Source code for

"""Private module in qcforward, used to compare blocked wells with grid props.

The idea here is to compare blocked wells (cells) with actual values in order
warn user and/or stop runs if discrepancies are too large.

The resulting report will look like this:


        0    A_6  PHIT:PHIT       any<90%    any<70%    99%     OK      MYDATA
        1    A_6  Facies:FACIES   any<90%    any<70%    91%     OK      MYDATA
        2    A_5  PHIT:PHIT       any<90%    any<70%    93%     OK      MYDATA
        3    A_5  Facies:FACIES   any<90%    any<70%    77%     WARN    MYDATA
        4    A_4  PHIT:PHIT       any<90%    any<70%    88%     WARN    MYDATA
        5    A_4  Facies:FACIES   any<90%    any<70%    73%     WARN    MYDATA
        6    all  PHIT:PHIT       all<95%    all<80%    88%     OK      MYDATA
        7    all  Facies:FACIES   all<95%    all<80%    88%     OK      MYDATA

The input spesification is on the following form if outside RMS:


    DATA1 = {
        "nametag": "MYDATA1",
        "verbosity": "debug",
        "path": PATH,
        "bwells": WELLFILES,
        "grid": GRIDFILE,
        "gridprops": [["PHIT", ROFFFILE], ["FACIES", ROFFFILE]],
        "compare": {"Facies": "FACIES", "PHIT": "PHIT"},  # bwname: modelname
        "actions": [
            {"warn": "anywell < 80%", "stop": "anywell < 70%"},
            {"warn": "allwells < 90%", "stop": "allwells < 80%"},
        "report": {"file": REPORT, "mode": "write"},
        "dump_yaml": SOMEYAML,
        "tolerance": 0.01

If one need to have different actions for different comparisons, use e.g.:


    DATA2 = deepcopy(DATA1)
    DATA2["compare"] = {"VSH": "Vshale"}
    DATA2["actions"] =
            {"warn": "anywell < 86%", "stop": "anywell < 75%"},
            {"warn": "allwells < 97%", "stop": "allwells < 89%"},

and rerrun.

Note that ``any`` and ``all`` will work as shortform to ``anywell`` and ``allwell``.


import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from jsonschema import validate

from import _QCCommon
from import QCData
from import ActionsParser, QCForward, actions_validator

QCC = _QCCommon()

class _LocalData:
    def __init__(self):
        """Defining and hold data local (or special) for this routine."""
        self.actions = None = None
        self.infotext = "BW vs GRIDPROPS"
        self.nametag = None
        self.reportfile = None
        self.tolerance = 0.01  # tolerance when comparing
        self.show_data = None
        self.tvd_range = None

        QCC.print_debug("Initialized local data _LocalData")

    def parse_data(self, data):
        """Parsing the actual data"""

        self.nametag = data.get("nametag", "unset_nametag")
        if "report" in data:
            self.reportfile = (
                if isinstance(data["report"], dict)
                else data["report"]

        self.actions = actions_validator(data["actions"]) = data["compare"]
        self.tolerance = data.get("tolerance", self.tolerance)
        self.show_data = data.get("show_data", self.show_data)
        self.tvd_range = data.get("tvd_range", self.tvd_range)
        QCC.print_debug("Parsing data is done")

[docs] class BlockedWellsVsGridProperties(QCForward):
[docs] def run( self, data: Union[dict, str], reuse: Optional[bool] = False, project: Optional[Any] = None, ): """Main routine for evaluating blockedwells vs gridproperties The routine depends on existing XTGeo functions for this purpose. Args: data (dict or str): The input data either as a Python dictionary or a path to a YAML file reuse (bool or list): Reusing some "timeconsuming to read" data in the instance. If True, then grid and gridprops will be reused as default. Alternatively it can be a list for more fine grained control, e.g. ["grid", "gridprops", "bwells"] project (Union[object, str]): For usage inside RMS, None if running files """ self._data = self.handle_data(data, project) self._validate_input(self._data, project) QCC.verbosity = self._data.get("verbosity", 0) # parse data that are special for this check QCC.print_info("Parsing additional data...") self.ldata = _LocalData() self.ldata.parse_data(self._data) # now need to retrieve blocked properties and grid properties from the "compare" # dictionary: wsettings = {"lognames": list(} if project: # inside RMS, get gridprops implicitly from compare values self._data["gridprops"] = list( if not isinstance(self.gdata, QCData): self.gdata = QCData() self.gdata.parse( data=self._data, reuse=reuse, project=project, wells_settings=wsettings ) dfr, comb = self.compare_bw_props() QCC.print_debug(f"Results: \n{dfr}") status = self.evaluate_qcreport( dfr, "blocked wells vs grid props", stopaction=False ) # make it possible to print the underlying dataframe, either some wells (.e.g # the failing) or all wells. If 'fail' it will only show those lines that # contains FAIL show = self.ldata.show_data if show is None or show is False: pass elif isinstance(show, dict): if "lines" not in show or "wellstatus" not in show: raise ValueError( f"The 'showdata' entry is in an invalid form or format: {show}" ) lines = show["lines"].upper() wstatus = show["wellstatus"].upper() print( f"\n** Key 'show_data' is active, here showing lines with {lines} " f"for wells classified as {wstatus} **" ) # filter out all line with word FAIL or WARN or ... , h/t HAVB fcomb = comb[comb.astype(str).agg("".join, axis=1).str.contains(lines)] if len(fcomb) > 0: mask = dfr["STATUS"] == wstatus wells = [well for well in dfr[mask]["WELL"].unique() if well != "all"] if wells: print(f"Wells within {wstatus} criteria are: {wells}:\n") print(fcomb[fcomb["WELLNAME"].isin(wells)].to_string()) else: print(f"No wells within {wstatus} criteria") else: print(f"No lines are matching {lines}. Wrong input?:\n") else: print("Show all well cells for all wells:") if len(comb) > 0: print(comb.to_string()) if status == "STOP": QCC.force_stop("STOP criteria is found!")
[docs] def compare_bw_props(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Given data, do a comparison of blcked wells cells vs props, via XTGeo.""" # dataframe for the blocked wells dfbw = self.gdata.bwells.get_dataframe() if self._gdata.project is not None: # when parsing blocked wells from RMS, cell indices starts from 0, not 1 dfbw["I_INDEX"] += 1 dfbw["J_INDEX"] += 1 dfbw["K_INDEX"] += 1 # filtering on depth tvd_range: if self.ldata.tvd_range and isinstance(self.ldata.tvd_range, list): zmin = self.ldata.tvd_range[0] zmax = self.ldata.tvd_range[1] if zmin >= zmax: raise ValueError("The zmin value >= zmax in 'tvd_range'") dfbw = dfbw[dfbw["Z_TVDSS"] >= zmin] dfbw = dfbw[dfbw["Z_TVDSS"] <= zmax] if dfbw.empty: raise RuntimeError( f"No wells left after tvd_range: {self.ldata.tvd_range}" ) # dataframe for the properties, need some processing (column names) dfprops = self.gdata.gridprops.get_dataframe(ijk=True, grid=self.gdata.grid) dfprops = dfprops.rename( columns={"IX": "I_INDEX", "JY": "J_INDEX", "KZ": "K_INDEX"} ) # merge the dataframe on I J K index comb = pd.merge( dfbw, dfprops, how="inner", on=["I_INDEX", "J_INDEX", "K_INDEX"], suffixes=("__bw", "__model"), # in case the names are equal -> add suffix ) QCC.print_debug("Made a combined dataframe!") QCC.print_debug(f"\n {comb}") diffs = {} # compare the relevant properties for bwprop, modelprop in usebwprop = bwprop if bwprop != modelprop else bwprop + "__bw" usemodelprop = modelprop if bwprop != modelprop else modelprop + "__model" dname = bwprop + ":" + modelprop dnameflag = dname + "_flag" comb = self._eval_tolerance(comb, usebwprop, usemodelprop, dname, dnameflag) diffs[dname] = dnameflag return self._evaluate_diffs(comb, diffs), comb
def _eval_tolerance(self, df_in, bwprop, modelprop, diffname, diffnameflag): """Make a flag log for diffs based on tolerance input.""" comb = df_in.copy() tol = self.ldata.tolerance relative = isinstance(tol, dict) and "rel" in tol tolerance = tol if isinstance(tol, float) else list(tol.values())[0] comb[diffname] = comb[bwprop] - comb[modelprop] comb[diffnameflag] = "MATCH" if relative: # adjust relative to be weighted on mean() value comb[bwprop + "_mean"] = comb[bwprop].mean() comb[diffname + "_rel"] = comb[diffname] / comb[bwprop + "_mean"] comb.loc[abs(comb[diffname + "_rel"]) > tolerance, diffnameflag] = "FAIL" else: comb.loc[abs(comb[diffname]) > tolerance, diffnameflag] = "FAIL" return comb def _evaluate_diffs(self, comb, diffs) -> pd.DataFrame: result: OrderedDict = OrderedDict( [ ("WELL", []), ("COMPARE(BW:MODEL)", []), ("WARNRULE", []), ("STOPRULE", []), ("MATCH%", []), ("STATUS", []), ] ) wells = list(comb["WELLNAME"].unique()) wells.append("all") QCC.print_info("Compare per well...") for wname in wells: subset = comb[comb["WELLNAME"] == wname] for diff, flag in diffs.items(): result["WELL"].append(wname) result["COMPARE(BW:MODEL)"].append(diff) if wname != "all": match = subset[flag].value_counts(normalize=True)["MATCH"] * 100.0 else: match = comb[flag].value_counts(normalize=True)["MATCH"] * 100.0 result["MATCH%"].append(match) status = "OK" for therule in self.ldata.actions: warnrule = ActionsParser( therule.get("warn", None), mode="warn", verbosity=QCC.verbosity ) stoprule = ActionsParser( therule.get("stop", None), mode="stop", verbosity=QCC.verbosity ) for _, issue in enumerate([warnrule, stoprule]): if (wname != "all" and not issue.all) or ( wname == "all" and issue.all ): rulename = issue.mode.upper() + "RULE" result[rulename].append(issue.expression) if == "<" and match < issue.limit: status = issue.mode.upper() result["STATUS"].append(status) dfr = self.make_report( result, reportfile=self.ldata.reportfile, nametag=self.ldata.nametag ) QCC.print_info("Dataframe is created") return dfr @staticmethod def _validate_input(data, project): """Validate data against JSON schemas, TODO complete schemas""" spath = Path( / "qcforward" / "_schemas" schemafile = "bw_vs_gridprops_asfile.json" if project: schemafile = "bw_vs_gridprops_asroxapi.json" with open((spath / schemafile), "r", encoding="utf-8") as thisschema: schema = json.load(thisschema) validate(instance=data, schema=schema)