The qcforward methods module
This is a function based approach, but in many cases it may be better
if the user make an explicit instance in the calling script, in particular if
the job is about to be read numerous times with the ``reuse`` option
from fmu.tools import qcforward
# .. define data
# vs
qcjob = qcforward.WellZonationVsGrid()
from fmu.tools.qcforward._blockedwells_vs_gridprops import BlockedWellsVsGridProperties
from fmu.tools.qcforward._grid_quality import GridQuality
from fmu.tools.qcforward._grid_statistics import GridStatistics
from fmu.tools.qcforward._wellzonation_vs_grid import WellZonationVsGrid
[docs]def wellzonation_vs_grid(data, project=None):
"""Check well zonation or perforations vs 3D grid.
data (dict): This is dictonary telling where data comes from
wzong = WellZonationVsGrid()
wzong.run(data, project=project)
[docs]def grid_statistics(data, project=None):
"""Check statistics in 3D grid against user input.
data (dict or str): The input data either as a Python dictionary or
a path to a YAML file
gps = GridStatistics()
gps.run(data, project=project)
[docs]def blockedwells_vs_gridproperties(data, project=None):
"""Check blocked wells vs vs grid props.
data (dict or str): The input data either as a Python dictionary or
a path to a YAML file
bwgp = BlockedWellsVsGridProperties()
bwgp.run(data, project=project)
[docs]def grid_quality(data, project=None):
"""Check grid quality in 3D grid against user input.
data (dict): The input data either as a Python dictionary or
a path to a YAML file
gqual = GridQuality()
gqual.run(data, project=project)