"""Private module in qcforward, used to compare blocked wells with grid props.
The idea here is to compare blocked wells (cells) with actual values in order
warn user and/or stop runs if discrepancies are too large.
The resulting report will look like this:
0 A_6 PHIT:PHIT any<90% any<70% 99% OK MYDATA
1 A_6 Facies:FACIES any<90% any<70% 91% OK MYDATA
2 A_5 PHIT:PHIT any<90% any<70% 93% OK MYDATA
3 A_5 Facies:FACIES any<90% any<70% 77% WARN MYDATA
4 A_4 PHIT:PHIT any<90% any<70% 88% WARN MYDATA
5 A_4 Facies:FACIES any<90% any<70% 73% WARN MYDATA
6 all PHIT:PHIT all<95% all<80% 88% OK MYDATA
7 all Facies:FACIES all<95% all<80% 88% OK MYDATA
The input spesification is on the following form if outside RMS:
DATA1 = {
"nametag": "MYDATA1",
"verbosity": "debug",
"path": PATH,
"bwells": WELLFILES,
"grid": GRIDFILE,
"gridprops": [["PHIT", ROFFFILE], ["FACIES", ROFFFILE]],
"compare": {"Facies": "FACIES", "PHIT": "PHIT"}, # bwname: modelname
"actions": [
{"warn": "anywell < 80%", "stop": "anywell < 70%"},
{"warn": "allwells < 90%", "stop": "allwells < 80%"},
"report": {"file": REPORT, "mode": "write"},
"dump_yaml": SOMEYAML,
"tolerance": 0.01
If one need to have different actions for different comparisons, use e.g.:
DATA2 = deepcopy(DATA1)
DATA2["compare"] = {"VSH": "Vshale"}
DATA2["actions"] =
{"warn": "anywell < 86%", "stop": "anywell < 75%"},
{"warn": "allwells < 97%", "stop": "allwells < 89%"},
and rerrun.
Note that ``any`` and ``all`` will work as shortform to ``anywell`` and ``allwell``.
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import pandas as pd
from jsonschema import validate
import fmu.tools
from fmu.tools._common import _QCCommon
from fmu.tools.qcdata import QCData
from fmu.tools.qcforward._qcforward import ActionsParser, QCForward, actions_validator
QCC = _QCCommon()
class _LocalData:
def __init__(self):
"""Defining and hold data local (or special) for this routine."""
self.actions = None
self.compare = None
self.infotext = "BW vs GRIDPROPS"
self.nametag = None
self.reportfile = None
self.tolerance = 0.01 # tolerance when comparing
self.show_data = None
self.tvd_range = None
QCC.print_debug("Initialized local data _LocalData")
def parse_data(self, data):
"""Parsing the actual data"""
self.nametag = data.get("nametag", "unset_nametag")
if "report" in data:
self.reportfile = (
if isinstance(data["report"], dict)
else data["report"]
self.actions = actions_validator(data["actions"])
self.compare = data["compare"]
self.tolerance = data.get("tolerance", self.tolerance)
self.show_data = data.get("show_data", self.show_data)
self.tvd_range = data.get("tvd_range", self.tvd_range)
QCC.print_debug("Parsing data is done")
class BlockedWellsVsGridProperties(QCForward):
def run(
data: Union[dict, str],
reuse: Optional[bool] = False,
project: Optional[Any] = None,
"""Main routine for evaluating blockedwells vs gridproperties
The routine depends on existing XTGeo functions for this purpose.
data (dict or str): The input data either as a Python dictionary or
a path to a YAML file
reuse (bool or list): Reusing some "timeconsuming to read" data in the
instance. If True, then grid and gridprops will be reused as default.
Alternatively it can be a list for more fine grained control, e.g.
["grid", "gridprops", "bwells"]
project (Union[object, str]): For usage inside RMS, None if running files
self._data = self.handle_data(data, project)
self._validate_input(self._data, project)
QCC.verbosity = self._data.get("verbosity", 0)
# parse data that are special for this check
QCC.print_info("Parsing additional data...")
self.ldata = _LocalData()
# now need to retrieve blocked properties and grid properties from the "compare"
# dictionary:
wsettings = {"lognames": list(self.ldata.compare.keys())}
if project:
# inside RMS, get gridprops implicitly from compare values
self._data["gridprops"] = list(self.ldata.compare.values())
if not isinstance(self.gdata, QCData):
self.gdata = QCData()
data=self._data, reuse=reuse, project=project, wells_settings=wsettings
dfr, comb = self.compare_bw_props()
QCC.print_debug(f"Results: \n{dfr}")
status = self.evaluate_qcreport(
dfr, "blocked wells vs grid props", stopaction=False
# make it possible to print the underlying dataframe, either some wells (.e.g
# the failing) or all wells. If 'fail' it will only show those lines that
# contains FAIL
show = self.ldata.show_data
if show is None or show is False:
elif isinstance(show, dict):
if "lines" not in show or "wellstatus" not in show:
raise ValueError(
f"The 'showdata' entry is in an invalid form or format: {show}"
lines = show["lines"].upper()
wstatus = show["wellstatus"].upper()
f"\n** Key 'show_data' is active, here showing lines with {lines} "
f"for wells classified as {wstatus} **"
# filter out all line with word FAIL or WARN or ... , h/t HAVB
fcomb = comb[comb.astype(str).agg("".join, axis=1).str.contains(lines)]
if len(fcomb) > 0:
mask = dfr["STATUS"] == wstatus
wells = [well for well in dfr[mask]["WELL"].unique() if well != "all"]
if wells:
print(f"Wells within {wstatus} criteria are: {wells}:\n")
print(f"No wells within {wstatus} criteria")
print(f"No lines are matching {lines}. Wrong input?:\n")
print("Show all well cells for all wells:")
if len(comb) > 0:
if status == "STOP":
QCC.force_stop("STOP criteria is found!")
def compare_bw_props(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Given data, do a comparison of blcked wells cells vs props, via XTGeo."""
# dataframe for the blocked wells
dfbw = self.gdata.bwells.get_dataframe()
if self._gdata.project is not None:
# when parsing blocked wells from RMS, cell indices starts from 0, not 1
dfbw["I_INDEX"] += 1
dfbw["J_INDEX"] += 1
dfbw["K_INDEX"] += 1
# filtering on depth tvd_range:
if self.ldata.tvd_range and isinstance(self.ldata.tvd_range, list):
zmin = self.ldata.tvd_range[0]
zmax = self.ldata.tvd_range[1]
if zmin >= zmax:
raise ValueError("The zmin value >= zmax in 'tvd_range'")
dfbw = dfbw[dfbw["Z_TVDSS"] >= zmin]
dfbw = dfbw[dfbw["Z_TVDSS"] <= zmax]
if dfbw.empty:
raise RuntimeError(
f"No wells left after tvd_range: {self.ldata.tvd_range}"
# dataframe for the properties, need some processing (column names)
dfprops = self.gdata.gridprops.get_dataframe(ijk=True, grid=self.gdata.grid)
dfprops = dfprops.rename(
columns={"IX": "I_INDEX", "JY": "J_INDEX", "KZ": "K_INDEX"}
# merge the dataframe on I J K index
comb = pd.merge(
on=["I_INDEX", "J_INDEX", "K_INDEX"],
suffixes=("__bw", "__model"), # in case the names are equal -> add suffix
QCC.print_debug("Made a combined dataframe!")
QCC.print_debug(f"\n {comb}")
diffs = {}
# compare the relevant properties
for bwprop, modelprop in self._ldata.compare.items():
usebwprop = bwprop if bwprop != modelprop else bwprop + "__bw"
usemodelprop = modelprop if bwprop != modelprop else modelprop + "__model"
dname = bwprop + ":" + modelprop
dnameflag = dname + "_flag"
comb = self._eval_tolerance(comb, usebwprop, usemodelprop, dname, dnameflag)
diffs[dname] = dnameflag
return self._evaluate_diffs(comb, diffs), comb
def _eval_tolerance(self, df_in, bwprop, modelprop, diffname, diffnameflag):
"""Make a flag log for diffs based on tolerance input."""
comb = df_in.copy()
tol = self.ldata.tolerance
relative = isinstance(tol, dict) and "rel" in tol
tolerance = tol if isinstance(tol, float) else list(tol.values())[0]
comb[diffname] = comb[bwprop] - comb[modelprop]
comb[diffnameflag] = "MATCH"
if relative: # adjust relative to be weighted on mean() value
comb[bwprop + "_mean"] = comb[bwprop].mean()
comb[diffname + "_rel"] = comb[diffname] / comb[bwprop + "_mean"]
comb.loc[abs(comb[diffname + "_rel"]) > tolerance, diffnameflag] = "FAIL"
comb.loc[abs(comb[diffname]) > tolerance, diffnameflag] = "FAIL"
return comb
def _evaluate_diffs(self, comb, diffs) -> pd.DataFrame:
result: OrderedDict = OrderedDict(
("WELL", []),
("WARNRULE", []),
("STOPRULE", []),
("MATCH%", []),
("STATUS", []),
wells = list(comb["WELLNAME"].unique())
QCC.print_info("Compare per well...")
for wname in wells:
subset = comb[comb["WELLNAME"] == wname]
for diff, flag in diffs.items():
if wname != "all":
match = subset[flag].value_counts(normalize=True)["MATCH"] * 100.0
match = comb[flag].value_counts(normalize=True)["MATCH"] * 100.0
status = "OK"
for therule in self.ldata.actions:
warnrule = ActionsParser(
therule.get("warn", None), mode="warn", verbosity=QCC.verbosity
stoprule = ActionsParser(
therule.get("stop", None), mode="stop", verbosity=QCC.verbosity
for _, issue in enumerate([warnrule, stoprule]):
if (wname != "all" and not issue.all) or (
wname == "all" and issue.all
rulename = issue.mode.upper() + "RULE"
if issue.compare == "<" and match < issue.limit:
status = issue.mode.upper()
dfr = self.make_report(
result, reportfile=self.ldata.reportfile, nametag=self.ldata.nametag
QCC.print_info("Dataframe is created")
return dfr
def _validate_input(data, project):
"""Validate data against JSON schemas, TODO complete schemas"""
spath = Path(fmu.tools.__file__).parent / "qcforward" / "_schemas"
schemafile = "bw_vs_gridprops_asfile.json"
if project:
schemafile = "bw_vs_gridprops_asroxapi.json"
with open((spath / schemafile), "r", encoding="utf-8") as thisschema:
schema = json.load(thisschema)
validate(instance=data, schema=schema)