Source code for

"""Extract grid zone tops from wells."""

import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xtgeo

[docs] def extract_grid_zone_tops( project: Optional[Any] = None, well_list: Optional[list] = None, logrun: str = "log", trajectory: str = "Drilled trajectory", gridzonelog: Optional[str] = None, mdlogname: Optional[str] = None, grid: Optional[str] = None, zone_param: Optional[str] = None, alias_file: Optional[str] = None, rms_name: str = "RMS_WELL_NAME", ecl_name: str = "ECLIPSE_WELL_NAME", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Function for extracting top and base from gridzones, both in TVD and MD. A pandas dataframe will be returned. Users can either input a pre-generated gridzonelog or a grid and a zone parameter for computing the gridzonelog. The function works both inside RMS and outside with file input. If input from files, and a MD log is not present in the well a quasi md log will be computed and used. """ use_gridzonelog = gridzonelog is not None if not use_gridzonelog: if grid is not None and zone_param is not None: if project is not None: mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_roxar(project, grid) gridzones = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar(project, grid, zone_param) else: mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(grid) gridzones = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(zone_param, grid=mygrid) = "Zone" else: raise ValueError("Specify either 'gridzonelog' or 'grid' and 'zone_param") dfs = [] if well_list is None: well_list = [] for well in well_list: try: if project is not None: xtg_well = xtgeo.well_from_roxar( project, str(well), trajectory=trajectory, logrun=logrun, inclmd=True, ) else: xtg_well = xtgeo.well_from_file(str(well), mdlogname=mdlogname) # quasi md log will be computed xtg_well.geometrics() except (ValueError, KeyError): continue # if no gridzonelog create one from the zone parameter if not use_gridzonelog: xtg_well.get_gridproperties(gridzones, mygrid) gridzonelog = "Zone_model" if xtg_well.dataframe[gridzonelog].isnull().values.all(): continue # Set gridzonelog as zonelog and extract zonation tops from it xtg_well.zonelogname = gridzonelog dframe = xtg_well.get_zonation_points(top_prefix="", use_undef=True) dframe.rename( columns={ "Z_TVDSS": "TOP_TVD", xtg_well.mdlogname: "TOP_MD", "Zone": "ZONE_CODE", "WellName": "WELL", }, inplace=True, ) # find deepest point in well while in grid df_max = ( xtg_well.dataframe[["Z_TVDSS", xtg_well.mdlogname, gridzonelog]] .dropna() .sort_values(by=xtg_well.mdlogname) ) # create base picks also dframe["BASE_TVD"] = dframe["TOP_TVD"].shift(-1) dframe["BASE_MD"] = dframe["TOP_MD"].shift(-1)[dframe.index[-1], "BASE_TVD"] = df_max.iloc[-1]["Z_TVDSS"][dframe.index[-1], "BASE_MD"] = df_max.iloc[-1][xtg_well.mdlogname] # adjust zone values to get correct zone information dframe["ZONE_CODE"] = shift_zone_values(dframe["ZONE_CODE"].values.copy()) dframe["ZONE"] = ( dframe["ZONE_CODE"] .map(xtg_well.get_logrecord(xtg_well.zonelogname)) .fillna("Outside") ) dfs.append(dframe.drop(columns=["TopName", "Q_INCL", "Q_AZI"], errors="ignore")) df = pd.concat(dfs) if alias_file is not None: well_dict = make_alias_dict(alias_file, rms_name, ecl_name) df["WELL"] = df["WELL"].replace(well_dict) return df
[docs] def shift_zone_values(zvals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: for idx, _zval in enumerate(zvals): if idx == len(zvals) - 1: continue if zvals[idx] == zvals[idx + 1]: zvals[idx + 1] = zvals[idx + 1] - 1 return zvals
[docs] def make_alias_dict( alias_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], rms_name: str = "RMS_WELL_NAME", ecl_name: str = "ECLIPSE_WELL_NAME", ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Create a correspondance dictionary so that well_dict[ <RMS wellname> ] = <Eclipse wellname> """ df = pd.read_csv(alias_file, index_col=rms_name) well_dict = df.to_dict() return well_dict[ecl_name]