
When running FMU project where field parameters for both facies and petrophysical properties is updated in ERT simultaneously, some adjustments are needed in the RMS project to support this type of workflow. It is necessary to have one petrosim job per facies. To simplify the work with the RMS project, the function generate_petro_jobs from fmu.tools can be used in a python job in RMS. It requires a small configuration file and will then read an existing petrosim job from the RMS project and generate one new petrosim job per facies. The new jobs are ready to be used (put into the RMS workflow) and they will use the same model parameters for the petrophysical properties as the original (existing) job, but only for one facies.

The function generate_petro_jobs will modify your RMS project when run from your RMS project by adding new petrosim jobs, one per facies as specified in the configuration file for the script. The configuration file is a yaml format file defining which grid model and which facies 3D parameter to use and the name of the original petrosim job. For each zone and each facies per zone a list is specified of which petrophysical parameters to use in the new petrosim jobs that are generated.


  • Import the function generate_petro_jobs into a python job in RMS. Specify a configuration file and specify the name of this configuration file in the python job.

  • Run the python job in RMS to generate the new petrosim jobs.

  • Finally, update the workflowin RMS by using the generated jobs.

Example of python script in RMS

from fmu.tools.rms import generate_petro_jobs

CONFIG_FILE = "generate_petro_jobs.yml"
if  __name__  ==  "__main__":

Example of configuration file for multi zone grid in RMS

# Name of grid model for the petrophysics jobs
grid_name: MultiZoneBox

# Name of original petro job using facies realization as input
original_job_name: original_multi_zone

# Use empty string as zone name for single zone grids and zone name
# for multizone grids.
# For each zone, specify facies and for each facies specify
# petro variables to be used as field parameters in ERT update

# Example for a multizone grid with three zones:
        F1:  [P1, P2]
        F2:  [P1, P2]
        F3:  [P1, P2]
        F1:  [P1, P2]
        F2:  [P1, P2]
        F3:  [P1, P2]

Example of configuration file for single zone grid in RMS

# Name of grid model for the petrophysics jobs
grid_name: SingleZoneBox

# Name of original petro job using facies realization as input
original_job_name: original_single_zone

# Use empty string as zone name for single zone grids and zone name
# for multizone grids.
# For each zone, specify facies and for each facies specify
# petro variables to be used as field parameters in ERT update
        F1:  [P1, P2]
        F2:  [P1, P2]
        F3:  [P1, P2]