
This script parses volumetrics text output from RMS and writes CSV files. Column names will be according to the FMU standard, https://wiki.equinor.com/wiki/index.php/FMU_standards

It is installed and available both in Komodo and in the RMS Python environment, and the associated API can also be used in Python scripts (this gives more options than the command line interface).


Convert single RMS volumetrics files to CSV

usage: rmsvolumetrics2csv [-h] [--phase PHASE] [-o OUTPUT] [-v]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments


Set typically to ‘GAS’, ‘OIL’ or ‘TOTAL’. Will be appended to column headers. If not given, it will be guessed from the filename

-o, --output

Name of output CSV file. Use ‘-’ for stdout (default)

Default: '-'

-v, --verbose

Be verbose

Default: False

Usage from RMS

Use a “System command” RMS job to run the command with appropriate arguments. Ensure that any output directory exists upfront. Since fmu-tools is inside both in Komodo and in the RMS Python environment, using run_external is not necessary, but will also work.