Source code for

import copy
from typing import Dict, List

import numpy as np
import xtgeo

[docs] def create_bw_per_facies( project, grid_name: str, bw_name: str, original_petro_log_names: List[str], facies_log_name: str, facies_code_names: Dict[int, str], debug_print: bool = False, ) -> None: """Function to be imported and applied in a RMS python job to create new petrophysical logs from original logs, but with one log per facies. All grid blocks for the blocked wells not belonging to the facies is set to undefined. Purpose: Create the blocked well logs to be used to condition petrophysical realizations where all grid cells are assumed to belong to only one facies. This script will not modify any of the original logs, only create new logs where only petrophysical log values for one facies is selected and all other are set ot undefined. Input: grid model name, blocked well set name, list of original log names to use, facies log name, facies code with facies name dictionary Output: One new petro log per facies per petro variables in the input list of original log names. The output will be saved in the given blocked well set specified in the input. """ original_log_names = copy.copy(original_petro_log_names) original_log_names.append(facies_log_name) bw = xtgeo.blockedwells_from_roxar( project, grid_name, bw_name, lognames=original_log_names ) print(" ") print(f"Update blocked well set {bw_name} for grid model {grid_name}:") for well in bw.wells: if debug_print: print(f"Wellname: {}") # Update the new logs by only keeping petro variables # belonging to the current facies df = well.get_dataframe() new_log_names = [] for facies_code, fname in facies_code_names.items(): filtered_rows = df[facies_log_name] != int(facies_code) for petro_name in original_petro_log_names: if petro_name in well.lognames: new_log_name = fname + "_" + petro_name well.create_log(new_log_name) df[new_log_name] = df[petro_name] df[new_log_name][filtered_rows] = np.nan if debug_print: print(f" Create new log: {new_log_name}") new_log_names.append(new_log_name) well.set_dataframe(df) if debug_print: print(f"Well: {}") print(f"All logs: {well.lognames_all}") print("Dataframe for facies log and new logs:") df_updated = well.get_dataframe() selected_log_names = [] selected_log_names.append(facies_log_name) selected_log_names.extend(new_log_names) print(f"{df_updated[selected_log_names]}") print(f"Create new logs for well {}") if debug_print: print("-" * 100) well.to_roxar( project, grid_name, bw_name,, lognames=new_log_names, update_option="overwrite", ) print("New logs: ") for name in new_log_names: print(f" {name}")