New unit-format for venting emitters, aligned to what is used in other parts of yaml-file. Example: Example: Unit should be now be written as KG_PER_DAY, and not kg/d.
Make electrical- and mechanical available at asset level. This is needed to make plots split by mechanical- and electrical power in web (will be implemented in future version).
Make venting emitters emission names case insensitive: Avoid splitting same emission-types into separate ones, due to different use of upper- and lower case.
Detect duplicate keys in yaml file and raise error, pointing to where in the yaml-file the error occurs.
Do not allow for negative recirculation if rate is above max flow rate for a compressor chart. If the compressor stage is out of capacity already, the available capacity is set to zero.
Ensure regularity is evaluated for all installations when only venting emitters. eCalc failed if only VENTING_EMITTERS were specified (without FUELCONUMERS and GENERATORSETS), because installation results were empty. This fix ensures to get results, and to evaluate regularity, even if the installation results are empty.
Max power from shore values: Output values did not correspond to input in LTP-report, when output frequency is set to e.g. YEAR. This is now fixed.
Use custom type pydantic class to wrap ndarray and avoid validation problem: This fix removes potentially confusing warning in the validation.
Wrong unit max power from shore: The unit for Max Usage from Shore column in LTP-report was GWh, but is now correctly reported as MW.