
Inside the RMS project it can be beneficial to have a module that serves as a library, not only a front end script. Several problems exist in current RMS

  • RMS has no awareness of this ‘PYTHONPATH’, i.e. <project>/pythoncomp

  • RMS will, once loaded, not refresh any changes made in the module

  • Python requires extension .py, but RMS often adds .py_1 for technical reasons, which makes it impossible for the end-user to understand why it will not work, as the ‘instance-name’ (script name inside RMS) and the actual file name will differ.

This function solves all these issues, and makes it possible to import a RMS project library in a much easier way.

The library is inside rms

Given that the library module is made inside the RMS GUI, here is an example:

import fmu.tools as tools

# mylib.py is inside the RMS project
plib = tools.rms.import_localmodule(project, "mylib")


The library is outside RMS

Sometimes it is convenient that the library is made outside RMS, and the same function can then be applied with a path keyword:

import fmu.tools as tools

# extlib.py is outside the RMS project, relative path ../lib/extlib.py

plib = tools.rms.import_localmodule(project, "extlib", path="../lib")

# or as a package:
# extlib is here a folder (package) is outside the RMS project, relative path ../lib/extlib
# extlib/
#        __init__.py
#        calc.py

plib = tools.rms.import_localmodule(project, "extlib", path="../lib")