely strange IPs or known malicious IPs
  • that access control is properly enforced
  • that access can properly be revoked
  • that policies are followed and are enforced
  • and others ...

Avoid storing sensitive data (in an insecure way)

If needing to store credentials or other sensitive data, use Postman Vault πŸ”—. Note, data in the Vault is not being synchronized with Postman and anything in it remains local.

If there is no other way than storing sensitive data in the environment, the least one should do is set the type of the variable to "secret". This will mask the input.

Be careful

Even though one uses the "secret" type in an Environment, the secret is readable in plain-text by anyone who has access to it. If the access of the Workspace is set to Team, anyone in Equinor with a Postman account will be able to read the secret.


Storing variable values only in the Current value field, will ensure that the data is never shared with Postman. For more comprehensive explanation between Initial value and Current value see Postman documentation πŸ”—.

Postman Vault

Postman Vault πŸ”— is a way of handling sensitive data in Postman, without it leaving your local environment. Use the link for more deep-dive of the Postman Vault capabilities. Note that Postman Vault is only available when using the Desktop Client and will not function when using the Web Client (using Postman through the browser). If unsure on how to set up and open a Vault, use the link above.

The syntax to use a vault variable is quite similar to how other variables are referenced, but with a prefix of "vault:". For example to reference a value called "MY_SECRET" stored in the Vault, one would reference it by {{vault:MY_SECRET}}.


Note that you can't set or access vault secrets in scripts πŸ”—.

Do not share collections (uncritically)

If needing to share collections within the team, ensure proper processes are in place to give and revoke access. Note that collaborators might get access and see any sensitive information in the collections, including any sensitive information either in the Workspace variables or the configured environments.

Set right access on Workspace

The default access is "Eveyone from team Equinor", which makes is visible to everyone in Equinor who have an Postman account. This access will thus everyone access to the entire workspace, including the environments and the secrets within, which might not be desirable.

To change the access of a workspace, go to the workspace "root page" and click on the "Workspace Settings" button. Under the new page set the "Who can access this workspace?" to "Only invited team members".


Changing to "Only invited team members" imposes additional administrative work, as the administrator of the Workspace needs to onboard and offboard Workspace members manually. Users who are being added to a Workspace would first need an Enterprise Account, which must be requested for in AccessIt.


It is possible to run Postman collections automatically in a CI/CD pipeline. One way of achieving this is using the Newman CLI πŸ”—, a CLI tool by Postman.


a GitHub Action workflow could look something like:

name: Running API tests
run-name: ${{ }} is testing the API
on: [pull_request]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: Set up Node
              uses: actions/setup-node@v4
            - name: Install Newman
              run: npm install -g newman 
            - name: Run API tests
              run: newman run "${{collectionID}}?apikey=${{ secrets.POSTMANAPIKEY }}" --environment "${{ environmentID }}?apikey=${{ secrets.POSTMANAPIKEY }}"

Some considerations on this workflow:

  • The Postman API is rate-limited, so keep that in mind when running automatic workflows.
  • The generated POSTMANAPIKEY should be considered as a PAT - it gives the workflow the same access to Postman as your account.
  • This example uses the enivornment obtained through the Postman API as-is. Consider if the environment could contain sensitive data (e.g. client secrets). These entries could then instead be placed in a secure Vault (e.g. Azure KeyVault), which would introduce some extra steps in the workflow. For example, extracting Postman environment in separate step, logging into Azure, extracting data from the KeyVault and finally using secrets as input parameters πŸ”— to Newman.

Lightweight API Client

It is possible to run Postman without logging in or needing an account (without applying for it in AccessIT), which Postman has coined "Lightweight API Client".

The previous lightweight API client, based on "Scratch Pad", has been discountinued and there is only a single official API Client that can be downloaded from Postman. After downloading and executing the file, there is a choice of Or continue with the lightweight API client. (as of April 2024, this represents itself as a small text below the login-button on starting the application). Running the application in this mode will ensure that everything stays local - nothing is being synchronized to the cloud. However, it will not be possible to use the full set of features Postman provides and the usage in this mode will be limited to simple manual API testing.


Using the Lightweight client is free and one does not need to apply for access in AccessIT. In many cases this will be sufficient.

Resources to read more on Postman