This private module in qcforward is used to check grid quality
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from jsonschema import validate
import fmu.tools
from fmu.tools._common import _QCCommon
from fmu.tools.qcdata import QCData
from fmu.tools.qcforward._qcforward import ActionsParser, QCForward
QCC = _QCCommon()
UNDEF = float("nan")
class _LocalData:
def __init__(self):
"""Defining and hold data local for this routine"""
self.actions = None
self.infotext = "GRID QUALITY"
self.nametag = None
self.reportfile = None
self.writeicon = False
def parse_data(self, data):
"""Parsing the actual data"""
# TODO: verify and qc
self.nametag = data.get("nametag", "unset_nametag")
if "report" in data:
self.reportfile = (
if isinstance(data["report"], dict)
else data["report"]
self.actions = data["actions"]
self.writeicon = data.get("writeicon", False)
class GridQuality(QCForward):
def run(self, data, reuse=False, project=None):
"""Main routine for evaluating grid quality and stop/warn if too bad
The routine depends on existing XTGeo functions for this purpose.
data (dict or str): The input data either as a Python dictionary or
a path to a YAML file
reuse (bool or list): Reusing some "timeconsuming to read" data in the
instance. If True, then grid and gridprops will be reused as default.
Alternatively it can be a list for more fine grained control, e.g.
["grid", "gridprops", "wells"]
project (Union[object, str]): For usage inside RMS, None if running files
self._data = self.handle_data(data, project)
self._validate_input(self._data, project)
QCC.verbosity = self._data.get("verbosity", 0)
# parse data that are special for this check
QCC.print_info("Parsing additional data...")
self.ldata = _LocalData()
if isinstance(self.gdata, QCData):
self.gdata.parse(data=data, reuse=reuse, project=project)
self.gdata = QCData()
dfr = self.check_gridquality()
QCC.print_debug(f"Results: \n{dfr}")
self.evaluate_qcreport(dfr, "grid quality")
def check_gridquality(self):
Given data, do check of gridquality via XTGeo
Final result will be a table like this::
minangle_top_base[0] all>10%ifx<60 13.44 all>0%ifx<40 2.32 WARN
collapsed[0] all>15% 12.25 allcells>30% 0.0 OK
# get properties via XTGeo method get_gridquality_properties()
gqc = self.gdata.grid.get_gridquality_properties()
actions = self.ldata.actions
if actions is None:
raise ValueError("No actions are defined for grid quality")
result = OrderedDict(
("WARNRULE", []),
("WARN%", []),
("STOPRULE", []),
("STOP%", []),
("STATUS", []),
for prop in gqc.props:
# gqc.props is a list of all gridquality properties, but not all of these
# are defined in input actions.
therules = actions.get(prop.name, None)
if self.data["project"] and self.ldata.writeicon and therules is not None:
QCC.print_info(f"Write icon in RMS for {prop.name}")
prop.to_roxar(self.data["project"], self.data["grid"], prop.name)
if therules is None:
for numrule, therule in enumerate(therules):
warnrule = ActionsParser(
therule.get("warn", None), mode="warn", verbosity=QCC.verbosity
stoprule = ActionsParser(
therule.get("stop", None), mode="stop", verbosity=QCC.verbosity
QCC.print_debug(f"WARN RULE {warnrule.status}")
QCC.print_debug(f"STOP RULE {stoprule.status}")
# if stoprule is None or warnrule is None:
# raise ValueError("Rules for both warn and stop must be defined")
status = "OK"
for issue in [warnrule, stoprule]:
status, result = self._evaluate_allcells(
issue, result, prop, status
dfr = self.make_report(
result, reportfile=self.ldata.reportfile, nametag=self.ldata.nametag
dfr.set_index("GRIDQUALITY", inplace=True)
return dfr
def _evaluate_allcells(issue, inresult, prop, instatus):
"""Evaluation of all cells per issue (warn or stop) given the criteria."""
result = deepcopy(inresult)
if issue.status is None:
result[issue.mode.upper() + "%"].append(UNDEF)
result[issue.mode.upper() + "RULE"].append(UNDEF)
status = "OK"
return status, result
ncell = prop.values.count()
if issue.given == "<":
nbyrule = (prop.values < issue.criteria).sum()
elif issue.given == ">":
nbyrule = (prop.values > issue.criteria).sum()
# e.g. discrete qual parameters such as 'faulted' have only 0 or 1 values
nbyrule = (prop.values > 0).sum()
actualpercent = 100.0 * nbyrule / ncell
result[issue.mode.upper() + "%"].append(actualpercent)
result[issue.mode.upper() + "RULE"].append(issue.expression)
if (issue.compare == ">" and actualpercent > issue.limit) or (
issue.compare == "<" and actualpercent < issue.limit
status = issue.mode.upper()
status = instatus
return status, result
def _validate_input(data, project):
"""Validate data against JSON schemas, TODO complete schemas"""
spath = Path(fmu.tools.__file__).parent / "qcforward" / "_schemas"
schemafile = "gridquality_asfile.json"
if project:
schemafile = "gridquality_asroxapi.json"
with open((spath / schemafile), "r", encoding="utf-8") as thisschema:
schema = json.load(thisschema)
validate(instance=data, schema=schema)