Domain conversion

In RMS it is possible to do domain conversion using the menu option, but in some cases it convenient to be able to convert domains using a script. This module provides a method to convert domains in pure python.

The functions are based on that we have matching pairs of surfaces for the two domains. The code will then interpolate the data from the source domain to the target domain. This will be based on average velocity or slowness, in constrast to the RMS domain conversion which is based on an interval velocity model.


Example 1

Depth convert a cube from time to depth domain.

import xtgeo
from import DomainConversion

cube = xtgeo.cube_from_file("path/to/time_cube/file.segy")  # assume this is in time domain

depth1 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/depth/file1.gri")
depth2 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/depth/file2.gri")
time1 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/time/file1.gri")
time2 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/time/file2.gri")

dc = DomainConversion([depth1, depth2], [time1, time2])

# now depth convert cube
cube_in_depth = dc.depth_convert_cube(cube, zinc=2)


Example 2

Time convert a cube and a surface from depth to time domain.

import xtgeo
from import DomainConversion

cube = xtgeo.cube_from_file("path/to/depth_cube/file.segy")  # assume this is in depth domain

depth1 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/depth/file1.gri")
depth2 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/depth/file2.gri")
time1 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/time/file1.gri")
time2 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/time/file2.gri")

depth_other = xtgeo.surface_from_file("path/to/depth_other.gri")

dlist = [depth1, depth2]
tlist = [time1, time2]

dc = DomainConversion(dlist, tlist)

time_cube = dc.time_convert_cube(cube, tinc=4)

time_other_aslist = dc.time_convert_surfaces([depth_other])

Example 3

A larger example with cubes and surfaces in RMS python environment.

import xtgeo
from import DomainConversion

HORIZONS = ["TopVolantis", "BaseVolantis"]
AMPL_TIME_CUBE = "seismic--amplitude_far_time--20180101"
AI_TIME_CUBE = "seismic--relai_near_time--20180101"
TIME_CATEGORY = "TS_time_extracted"

# for depth conversion of cubes
ZINC = 2
TINC = 3
MINTIME = 1500
MAXTIME = 1900

CLIP_CATALOG = "testing_dconv"
PRJ = project

def load_input():
    """Load input data, such as cubes and surfaces."""
    amplcube = xtgeo.cube_from_roxar(PRJ, AMPL_TIME_CUBE)
    aicube = xtgeo.cube_from_roxar(PRJ, AI_TIME_CUBE)
    print(f"Loading cubes {AMPL_TIME_CUBE} and {AI_TIME_CUBE}... DONE")

    depthsurfs = []
    timesurfs = []
    for ds in HORIZONS:
        depthsurfs.append(xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(PRJ, ds, DEPTH_CATEGORY))
        timesurfs.append(xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(PRJ, ds, TIME_CATEGORY))
    # read some other time surfaces to be converted
    othertimesurfs = []
    for surf in HORIZONS:
        tsfr = xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(PRJ, surf, TIME_CATEGORY_OTHER)

    print("Loading surfaces... DONE")
    return amplcube, aicube, depthsurfs, timesurfs, othertimesurfs

def create_domain_conversion_model(dsurfs, tsurfs):
    """Create a domain model from matching depth and time surfaces."""
    print("Create domain conversion (velocity/slowness) model...")
    dc = DomainConversion(depth_surfaces=dsurfs, time_surfaces=tsurfs)
    print("Create domain conversion model... DONE")
    return dc

def _depth_convert_cube(dc, mycube):
    """Depht convert a cube (generic)."""
    print("Depth convert cube...")
    dcube = dc.depth_convert_cube(mycube, zinc=ZINC, zmin=MINDEPTH, zmax=MAXDEPTH)
    print("Depth convert cube... DONE")
    return dcube

def _time_convert_cube(dc, dcube):
    """Time convert a cube using the slowness model (generic)."""
    print("Time convert cube...")
    tcube = dc.time_convert_cube(dcube, tinc=TINC, tmin=MINTIME, tmax=MAXTIME)
    print("Time convert cube... DONE")
    return tcube

def domain_convert_some_cube(dc, tcube, nickname="something"):
    """Back and forth with some cube (here AI); demonstrate the conv. of cubes."""
    dcube = _depth_convert_cube(dc, tcube)
    tcube_again = _time_convert_cube(dc, dcube)  # going back again, for demonstration
    dcube.to_roxar(PRJ, nickname + "_depth")
    tcube_again.to_roxar(PRJ, nickname + "_time_again")
    print(f"Save cubes in RMS... ({nickname}...) DONE")

def domain_convert_surfaces(dc, othertimesurfs):
    """Use domain model to depth and time convert some other surfaces."""
    print("Depth and time convert surfaces...")
    depthsurfaces = dc.depth_convert_surfaces(othertimesurfs)
    # store on clipboard
    for ds, name in zip(depthsurfaces, HORIZONS):
        ds.to_roxar(PRJ, f"{name}_depth", CLIP_CATALOG, stype="clipboard")
    # surfaces back to time domain
    new_timesurfaces = dc.time_convert_surfaces(depthsurfaces)
    # store new timesurfaces on clipboard
    for ts, name in zip(new_timesurfaces, HORIZONS):
        ts.to_roxar(PRJ, f"{name}_time", CLIP_CATALOG, stype="clipboard")
    print("Depth and time convert surfaces... DONE")

# entry point for script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    ampl, ai, ds, ts, other = load_input()
    dc = create_domain_conversion_model(ds, ts)

    for nickname, cube in zip(["ampl_test", "ai_test"], [ampl, ai]):
        domain_convert_some_cube(dc, cube, nickname)
    domain_convert_surfaces(dc, other)
