Convert CSV files with production data to OFM vol-format

usage: csv2ofmvol [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [--version] csvfiles [csvfiles ...]

Positional Arguments


CSV files with data

Named Arguments

-o, --output

Default: “pdm_data.vol”

-v, --verbose

Be verbose

Default: False


show program’s version number and exit

The indented usage is to process CSV files outputted from the pyPDM library (possibly from the script ‘export_production_data’) and then convert this back to OFM (OilField Manager) “vol”-format, which gives the easiest route into Roxar’s RMS, through a Production Profile Import job.

Example input CSV data:

2010-01-01, A-3,  1000
2011-01-01, A-3,  2000
2012-01-01, A-3,  3000

which will produce the following vol-file output:

2010-01-01  1000
2011-01-01  2000
2012-01-01  3000

In order to import such a file into RMS, select “OilField Manager text”, and ensure you set the date format to yyyy-MM-dd (ISO-8601).

See also the ofmvol2csv utility.