"""Module for handling volumetrics text files from RMS"""
import argparse
import logging
import signal
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import pandas as pd
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def merge_rms_volumetrics(filebase: str, rmsrealsuffix: str = "_1") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Locate, parse and merge multiple volumetrics output files from RMS
Columns in parsed files will be renamed according to the hydrocarbon phase,
which will be deduced from the filenames. Columns will be merged
horizontally on common column names (typically Region, Zone, Facies,
Licence boundary etc.)
filebase: Filename base, with absolute or relative path included,
"<filebase>_oil_1.txt", "<filebase>_gas_1.txt", etc will be looked for.
rmsrealsuffix: String that will be used when searching for files. In a
normal FMU context, this should always be kept as the default "_1".
volframes = [
for volfile in _find_volumetrics_files(filebase, rmsrealsuffix)
common_columns = list(
set.intersection(*[set(frame.columns) for frame in volframes])
# Merge all frames on the commmon columns:
merged_dframe = pd.DataFrame(columns=common_columns)
for frame in volframes:
merged_dframe = pd.merge(merged_dframe, frame, on=common_columns, how="outer")
return merged_dframe
def _find_volumetrics_files(filebase: str, rmsrealsuffix: str) -> List[Path]:
"""Find files on disk that potentially are volumetrics files given a filebase."""
phases_to_look_for = ["oil", "gas", "total"]
filesfound = []
for phase in phases_to_look_for:
filecandidate = Path(filebase + "_" + phase + rmsrealsuffix + ".txt")
if filecandidate.exists():
if not filesfound:
raise OSError(f"No volumetrics files found for filebase {filebase}")
return filesfound
def rmsvolumetrics_txt2df(
txtfile: Union[Path, str],
columnrenamer: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
phase: Optional[str] = None,
outfile: Optional[str] = None,
regionrenamer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
zonerenamer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
"""Parse the volumetrics txt file from RMS as Pandas dataframe
Columns will be renamed according to FMU standard,
txtfile: path to file emitted by RMS Volumetrics job.
Can also be a Path object.
columnrenamer: dictionary for renaming column. Will be merged
with a default renaming dictionary (anything specified here will
override any defaults)
phase: stating typically 'GAS', 'OIL' or 'TOTAL', signifying
what kind of data is in the file. Will be appended to column names,
and is guessed from filename if not provided.
outfile: filename to write CSV data to.
If directory does not exist, it will be made.
regionrenamer: a function that when applied on strings, return a
new string. If used, will be applied to every region value,
using pandas.Series.apply()
zonerenamer: ditto for the zone column
The renamer functions could be defined like this::
def myregionrenamer(s):
return s.replace('Equilibrium_region_', '')
or the same using a lambda expression.
# First find out which row the data starts at:
headerline = 0 # 0 is the first line
for line in Path(txtfile).read_text().splitlines():
if "Zone" in line or "Region" in line or "Facies" in line:
headerline = headerline + 1
vol_df = pd.read_csv(txtfile, sep=r"\s\s+", skiprows=headerline, engine="python")
# Enforce FMU standard:
# https://wiki.statoil.no/wiki/index.php/FMU_standards
# on column names
# The Real column from RMS is not real.. Ignore it.
if "Real" in vol_df.columns:
vol_df.drop("Real", axis=1, inplace=True)
if phase is None:
phase = guess_phase(str(txtfile))
columns = {
"Zone": "ZONE",
"Region index": "REGION",
"Facies": "FACIES",
"License boundaries": "LICENSE",
"Bulk": "BULK_" + phase,
"Net": "NET_" + phase,
"Hcpv": "HCPV_" + phase,
"Pore": "PORV_" + phase,
"Stoiip": "STOIIP_" + phase,
"Giip": "GIIP_" + phase,
"Assoc.Liquid": "ASSOCIATEDOIL_" + phase,
"Assoc.Gas": "ASSOCIATEDGAS_" + phase,
if columnrenamer:
# Overwrite with user supplied column conversion
vol_df.rename(columns, axis=1, inplace=True)
# Work on the data itself:
if regionrenamer:
vol_df["REGION"] = vol_df["REGION"].apply(regionrenamer)
if zonerenamer:
vol_df["ZONE"] = vol_df["ZONE"].apply(zonerenamer)
index_columns = ["ZONE", "REGION", "LICENSE", "FACIES"]
present_index_columns = list(set(index_columns).intersection(vol_df.columns))
# Index columns should always be of string datatype:
vol_df[present_index_columns] = vol_df[present_index_columns].astype(str)
# Remove the Totals rows in case they are present, signified by the
# magic value "Totals" in any of the index columns:
totalsrows = pd.Series([False] * len(vol_df))
for col in present_index_columns:
totalsrows = totalsrows | (vol_df[col] == "Totals")
vol_df = vol_df[~totalsrows].reset_index(drop=True)
if outfile:
Path(outfile).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
vol_df.to_csv(outfile, index=False)
return vol_df
def guess_phase(text: str) -> str:
"""From a text-file, guess which phase the text file
concerns, oil, gas or the "total" phase.
text (str): Multiline
str: "OIL", "GAS" or "TOTAL"
ValueError if guessing fails.
if "oil" in str(text).lower():
return "OIL"
if "gas" in str(text).lower():
return "GAS"
if "total" in str(text).lower():
return "TOTAL"
raise ValueError("Not able to guess phase")
def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Set up parser for command line utility"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Convert single RMS volumetrics files to CSV"
parser.add_argument("rmsvolumetricsfile", type=str)
"Set typically to 'GAS', 'OIL' or 'TOTAL'. "
"Will be appended to column headers. "
"If not given, it will be guessed from the filename"
help="Name of output CSV file. Use '-' for stdout (default)",
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose")
return parser
def rmsvolumetrics2csv_main() -> None:
"""Endpoint for command line utility for converting one file at a time"""
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
vol_df = rmsvolumetrics_txt2df(args.rmsvolumetricsfile, phase=args.phase)
if args.output == "-":
# Ignore pipe errors when writing to stdout.
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
vol_df.to_csv(sys.stdout, index=False)
Path(args.output).parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
vol_df.to_csv(args.output, index=False)
print("Wrote to " + args.output)