This private module in qcforward is used to parse data on a general level.
The resulting data will be stored as class instance attributes, e.g. self._grid
import re
from glob import glob
from os.path import join
import xtgeo
from fmu.tools._common import _QCCommon
CMN = _QCCommon()
class QCData(object):
This is a class which parse/reads and stores some common data
like 3D grids, maps etc.
It shall be semi-agnostic to where data comes from, i.e. accept both files
and RMS input.
By having it as a class one can store different datasets and compare them later
if needed. E.g. if one need to compare two grid models, they will be members
of two different instances of the QCData()
def __init__(self):
self._reuse = []
self._xtgdata = {} # All XTGeo data, to be reused
self._path = "." # usually not needed to set explisit
self._project = None # pointing to RMS project ID if any
self._grid = None # A XTGeo Grid()
self._gridprops = None # XTGeo GridProperties() for multiple props
self._wells = None # XTGeo Wells() instance (multiple wells)
self._bwells = None
self._surfaces = None # XTGeo Surfaces() instance (in prep)
# Properties
# ==================================================================================
def project(self):
"""Project attribute as Roxar project instance"""
return self._project
def grid(self):
"""Grid attribute as XTGeo Grid() instance"""
return self._grid
def gridprops(self):
"""GridProperties attribute as XTGeo GridProperties() instance"""
return self._gridprops
def wells(self):
"""Wells attribute as XTGeo Wells() instance"""
return self._wells
def bwells(self):
"""Wells attribute as XTGeo BlockedWells() instance"""
return self._bwells
def xtgdata(self):
"""All xtgeo based data as a dictionay"""
return self._xtgdata
# Class methods:
# ==================================================================================
def _set_xtgdata_keys(self):
self._xtgdata["grid"] = {}
self._xtgdata["gridprops"] = {}
self._xtgdata["wells"] = {}
self._xtgdata["bwells"] = {}
def parse(
"""Parse the actual data, such as grids, gridprops etc.
data (dict): The input data dictionary
fine grained control, e.g. ["grid", "gridprops", "wells"]
project (obj or str): For usage inside RMS
reuse (bool or list): If True, do not reread grid and gridprops. Can also be
a list referring to key names.
wells_settings (dict): More granular settings for wells which may speed
up reading and/or execution. If set, this is a dictionary with keys
``lognames``, ``depthrange``, ``resample``
CMN.verbosity = data.get("verbosity")
if isinstance(reuse, bool):
reuse = ["grid", "gridprops", "wells"] if reuse else []
if "grid" in data:
self.read_grid(data["grid"], reuse)
if "gridprops" in data:
self.read_gridprops(data["gridprops"], data.get("grid"), reuse)
for welltype in ["wells", "bwells"]:
if welltype in data:
self.read_wells(data[welltype], welltype, wells_settings, reuse)
def set_path(self, path):
"""General path prefix settings"""
self._path = path
def parse_project(self, project=None):
"""Get the RoxarAPI project magics"""
if project is not None:
rox = xtgeo.RoxUtils(project)
self._project = rox.project
self._project = None
def read_grid(self, gridname, reuse):
"""Read 3D grid (which is required), from file or RMS"""
gridname = gridname if self._project is not None else join(self._path, gridname)
CMN.print_debug(f"GRIDNAME: {gridname}")
CMN.print_info("Reading grid geometry...")
if ("grid" not in reuse) or (gridname not in self._xtgdata["grid"]):
self._grid = (
if self._project is None
else xtgeo.grid_from_roxar(self._project, gridname)
self._xtgdata["grid"][gridname] = self._grid
self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname] = {}
CMN.print_info(f"Reusing grid {gridname}")
self._grid = self._xtgdata["grid"][gridname]
def read_gridprops(self, gridprops, gridname=None, reuse=None):
"""Read 3D grid props, from file or RMS."""
gridname = gridname if self._project is not None else join(self._path, gridname)
CMN.print_info("Reading grid properties...")
gprops = []
if "gridprops" in reuse:
reused_gprops, gridprops = self._reuse_gridprops(gridprops, gridname)
gprops = reused_gprops
if self._project is None:
for gprop in gridprops:
if isinstance(gprop, list):
pname, pfile = gprop
pfile = gprop
pname = None
gridproppath = join(self._path, pfile)
xtg_gprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(
gridproppath, name=pname, grid=self.grid
xtg_gprop.name = pname if pname is not None else pfile
if isinstance(gprop, list):
self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname][tuple(gprop)] = xtg_gprop
self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname][gprop] = xtg_gprop
# read from RMS/ROXAPI
for pname in gridprops:
xtg_gprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar(
self._project, gridname, pname
self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname][pname] = xtg_gprop
self._gridprops = xtgeo.GridProperties()
def _well_preparations(self, wells):
"""Account for wildcards and regex in wellist"""
input_wells = []
if self._project is None:
for welldata in wells:
# fields may contain wildcards for "globbing"
for wellentry in glob(join(self._path, welldata)):
# roxar API input:
wnames = wells.get("names", [".*$"])
rmswells = [wll.name for wll in self._project.wells]
CMN.print_debug(f"All RMS wells: {rmswells}")
CMN.print_debug(f"Data wells to match: {wnames}")
for rmswell in rmswells:
if any(re.match(wreg + "$", rmswell) for wreg in wnames):
return input_wells
def read_wells(self, wells, welltype="wells", settings=False, reuse=None):
"""Reading wells"""
settings = settings if settings else {}
wellist = self._well_preparations(wells)
CMN.print_info("Reading wells...")
xtg_wells = []
if "wells" in reuse:
reused_wells, wellist = self._reuse_wells(wellist, welltype)
xtg_wells = reused_wells
for well in wellist:
if welltype == "wells":
mywell = (
well, lognames=settings.get("lognames", "all")
if self._project is None
else xtgeo.well_from_roxar(
lognames=settings.get("lognames", "all"),
logrun=wells.get("logrun", "log"),
trajectory=wells.get("trajectory", "Drilled trajectory"),
mywell = (
if self._project is None
else xtgeo.blockedwell_from_roxar(
gname=wells.get("grid", "Geogrid"),
bwname=wells.get("bwname", "BW"),
lognames=settings.get("lognames", "all"),
self._xtgdata[welltype][well] = mywell
except ValueError as verr:
print(f"Could not read well {well}: {verr}")
CMN.print_debug(f"All valid welldata: {xtg_wells}")
for mywell in xtg_wells:
if "depthrange" in settings and settings["depthrange"] is not None:
tmin, tmax = settings["depthrange"]
mywell.limit_tvd(tmin, tmax)
if "rescale" in settings and settings["rescale"] is not None:
if xtg_wells:
if welltype == "wells":
self._wells = xtgeo.Wells()
self._wells.wells = xtg_wells
self._bwells = xtgeo.BlockedWells()
self._bwells.wells = xtg_wells
raise RuntimeError("No wells read, wrong settings?")
def _reuse_gridprops(self, gridprops, gridname):
Identify which gridprops are available for reusing, reusable
gridprops and new gridprops are returned in separate lists
new_gprops = []
reused_gprops = []
for elem in gridprops:
if isinstance(elem, list):
if tuple(elem) not in self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname]:
reused_gprops = [
for key, value in self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname].items()
if list(key) in gridprops
if elem not in self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname]:
reused_gprops = [
for key, value in self._xtgdata["gridprops"][gridname].items()
if key in gridprops
CMN.print_info(f"Reusing gridprops: {[x.name for x in reused_gprops]}")
CMN.print_info(f"New gridprops: {new_gprops}")
return reused_gprops, new_gprops
def _reuse_wells(self, wells, welltype):
Identify which wells are available for reusing, reusable
wells and new wells are returned in separate lists
new_wells = []
reused_wells = []
for well in wells:
if well not in self._xtgdata[welltype]:
reused_wells = [
value for key, value in self._xtgdata[welltype].items() if key in wells
CMN.print_info(f"Reused wells: {[x.name for x in reused_wells]}")
CMN.print_info(f"New wells: {new_wells}")
return reused_wells, new_wells