This private module in qcforward is used for grid statistics
import collections
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
import pandas as pd
from jsonschema import validate
import fmu.tools
from fmu.tools._common import _QCCommon
from fmu.tools.qcforward._qcforward import QCForward
from fmu.tools.qcproperties.qcproperties import QCProperties
QCC = _QCCommon()
class _LocalData:
def __init__(self):
"""Defining and hold data local for this routine"""
self.actions = None
self.nametag = None
self.reportfile = None
def parse_data(self, data):
"""Parsing the actual data"""
self.nametag = data.get("nametag", "-")
self.reportfile = data.get("report", None)
self.actions = data["actions"]
class GridStatistics(QCForward):
def run(
data: Union[dict, str],
project: Optional[Union[object, str]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Main routine for evaulating if statistics from 3D grids is
within user specified thresholds.
The routine depends on existing fmu.tools functionality for
extracting property statistics from 3D grids.
data (dict or str): The input data either as a Python dictionary or
a path to a YAML file
project (Union[object, str]): For usage inside RMS
self._data: dict = self.handle_data(data, project)
# TO-DO:
# self._validate_input(self._data)
data = self._data
QCC.verbosity = data.get("verbosity", 0)
# parse data that are special for this check
QCC.print_info("Parsing additional data...")
self.ldata = _LocalData()
dfr = self.check_gridstatistics(project, data)
QCC.print_debug(f"Results: \n{dfr}")
self.evaluate_qcreport(dfr, "grid statistics")
def check_gridstatistics(self, project, data):
Extract statistics per action and check if property value is
within user specified limits.
Returns a dataframe with results
qcp = QCProperties()
results = []
QCC.print_info("Checking status for items in actions...")
for action in self.ldata.actions:
# extract parameters from actions
data_upd = self._extract_parameters_from_action(data, action)
selectors, calculation = self._get_selecors_and_calculation(action)
# Create datframe with statistics
dframe = qcp.get_grid_statistics(project=project, data=data_upd)
# Get value from statistics for given property and selectors
value = self._get_statistical_value(
dframe, action["property"], calculation, selectors
status = "OK"
if (
"warn_outside" in action
and not action["warn_outside"][0] <= value <= action["warn_outside"][1]
status = "WARN"
if not action["stop_outside"][0] <= value <= action["stop_outside"][1]:
status = "STOP"
result = collections.OrderedDict()
result["PROPERTY"] = action["property"]
result["SELECTORS"] = f"{list(selectors.values())}"
result["FILTERS"] = "yes" if "filters" in action else "no"
result["CALCULATION"] = calculation
result["VALUE"] = value
result["STOP_LIMITS"] = f"{action['stop_outside']}"
result["WARN_LIMITS"] = (
f"{action['warn_outside']}" if "warn_outside" in action else "-"
result["STATUS"] = status
result["DESCRIPTION"] = action.get("description", "-")
return self.make_report(
results, reportfile=self.ldata.reportfile, nametag=self.ldata.nametag
def _validate_input(data: dict):
"""Validate data against JSON schemas"""
# TODO: complete JSON files
spath = Path(fmu.tools.__file__).parent / "qcforward" / "_schemas"
schemafile = "grid_statistics_asfile.json"
if "project" in data:
schemafile = "grid_statistics_asroxapi.json"
with open((spath / schemafile), "r", encoding="utf-8") as thisschema:
schema = json.load(thisschema)
validate(instance=data, schema=schema)
def _extract_parameters_from_action(data: dict, action: Dict[str, dict]) -> dict:
Extract property and selector data from actions
and convert to desired input format for QCProperties
data = data.copy()
properties: dict = {}
selectors: list = []
filters: dict = {}
if action["property"] not in properties:
properties[action["property"]] = {"name": action["property"]}
if "filters" in action:
filters = action["filters"]
if "selectors" in action:
for prop, filt in action["selectors"].items():
if prop not in selectors:
filters[prop] = {"include": filt}
data["properties"] = properties
data["selectors"] = selectors
data["filters"] = filters
return data
def _get_selecors_and_calculation(action: dict) -> tuple:
Get selectors and selected calculation from the action.
If a discrete property has been input it is added to the selctors.
If calculation is not specified a default is set.
selectors = action.get("selectors", {})
if "codename" in action:
selectors.update({action["property"]: action["codename"]})
calculation = action.get("calculation", "Avg")
return selectors, calculation
def _get_statistical_value(
dframe: pd.DataFrame,
prop: str,
calculation: str,
selectors: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> float:
Retrive statistical value from the property statistic dataframe
dframe = dframe[dframe["PROPERTY"] == prop].copy()
if selectors is not None:
for selector, value in selectors.items():
dframe = dframe[dframe[selector] == value]
if len(dframe.index) > 1:
raise Exception("Ambiguous result, multiple rows meet conditions")
return dframe.iloc[0][calculation]